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Before making a topic I decided to ask here, is it possible to add lods for custom(modded) buildings? I hate how it's immersion breaking - many grandiose and worthy castles on the nexus just appear out of thin air when you're in close proximity of them, When I expect them to be visible from the far away, for example like you can see High Hrothgar practically from anywhere in Skyrim.

And, if it is indeed possible, is there any easy way to do it? Or maybe you can suggest nice castles that have this feature built-in(not too fancy though, I'm a fan of abandoned old creepy cobweb castles vs those 90% of castle mods with shiny things and polished looks and nude gals u have on nexus)\

Thanks in advance!

You want to use DynDOLOD.


EDIT: Please, please read ALL documentation and even watch the associated videos. DynDOLOD is not a simple plug and play mod. It requires a bit of effort to make it work properly.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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Before making a topic I decided to ask here, is it possible to add lods for custom(modded) buildings? I hate how it's immersion breaking - many grandiose and worthy castles on the nexus just appear out of thin air when you're in close proximity of them, When I expect them to be visible from the far away, for example like you can see High Hrothgar practically from anywhere in Skyrim.

And, if it is indeed possible, is there any easy way to do it? Or maybe you can suggest nice castles that have this feature built-in(not too fancy though, I'm a fan of abandoned old creepy cobweb castles vs those 90% of castle mods with shiny things and polished looks and nude gals u have on nexus)\

Thanks in advance!

You want to use DynDOLOD.


EDIT: Please, please read ALL documentation and even watch the associated videos. DynDOLOD is not a simple plug and play mod. It requires a bit of effort to make it work properly.


thanks for the tip, appreciated

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I'm making a DLC MCM version of my mod however I would like to make it available to use with Vanilla Skryim without glitching the recipes I added. Is there a way to do that?

If your recipes are using DLC items, traditionally the answer would be no the DLC is a hard requirement because of that. However, SKSE has added numerous functions to the ConstructibleObject script. With them you could have your recipes use stock/vanilla items and swap them out for the DLC items if the DLC is present. You can also include a condition that a global variable be at a certain value in order for the recipes to display. If the DLC is present, set the global. Otherwise leave the global at a non-matching value and those without the DLC won't even see the recipes.

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I'm making a DLC MCM version of my mod however I would like to make it available to use with Vanilla Skryim without glitching the recipes I added. Is there a way to do that?



If your recipes are using DLC items, traditionally the answer would be no the DLC is a hard requirement because of that. However, SKSE has added numerous functions to the ConstructibleObject script. With them you could have your recipes use stock/vanilla items and swap them out for the DLC items if the DLC is present. You can also include a condition that a global variable be at a certain value in order for the recipes to display. If the DLC is present, set the global. Otherwise leave the global at a non-matching value and those without the DLC won't even see the recipes.


Ok I get the global value to make the recipes show as I already have that. But I think my mod check script for DLC is messed up as it doesn't seem to be working. As to the ConstructibleObject script where to do I attach it, even though I have no clue what that would look like yet. I've gotten the stuff to not delete by copying as override into my file so it didn't glitch the recipes but that isn't working well either.

Edited by LadyCrystyna
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I'm making a DLC MCM version of my mod however I would like to make it available to use with Vanilla Skryim without glitching the recipes I added. Is there a way to do that?

If your recipes are using DLC items, traditionally the answer would be no the DLC is a hard requirement because of that. However, SKSE has added numerous functions to the ConstructibleObject script. With them you could have your recipes use stock/vanilla items and swap them out for the DLC items if the DLC is present. You can also include a condition that a global variable be at a certain value in order for the recipes to display. If the DLC is present, set the global. Otherwise leave the global at a non-matching value and those without the DLC won't even see the recipes.


Ok I get the global value to make the recipes show as I already have that. But I think my mod check script for DLC is messed up as it doesn't seem to be working. As to the ConstructibleObject script where to do I attach it, even though I have no clue what that would look like yet. I've gotten the stuff to not delete by copying as override into my file so it didn't glitch the recipes but that isn't working well either.


You don't assign the ConstructibleObject script to anything. On an existing script, assign your recipes as ConstructibleObject properties. Then you can call those functions on your recipes.


Can't help figure out what is wrong with your mod check script without seeing it....


EDIT: Are these recipes your own custom recipes or are they modified DLC recipes? If modified, then limit your changes to what the ConstructibleObject functions allow and process those changes if and only if the user runs with the DLC.

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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I'm making a DLC MCM version of my mod however I would like to make it available to use with Vanilla Skryim without glitching the recipes I added. Is there a way to do that?

If your recipes are using DLC items, traditionally the answer would be no the DLC is a hard requirement because of that. However, SKSE has added numerous functions to the ConstructibleObject script. With them you could have your recipes use stock/vanilla items and swap them out for the DLC items if the DLC is present. You can also include a condition that a global variable be at a certain value in order for the recipes to display. If the DLC is present, set the global. Otherwise leave the global at a non-matching value and those without the DLC won't even see the recipes.


Ok I get the global value to make the recipes show as I already have that. But I think my mod check script for DLC is messed up as it doesn't seem to be working. As to the ConstructibleObject script where to do I attach it, even though I have no clue what that would look like yet. I've gotten the stuff to not delete by copying as override into my file so it didn't glitch the recipes but that isn't working well either.


You don't assign the ConstructibleObject script to anything. On an existing script, assign your recipes as ConstructibleObject properties. Then you can call those functions on your recipes.


Can't help figure out what is wrong with your mod check script without seeing it....


EDIT: Are these recipes your own custom recipes or are they modified DLC recipes? If modified, then limit your changes to what the ConstructibleObject functions allow and process those changes if and only if the user runs with the DLC.

Scriptname LCCA_StartScript extends Quest

bool property DLC1Loaded auto hidden ;Dawnguard
GlobalVariable property LCCADawnguardInst auto
GlobalVariable property LCCADLCDawnguardGV auto
bool property DLC2Loaded auto hidden ;Hearthfire
GlobalVariable property LCCAHearthfireInst auto
GlobalVariable property LCCADLCHearthfireGV auto
bool property DLC3Loaded auto hidden ;Dragonborn
GlobalVariable property LCCADragonbornInst auto
GlobalVariable property LCCADLCDragonbornGV auto
bool property MOD1Loaded auto hidden ;Clothing & Clutter Fixes
bool property MOD2Loaded auto hidden ;Clothing & Clutter Fixes_Dawnguard
bool property MOD3Loaded auto hidden ;Clothing & Clutter Fixes_Hearthfire
bool property MOD4Loaded auto hidden ;Clothing & Clutter Fixes_Dragonborn
GlobalVariable property LCCACCCompatibility auto
Event OnConfigInit()
int ModPosition = 255
int ModPosition1 = 255
int ModPosition2 = 255
int ModPosition3 = 255
int ModPosition4 = 255
function RunModCheck()
Debug.Notification("Please wait while your recipes are being ogranized.")
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm")
if ModPosition <= 255
if !DLC1Loaded
DLC1Loaded = true
DLC1Loaded = false
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("Hearthfires.esm")
if ModPosition <= 255
if !DLC2Loaded
DLC2Loaded = false
ModPosition = Game.GetModByName("Dragonborn.esm")
if ModPosition <= 255
if !DLC3Loaded
DLC3Loaded = false
ModPosition1 = Game.GetModByName("Clothing & Clutter Fixes_Dawnguard.esp")
ModPosition2 = Game.GetModByName("Clothing & Clutter Fixes_Hearthfire.esp")
ModPosition3 = Game.GetModByName("Clothing & Clutter Fixes_Dragonborn.esp")
ModPosition4 = Game.GetModByName("Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp")
if (ModPosition1 <= 255) || (ModPosition2 <= 255) || (ModPosition3 <= 255) || (ModPosition4 <= 255)
elseif LCCACCCompatibility.GetValue() == 0
Debug.Notification("Your recipes have been organized.")

(the check for clothing and clutter fixes does work)
The recipes are my own versions doesn't overwrite anything just gives an alt method of crafting like gold cost for example.
Edited by LadyCrystyna
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That looks complicated. Try something more simple for the DLC portion.



If Game.GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm") != 255
If Game.GetModByName("Hearthfires.esm") != 255
If Game.GetModByName("Dragonborn.esm") != 255




FYI - If you use <= 255, you are basically telling the game to treat it as if the plugin is active even if it is not. 255 means that it is not loaded. A != 255 allows you to differentiate between whether or not the plugin is loaded. Unless you need the actual position for some strange reason, there is no need to assign it to a value.

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That looks complicated. Try something more simple for the DLC portion.



If Game.GetModByName("Dawnguard.esm") != 255
If Game.GetModByName("Hearthfires.esm") != 255
If Game.GetModByName("Dragonborn.esm") != 255




FYI - If you use <= 255, you are basically telling the game to treat it as if the plugin is active even if it is not. 255 means that it is not loaded. A != 255 allows you to differentiate between whether or not the plugin is loaded. Unless you need the actual position for some strange reason, there is no need to assign it to a value.

Thank you I'll give it a try.

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Well, as far as the swap script I'm lost and don't understand how to do that. I'll just build the DLC Version Duplicate it and remove masters and the recipes that glitch for the Vanilla Version. (Not how I wanted to do it but I'm not skilled enough to do anything else without help.)



Thank you so much for your help IsharaMeradin. :smile:

Edited by LadyCrystyna
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