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In addition to my previous question, I've something I've been struggling with since starting a mod over a year ago, and still can't find a solution: how can I make a custom NPC say certain dialogue at certain areas (NOT idle dialogue, but right AT the moment in time, during either his own or a vanilla quest) that I need him to?


For example, how can I get him to make comments in my custom dungeon as we progress through, remarking on the dead body at the start, NOT based on random chance? How can I get him to comment when I accept a -vanilla- quest, WITHOUT modifying the vanilla quest itself? Is there any way to do that? I really want him to be very interactive, but there's certain things I want him to say when STARTING the quest (ex. a comment to the questgiver) as opposed to -possibly- saying -on the quest stage.- Anyone?

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In addition to my previous question, I've something I've been struggling with since starting a mod over a year ago, and still can't find a solution: how can I make a custom NPC say certain dialogue at certain areas (NOT idle dialogue, but right AT the moment in time, during either his own or a vanilla quest) that I need him to?


For example, how can I get him to make comments in my custom dungeon as we progress through, remarking on the dead body at the start, NOT based on random chance? How can I get him to comment when I accept a -vanilla- quest, WITHOUT modifying the vanilla quest itself? Is there any way to do that? I really want him to be very interactive, but there's certain things I want him to say when STARTING the quest (ex. a comment to the questgiver) as opposed to -possibly- saying -on the quest stage.- Anyone?

For comments when progressing through a dungeon, use a trigger volume box and have it scripted to trigger the NPC to start the dialog you want.


As far as comments when the player is finished with a conversation with another NPC, track the quest that that dialog is from and use SKSE's added events for registering and processing when dialog and other menus are closed.


How you do all that, no idea. Just theoretical suggestions.

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Quick question!


Is there a way to make a quest request a random item by keyword, rather than a specific instance? I've tried making it an alias (quest works via letter spawned in mailbox, which requests item with certain keywords), and it generates in the letter/objectives, but doesn't recognize a matching item in inventory/when picked up. Is there another way to do it?


More specifically: I want the quest to have, as its objective, a random object. This random object is set as an alias, with conditions that the object have the keyword "vendoritemsoulgem" or "vendoritemingredient" or some such. While the quest DOES initialize properly and request items from either category, it doesn't recognize acquisition of non-specific instances of an item. What do?



Right, I don't want to include that, so is there no way to do what I'm looking to do without SKSE or editing vanilla quests? Kind of a shame, but if so, that's that. I didn't think 3dNPC required SKSE?


The Story Manager can start quests on certain events if the conditions are fulfilled. I think this is how 3dNPC makes follower commentary. You can create custom scripted events if the default options aren't enough (no skse needed). For responding to a vanilla quest without altering vanilla forms, you'd have to track when the quest starts, or have a condition on regular dialogue to only be spoken when the quest is active.


Story manager has events like "Player obtain item" or something like that, which should help with your item acquisition trigger.


The vanilla game uses trigger boxes in dungeons to activate the "is it safe?" and "beautiful view" dialogue.

Edited by Ceruulean
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Giving up on that one.... Doesn't matter what I do, if I put the follower in an alias on another quest to do the walking beside, they flip out. Rarely do they stay to the side like they should. If I use the original version that edited the follower quest directly, they still have quirks but behave way much better. So I'm not going to mess with it and as a result, don't need to figure it out. :tongue:


Anyway... new question....

Decided to make my own quest to give markers for the dragon priest masks (first sequence quest ever). The mod that is out there is conflicting with USLEEP. I'd rather build new than try to patch the existing.


I'm a little stumped on where it is failing. I put a trigger box around the altar. Player enters, if the quest isn't running, it starts and sets stage 0. The quest is flagged as a side quest but nothing ever appears on screen to indicate that it started. Also, I can't seem to get stage 10 to go. I pick up the conditioned item... GetItemCount on the base object, player picks up the reference and it *should* work. Right? Do I need to do a SetStage(10) in stage 0's script fragment first before it will look at 10?


So confused cause the tutorials I read only seem to be doing SetObjectiveDisplayed and SetObjectiveCompleted.


So two questions here really.

1. How to get it to flash up on screen that X quest has started?

2. How to transition from stage to stage?


Flow should be:

Player enters trigger box -- quest starts

Player picks up wooden mask -- quest advances, tells player to find the other masks

Player finds other masks and has them all on person -- quest advances, tells player to return to altar

Player returns to altar -- quest ends with a cliff hanger because the next part is the pre-existing hidden part where player equips wooden mask, etc...



1. In order for "X quest has started" to appear, you'll need to have a quest objective (and possibly also a journal entry) for the corresponding stage. If you don't have an objective associated with the stage, then the quest started message will not appear. From what I read, you seem to be doing alright, as you need to do SetObjectiveDisplayed and SetObjectiveCompleted.
2. <quest>.setstage( ) is your friend to transition from stage to stage. It's most commonly used in dialogue trees and through custom scripts. A small tip (if you didn't know already) is that you don't need to write a custom script for every trigger, as there are a lot of "default" scripts that handle altering quest stages.
How are you testing the quest? Do you have a save game next to the quest site with the trigger and altar? Stuff tends to not work if you do it from a save file. There's methods to get around this, but my preferred method is to enter the COC command from the main menu to the cell where the quest is (i.e. COC QuestLocation). I've known people who were wondering why their script didn't work, only to find out that their testing method was to blame. It's highly likely that your quest doesn't work because of this.




So the quest won't show as started until it hits an actual objective to perform? This means the quest could be half over before it lets the player know it is running.

So use SetStage() to advance from stage to stage. It isn't done automatically when the conditions are correct?


As far as testing, since the location is in the open world, I use COC from the main menu and go to the nearest "safe" indoor location and run to the spot.


Are you referring to the Conditions table in the Quest Stages tab? It isn't something you use to determine when quests need to advance from stage, but to determine whether a stage needs to applied when called with SetStage().

In your case, you'll need to apply a script containing an event with the SetStage() when the wooden mask is picked up by the player, as well as tracking if the player has all masks needed in their inventory for them to trigger the stage for them to return to the altar.


I'm a step ahead of you... We will see how it goes. Already got the quest to display as started to the player. Working on getting the next stage to show.



Good to know :D Tell me if everything works out :smile:




Ran into a snag. I decided not to point my aliases to the masks themselves because doing so made some of the priests persistent. Not wanting any issues to arise, I chose to put an xMarker on the sarcophagus for each priest and I point to those. If I make an objective for each mask, they will properly clear when added to player inventory. But if I make a single objective for all of the masks, the floating markers will keep pointing until ALL the masks have been obtained. I want to keep my list of objectives short and simple. Any thoughts?


Would the added persistence to the priests be an issue?

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I hope this is the right place to put this.


I have worked out my problem with creature textures (finally managed to get the dds plugin for photoshop, wouldn't download when I tried it before).


However, I have downloaded several horse texture mods (I love Slof's works) and have chosen the ones I want as the main horse textures, and now I want to put the extras into the game as just regular horses (I have the posh pony ranch, might change some of those horses to use the textures IF I can figure out my problem) However, I have run into a snag. I spent probably an hour or two getting all the textures in, comparing them, deciding which ones I want, then I hit the mane and tail issue. For the textures I picked, I only needed a black mane and a white mane, but they were switched, so I switched them, no problem, just had to switch two horse textures.


The problem comes in with the other textures. Several of those should use different color mane and tails. I cannot figure out how to get a certain horse to use a certain mane/tail texture. I know Posh Ponies did it, but I can't see any place where the texture set for the mane and tail (finally found those today) is pointed to for a specific horse.


I know I must be just missing it somewhere, but I have looked everywhere I can think to look, I looked online for help (searched google etc.. it was through this quest that I got the DDS plugin for photoshop) I read several tutorials, but nearly every single retexture tutorial is about retexing armor or weapons. My fear is the answer I am seeking is in a video tutorial somewhere (I hate them, I keep running into one, that if I had to listen to the person explain it, I would go crazy. Plus I am more textual and prefer a text based tutorial where I can refer to specific steps without having to guess where that step is in a tutorial)


Sorry for the long explanation. If anyone could please help me, I would be very grateful.

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