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I need help with scripting. I am trying to make my new race automatically have the Ring of Namira ability, which will allow it to feed on dead people and gain health. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there is any one willing to help just message me pretty please.

Couldn't you just add the effect from the ring to your race as a racial or something? I don't have much experience with custom races (I've made a couple really simple ones for personal use), and I've never looked at the Ring of Namira so I don't know how it implements its ability/effect... but this would, in my experience, be the simplest way to do this.

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How would I go about making a (dynamic?) spell that has a magnitude that varies according to, say the player's maximum health or magicka? I'm trying to determine whether it would be feasible to try to make a spell that heals the caster different amounts based on their max health - i.e. I'm wanting to make a spell that would be usable from the beginning of a playthrough to late game without losing it's effectiveness. Like, is there any way I can make a healing spell heal a percent of the player's max health on cast instead of a set amount?

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How would I go about making a (dynamic?) spell that has a magnitude that varies according to, say the player's maximum health or magicka? I'm trying to determine whether it would be feasible to try to make a spell that heals the caster different amounts based on their max health - i.e. I'm wanting to make a spell that would be usable from the beginning of a playthrough to late game without losing it's effectiveness. Like, is there any way I can make a healing spell heal a percent of the player's max health on cast instead of a set amount?

Admittedly, I am awful at spells. But you could make it a scripted effect and do healing entirely by script, RestoreAV and some simple math to do a percentage of max health (GetActorValuePercentage page on the CK Wiki would be useful).


Or, you can use SKSE's SetNthEffectMagnitude with a maintenance function and change it each time PC levels.


Or have several different ones of the same MGEF on the spell, with different magnitudes at each level or something.

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Okay my quick question is how to make a script that forces animations to run if certain conditions are met. For an example I want to make immersive animation's animations for sheathing and unsheathing dual swords on back, sword on back and a dagger on hip, dagger on hip and sword on back, sword on back and spell and spell and a sword on back, to play for every situation basically the 3 plugins from immersive animations for the animations I said to be played separately for the specific situations. Not one animation per time with the I.A. mod I can only use one animation for everything. I want to use all 3 for the best combination. And I will even contact the author of the mod to replace those 3 with the script for better and smoother gameplay :)
I will give the credits to the people who helped me or made the script.

It will be an amazing update for the mod!

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Okay my quick question is how to make a script that forces animations to run if certain conditions are met. For an example I want to make immersive animation's animations for sheathing and unsheathing dual swords on back, sword on back and a dagger on hip, dagger on hip and sword on back, sword on back and spell and spell and a sword on back, to play for every situation basically the 3 plugins from immersive animations for the animations I said to be played separately for the specific situations. Not one animation per time with the I.A. mod I can only use one animation for everything. I want to use all 3 for the best combination. And I will even contact the author of the mod to replace those 3 with the script for better and smoother gameplay :)

I will give the credits to the people who helped me or made the script.

It will be an amazing update for the mod!

No need to try to convince us mate.


There's more than one function to call an animation, but PlayAnimation or SendAnimationEvent should be what you're looking for?




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How would I go about making a (dynamic?) spell that has a magnitude that varies according to, say the player's maximum health or magicka? I'm trying to determine whether it would be feasible to try to make a spell that heals the caster different amounts based on their max health - i.e. I'm wanting to make a spell that would be usable from the beginning of a playthrough to late game without losing it's effectiveness. Like, is there any way I can make a healing spell heal a percent of the player's max health on cast instead of a set amount?

Admittedly, I am awful at spells. But you could make it a scripted effect and do healing entirely by script, RestoreAV and some simple math to do a percentage of max health (GetActorValuePercentage page on the CK Wiki would be useful).


Or, you can use SKSE's SetNthEffectMagnitude with a maintenance function and change it each time PC levels.


Or have several different ones of the same MGEF on the spell, with different magnitudes at each level or something.


Hmm... Thanks for the information. I'm not sure I like the idea of making a spell that fires a script each time it's cast though. I wonder if I could make a global that is updated each time the player levels, then just have the spell use that global's value as it's magnitude... though that still sounds like it would require a script to fire either each time the spell is cast, or at least each time the player levels.


Would/Could you do basically the same thing to make a spell that has a different casting cost based on when you use it? As I mentioned before, I want to make a spell that keeps its effectiveness throughout a playthrough; but that means I also want to keep the cost of casting it relatively the same throughout the game... I'm thinking I want to try to make a couple spells really, but the first I want to try to get working is a healing spell that restores 15% of the player's max health on cast, and costs 15% of the player's max magicka per cast.

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How would I go about making a (dynamic?) spell that has a magnitude that varies according to, say the player's maximum health or magicka? I'm trying to determine whether it would be feasible to try to make a spell that heals the caster different amounts based on their max health - i.e. I'm wanting to make a spell that would be usable from the beginning of a playthrough to late game without losing it's effectiveness. Like, is there any way I can make a healing spell heal a percent of the player's max health on cast instead of a set amount?

Admittedly, I am awful at spells. But you could make it a scripted effect and do healing entirely by script, RestoreAV and some simple math to do a percentage of max health (GetActorValuePercentage page on the CK Wiki would be useful).


Or, you can use SKSE's SetNthEffectMagnitude with a maintenance function and change it each time PC levels.


Or have several different ones of the same MGEF on the spell, with different magnitudes at each level or something.

Hmm... Thanks for the information. I'm not sure I like the idea of making a spell that fires a script each time it's cast though. I wonder if I could make a global that is updated each time the player levels, then just have the spell use that global's value as it's magnitude... though that still sounds like it would require a script to fire either each time the spell is cast, or at least each time the player levels.


Would/Could you do basically the same thing to make a spell that has a different casting cost based on when you use it? As I mentioned before, I want to make a spell that keeps its effectiveness throughout a playthrough; but that means I also want to keep the cost of casting it relatively the same throughout the game... I'm thinking I want to try to make a couple spells really, but the first I want to try to get working is a healing spell that restores 15% of the player's max health on cast, and costs 15% of the player's max magicka per cast.

I'm not sure, sorry.

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I'm not sure, sorry.


That's okay, thanks anyway.


Here's an entirely different question... I made a ring that's only purpose is to fire a script with an OnEquipped event to open a menu, and I was wondering- How would I go about making the ring unequip itself after a choice is made in the menu that's opened?


Here's a snippet of the code attached to the ring:

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	Input.TapKey(Input.GetMappedKey("Tween Menu"))

Function UtilityMenu(Int aiButton = 0)
	aiButton = DarkxUtilityMenu.Show()
	If (aiButton == 0)
	ElseIf (aiButton == 1)
	ElseIf (aiButton == 2)
	ElseIf (aiButton == 3)
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I'm not sure, sorry.


That's okay, thanks anyway.


Here's an entirely different question... I made a ring that's only purpose is to fire a script with an OnEquipped event to open a menu, and I was wondering- How would I go about making the ring unequip itself after a choice is made in the menu that's opened?


Here's a snippet of the code attached to the ring:

Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
	Input.TapKey(Input.GetMappedKey("Tween Menu"))

Function UtilityMenu(Int aiButton = 0)
	aiButton = DarkxUtilityMenu.Show()
	If (aiButton == 0)
	ElseIf (aiButton == 1)
	ElseIf (aiButton == 2)
	ElseIf (aiButton == 3)

Game.GetPlayer().Unequip(self) ?

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