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Ok made a bit of headway.


This item/object now can be hit with my sword, and it will explode and become disabled. However, as many scripts as I try, I can't set a stage from the item exploding on hit, any pointers?

Thye reason why I am trying to set a stage is I can move the player with ease from the combat zone. Maybe there's another way to move the player without a setstage?

Just do SetStage right after you place the explosion....?


If that's not working, just do MoveTo right after the explosion. http://www.creationkit.com/MoveTo_-_ObjectReference

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Ok made a bit of headway.


This item/object now can be hit with my sword, and it will explode and become disabled. However, as many scripts as I try, I can't set a stage from the item exploding on hit, any pointers?

Thye reason why I am trying to set a stage is I can move the player with ease from the combat zone. Maybe there's another way to move the player without a setstage?

Just do SetStage right after you place the explosion....?


If that's not working, just do MoveTo right after the explosion. http://www.creationkit.com/MoveTo_-_ObjectReference


Thanks Matt, and everyone for their posts, my problem was imagine trying to set a stage or move the player after say, striking a barrel, the barrel will explode, but there was nothing I could do to either move the player via script (not good enough to know what I am doing properly) or set stage, but the OnHit and Attacked defaults only seem to work on actors, not inanimate objects such as barrels etc.


So, I found a work around by placing a SetStageTriggerOnLeave made my own explosion and literally blew the Dragonborn (and anyone else in the vacinity) right out of the triggerbox, crude but effective :P

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Hello everyone. I recently tried updating my Bodyslider 2 and Outfit studio to the newest version as I was at 2.3 and its now at 2.7c. This is the first time I've ever gone back and tried getting a newer version of a mod. I didn't see a newer plugin or something to that effect so I ended up redownloading the whole mod w/ NMM but it doesn't have all my outfits, presets, and assorted clothes I've spent months now gathering and tweaking. I haven't deleted the old version for apprehension of losing all of my saved things and I don't know how to put them into the new version. So now I have 2 bodyslider mods and crippling fear of losing my stuff has me not sure what to do. If it's not obvious I'm only a beginner at this.

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I used ECE to make my custom follower's face, saved my character's preset to a certain CME save file so I could import it properly into the CK via NoseType32 and now I'm not sure if I still need the CME save. If it gets overwritten, will my npc's face get messed up, or will it be fine? Also, would someone need ECE to be able to use my follower? I have a friend who has Skyrim on PC and doesn't use any character/appearance mods, if I emailed him just the .esp file would it work in his game?


Edit: One more question, sorry! I gave my follower an elven bow and 50 elven arrows. When she runs out of arrows is that it or will she spawn a bunch of iron arrows?

I don't know if NPCs run out of arrows. I thought they didn't but I could eb wrong.


I quick tested it in game, I left her with only her bow and a single arrow and told her to attack stuff. She used her arrow and then started punching everything. I wonder, if I don't give her any arrows in the CK will the game give her a bunch, since she has a bow?


If the npc is hit by arrows, they can collect/keep them. Lydia seems good at this, as I gave her a bow and no arrows...eventually she had collected several handfuls of iron and steel in only a few bandit skirmishes.


There may be a glitch where if ammo is in inventory a mod could cause the inventory to be reloaded, re-upping the ammo count(?)..or otherwise edit/override the inventory.


I'll try running into a bandit camp with her and see if she has more arrows afterwards. About inventory weirdness, I parted ways with her and then wore an amulet of mara to make sure her potential marriage status was working. After the wedding I recruited her again and decided to look at her inventory, she had a bunch of random crap that wasn't there before, but still had all the stuff she started out with. I'm not sure if that's normal or not.

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Ok... I've not done this before and I realize that I'm probably in over my head before I even start...BUT is it even possible to create a replica of a house which I built out of logs and hand sawed planks..built entirely by hand in the real world piney woods of the pacific northwest..this happened...er well some time ago... but I thought it would be great to re-create it in skyrim...however, I've been watching you tube tutorials on the creation kit and I realize I'm gonna need a lot more flexibility with walls ect..For example...do you have to write your own texture packs to get something besides stone walls and floors and a thatched roof? also one side of it needs to be round with a spiral stair going to an upper level...and with bay windows you can actually see through.....I am a builder ...just not in the virtual world..and I know there will be a learning curve for that.. probably too steep of one for me i'm afraid....so Again... CAN it even be done? it's a neat little cabin and would be well worth some time and effort to re-build it in the virtual world..so...how about it.. any one out there like to help on such a project??...woodsmn

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Ok... I've not done this before and I realize that I'm probably in over my head before I even start...BUT is it even possible to create a replica of a house which I built out of logs and hand sawed planks..built entirely by hand in the real world piney woods of the pacific northwest..this happened...er well some time ago... but I thought it would be great to re-create it in skyrim...however, I've been watching you tube tutorials on the creation kit and I realize I'm gonna need a lot more flexibility with walls ect..For example...do you have to write your own texture packs to get something besides stone walls and floors and a thatched roof? also one side of it needs to be round with a spiral stair going to an upper level...and with bay windows you can actually see through.....I am a builder ...just not in the virtual world..and I know there will be a learning curve for that.. probably too steep of one for me i'm afraid....so Again... CAN it even be done? it's a neat little cabin and would be well worth some time and effort to re-build it in the virtual world..so...how about it.. any one out there like to help on such a project??...woodsmn

My best guess would be to take a look at Heartwood Cottage and other no-load door homes by wreznor. Strip apart their mods and see how they pieced these together. You may still need to have some custom pieces created.

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How do i make a trigger so a custom music plays when the player starts talking with a certain NPC?


P,S how do i make that NPC start in "surrendering pose"?

In the begin fragment of the dialogue of the NPC, make a MusicType property for your music, fill it, and then put this in the begin fragment:




If you don't know what any of that means, you should really start with the CK Wiki first:



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How do I find a small settlement in creation kit? I want to drop a npc in Karthwasten, but I have no idea how to find it in the creation kit.

Since it's an exterior, what I usually do is go to Actors>Find an NPC who lives there>Right click>Use Info>double click on the part that shows them in the cell view.


Or, find a cell in Karthwasten in Interiors, go to it, and then use the yellow door marker to go outside.

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