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There is IsPlayerSungazing. It was introduced when Dawnguard was released so that the Bloodcursed arrows could perform their task of blotting out the sun for a short period. However, that is not an event so you would probably need to register for a single update loop and check for when that function is true before proceeding.


At any rate, if you want it to behave like Frostfall, take a look at how Frostfall did it.

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At any rate, if you want it to behave like Frostfall, take a look at how Frostfall did it.

I have loaded Frostfall's esp into ck, but it says it has a problem accessing the scripts so I can't look at them.


Oh and thank you @cdcooley that's helped a lot!

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I want to run the mod "Hunting in Skyrim" with "Requiem" but can't find if it's compatible, or needs a patch. I've heard it can be checked in Tes5edit and I have no problem doing that, found a couple good videos. One thing though, which esp goes on top when checking, HIS or Requiem? What I mean is, does load order matter when checking for conflicts and possibly making a patch in Tes5edit? Edited by durham1984
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I've seen mods such as "Wrath of Nature: Path of the Druid" and other such things that include custom transformation spells, Path of the Druid in particular allows you to transform into an ice wolf, a tiger (reskinned saber cat), a bear, and a Spriggan.


I want to know how transformation spells work in Skyrim and how to make my own in the CK, whether it involves SKSE or not. I tried to look at the script for "Path of the Druid", but they're in that .pex file format and cannot be opened by the CK, and I was unable to contact that mod's author.


If I could replicate, say, the Spriggan transformation spell, I'd really like to be able to.

Edited by ZeroCore
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  • 1 month later...

Quick Question Short of it: I can run CK through MO no problem. When I try to run it outside of MO directly from my Skyrim folder it will not launch. Please advise.


Long version: I have been running CK through MO for about the past 4 months since I've had my current rig. (previously ran it outside MO) I attempted my first crack at creating a custom Trainer NPC which requires a minor script compile. I found out it cant be done without some additional work-arounds (which I'm exploring through posts from Ishara Meridan) However, shouldn't I just be able to run CK outside of MO to do this? I'm not sure why it wont launch directly from the Skyrim folder. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Edited by jeyoon
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  • 3 weeks later...

So I am making a small quest inside my new mod Player home, I have a follower.


home works fine, follower shows up and I had a small dialogue with her, at the end of this chat with her, I want her to leave me and the player home.


So I have stages in the quest, and at the last dialogue in the papyrus fragment I have this

;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname NGIJ_TIF__040E24F9 Extends TopicInfo Hidden

Function Fragment_1(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)
Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment 

Among things I am trying to get it to move the stage to 20


Then on stage 20 of the quest in the papyrus fragment of stage 30 I have Setstage(30)


(now at this point I do not know if the quest stage has been set to 30 ??)


What I need help with is :


How do I make sure or find out quest stage is 30 and where/how do I place this script:

ReferenceAlias Property Leala Auto
ObjectReference Property NGIJ_LealaLeaveXmarker  Auto


I have the Alias setup in the quest aliases and have the Xmarker referenced also.




UPDATE: so I am working late on this and I now can see the int he last dialogue I have with Leala, I have placed

Debug.MessageBox("You hear stage 20 b&@*$!")

and on screen in game after she says her last line.... sure enough I get the messagebox above. So I think I can safely say I have move it to stage 20..


I have read

** FROM  Isharameradin  **
You cannot add properties inside of a fragment.  Fragments are functions and properties must be defined outside of them.  Also, you cannot add properties to a script that does not yet exist.
Here is what you need to do:
In the fragment box type the following
;place holder text
Compile the script fragment.
OK to close out the quest
Re-open the quest.
Go to the stage, click on the properties button and add your properties.
Replace the place holder text with your fragment code
Should have no errors throughout the process unless your script code itself has issues.

So I will work on this.... but I am not completely understanding it?

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Determine a stage of a quest on a fragment of that quest:

If GetOwningQuest().GetStage() == 30
  ;do something

However, once you use SetStage(30) you are on stage 30 and the previous stage is done.




Regarding the part copied from a post I made before...

Basically, the quest fragment script needs to exist before properties and code that uses properties can be added to it.


If you have not created any fragments for that quest yet, then there is no existing script and you need to have the CK create it. In order to do this, add a commented line or just a semi-colon (;) and then compile. That causes the CK to create the script and make it possible for you to add properties and any code that uses those properties.


Should the quest fragment script already exist (there is only one per quest, all quest stage fragments are merged into a single script file), you can go ahead and add properties and/or code as needed.

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