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Hi everybody! I need advice with script, hope someone can help, I'm become mad!



in short: I want to add a visual effect to a piece of armor when equipped.

for ex: equip a cigar, and a smoke effect starts to play on him, and stop when unequipped.


actually this page http://www.creationk...alEffect_Script give me the "most accurate" answer, but I don' t understand how to do, I've try many differents approach but nothing, I'm not skilled at scripting.


So how to correctly attach a visual effect to an object with script? I someone can help big thanks in advance!!!

Scriptname myCigarScript Extends ObjectReference
{Place this script on your cigar}

VisualEffect Property Smoke Auto 
Actor PlayerREF

Event OnInit()
	PlayerREF = Game.GetPlayer()

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	If akActor == PlayerREF; it's the player

Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor)
	If akActor == PlayerREF; it's the player again

Possible a silly question, but Google skills are failing me. how do I edit the visuals Dremora race in creation kit? In particular. how do I edit what is summoned with the "dremora lord" spell.

Go find the Dremora lord summon Magic Effect under Magic>Magic Effects, you can edit what it summons from there, by editing the MGEF. The MGEF will have an Effect Archetype of Summon Creature, just change the creature to summon.

When I try to load the cell I made through coc cellname, all the console replies getNumericPackageData >> 0.00


How do I fix this so that I can get back in my cell?



This means you're trying to COC into a cell that doesn't exist. You either have the wrong name or forgot to load up your mod. This console stuff like getNumericPackageData doesn't do anything, it's not what's causing the issue. It's just the console saying "we can't do that, here's what we know right now".

Superman is doing his rounds today I see ;)

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Possible a silly question, but Google skills are failing me. how do I edit the visuals Dremora race in creation kit? In particular. how do I edit what is summoned with the "dremora lord" spell.

Go find the Dremora lord summon Magic Effect under Magic>Magic Effects, you can edit what it summons from there, by editing the MGEF. The MGEF will have an Effect Archetype of Summon Creature, just change the creature to summon.


So just create a new entry and edit the spell? As to clarify I just want to change the visual of the summoned creature, not what is being summoned. Custom skin and such.

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Possible a silly question, but Google skills are failing me. how do I edit the visuals Dremora race in creation kit? In particular. how do I edit what is summoned with the "dremora lord" spell.

Go find the Dremora lord summon Magic Effect under Magic>Magic Effects, you can edit what it summons from there, by editing the MGEF. The MGEF will have an Effect Archetype of Summon Creature, just change the creature to summon.


So just create a new entry and edit the spell? As to clarify I just want to change the visual of the summoned creature, not what is being summoned. Custom skin and such.


Oh, that's different.


Then you make a custom skin for the creature, duplicate the dremora, keep everything except change the Skin to your new Skin, then duplicate the spell and in the duplicate change what it's summoning (or directly edit the base spell, if you want).

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Possible a silly question, but Google skills are failing me. how do I edit the visuals Dremora race in creation kit? In particular. how do I edit what is summoned with the "dremora lord" spell.

Go find the Dremora lord summon Magic Effect under Magic>Magic Effects, you can edit what it summons from there, by editing the MGEF. The MGEF will have an Effect Archetype of Summon Creature, just change the creature to summon.


So just create a new entry and edit the spell? As to clarify I just want to change the visual of the summoned creature, not what is being summoned. Custom skin and such.


Oh, that's different.


Then you make a custom skin for the creature, duplicate the dremora, keep everything except change the Skin to your new Skin, then duplicate the spell and in the duplicate change what it's summoning (or directly edit the base spell, if you want).


But where? How? I have been looking for the Dremora entry but I just can't find it. T.T

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I used ECE to make my custom follower's face, saved my character's preset to a certain CME save file so I could import it properly into the CK via NoseType32 and now I'm not sure if I still need the CME save. If it gets overwritten, will my npc's face get messed up, or will it be fine? Also, would someone need ECE to be able to use my follower? I have a friend who has Skyrim on PC and doesn't use any character/appearance mods, if I emailed him just the .esp file would it work in his game?


Edit: One more question, sorry! I gave my follower an elven bow and 50 elven arrows. When she runs out of arrows is that it or will she spawn a bunch of iron arrows?

Edited by NBalchemist
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I used ECE to make my custom follower's face, saved my character's preset to a certain CME save file so I could import it properly into the CK via NoseType32 and now I'm not sure if I still need the CME save. If it gets overwritten, will my npc's face get messed up, or will it be fine? Also, would someone need ECE to be able to use my follower? I have a friend who has Skyrim on PC and doesn't use any character/appearance mods, if I emailed him just the .esp file would it work in his game?


Edit: One more question, sorry! I gave my follower an elven bow and 50 elven arrows. When she runs out of arrows is that it or will she spawn a bunch of iron arrows?

I don't know if NPCs run out of arrows. I thought they didn't but I could eb wrong.

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