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Odd conundrum... I followed a tutorial for placing mannequins in my house. I save, load the game, and run over, and the mannequin looks like it is not there. I DO get the "activate mannequin" message. So, I do. As I place items on it, they appear, without a mannequin, until I exit out - only then is the mannequin visible. Any reasons why this might happen? I used Darkfox's tutorial.

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Was your character in the house already? If so that would explain the problem. Loading a save game into a cell that has just been altered often has quirks like that.

That would explain it... Stupid crap I didn't think of. lol, thank you!

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Transform(Modify a Bone) using Papyrus? How?


My UE4 blueprint is way too huge to post in here, so I'd rather not. Basically you take a bone out of a skeleton and you change it's rotation to what you want to.


Now, my objective is not to rotate the bone to nearby objects, but to the cursor, I realize that in order to do that I need to make the cursor an object or something of the sort, need to experiment, but first I need to get over the first obstacle, and I don't know how, help?

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How might I design a function(s) that would allow me to register for the next Sundas? And, if a bool is met, then register for NEXT week's Sundas instead? I might be able to figure it out but I'm really bad with game time variables and I have no PC right now.


I will, however, think on it and if I find a solution post it. But it would be great if someone could give me a hand.

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Find the day the game starts on, create an array of strings and memorise each day in order starting from then(manually typed in). Make a string variable and memorise the current day name in it(from the array) and check gametime, after 12:00 make it memorise the next variable in the array and so on until in reaches Sundas and when it reaches Sundas and so on, you can add your conditions to register only on Sundas(if x[y] == "Sundas" && RegisterOnce==1 then RegisterOnce=0 do something).


This will only work from a blank savegame, to make it work on anything else: you have to check how much 1 hour converted means in Skyrim(0.100128 or something like that, debug and check, I've done that in a previous mod of mine but I didn't write down the details :tongue:) and just compare the value to the gametime when you first start Skyrim(in 24 hour increments), and using the array you'll be able to pinpoint the day that you're at.


Edit: I'm not sure if the day the game starts at is random or not, so this is based on the assumption that it is not :D.

Edited by Kerberus14
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That will likely work. There's a few ways that I can get t to work, I'm just hoping for something that won't require counting each day - something where I'll be able to calculate the nearest day of that type. Once I do that there's plenty I can do from there.


I think I may have a solution but I'll think on it.

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I posted a function that I think will work for you over on the Official forums. If you take GameDaysPassed % 7 Sundays will be 0 and the game always starts on Mundas because GameDaysPassed always starts as 1.

Much appreciated. I was just thinking about the use of that operator last night, and hoped it would work. I really appreciate you writing it out in entirety.

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