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Before I spend a stupid amount of time trying to figure this out, does anybody know why the display items in some stores show up for sale from those vendors, but not for other stores?

Hm. Does it have anything to do with the merchant chest thingy? Just a guess.

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Before I spend a stupid amount of time trying to figure this out, does anybody know why the display items in some stores show up for sale from those vendors, but not for other stores?

Hm. Does it have anything to do with the merchant chest thingy? Just a guess.



Damned if I know. Everything in Warmaidens is for sale but nothing in Arcadia's Cauldron is, and as far as I can tell the two places aren't set up any different. There are only two differences that I have found so far: the proprietors of Warmaidens have the VendorBlacksmith class while Arcadia has the TrainerAlchemy class, and Arcadia's merchant chest is owned by her faction while Warmaidens inherits its ownership from the cell.

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Before I spend a stupid amount of time trying to figure this out, does anybody know why the display items in some stores show up for sale from those vendors, but not for other stores?

Hm. Does it have anything to do with the merchant chest thingy? Just a guess.



Damned if I know. Everything in Warmaidens is for sale but nothing in Arcadia's Cauldron is, and as far as I can tell the two places aren't set up any different. There are only two differences that I have found so far: the proprietors of Warmaidens have the VendorBlacksmith class while Arcadia has the TrainerAlchemy class, and Arcadia's merchant chest is owned by her faction while Warmaidens inherits its ownership from the cell.


Perhaps it is due to the various items in Warmaidens being assigned to the ServicesWhiterunWarmaidens faction under the ownership tag on the reference form. This is the same faction that uses the merchant chest. Stands then to reason that when asked what is for sale anything assigned to said faction within the cell is up for grabs.

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Before I spend a stupid amount of time trying to figure this out, does anybody know why the display items in some stores show up for sale from those vendors, but not for other stores?

Hm. Does it have anything to do with the merchant chest thingy? Just a guess.



Damned if I know. Everything in Warmaidens is for sale but nothing in Arcadia's Cauldron is, and as far as I can tell the two places aren't set up any different. There are only two differences that I have found so far: the proprietors of Warmaidens have the VendorBlacksmith class while Arcadia has the TrainerAlchemy class, and Arcadia's merchant chest is owned by her faction while Warmaidens inherits its ownership from the cell.


Perhaps it is due to the various items in Warmaidens being assigned to the ServicesWhiterunWarmaidens faction under the ownership tag on the reference form. This is the same faction that uses the merchant chest. Stands then to reason that when asked what is for sale anything assigned to said faction within the cell is up for grabs.



If only it were that easy. Unfortunately Arcadia's cauldron is set up exactly the same way yet none of her display items are for sale.

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Here's a discovery: Changing the ownership to WhiterunArcadiasCauldron - i.e. NOT the faction that uses the merchant chest - makes the items available for sale. So now I just have to figure out why it appears that you use the opposite method for Arcadia that you do for Ulfberth.

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I found the solution. TESVEdit revealed that WhiterunArcadiasCauldron HAD been a merchant faction at one point. Although the toggle was unchecked, the game data persisted and was essentially overriding ServicesWhiterunArcadiasCauldtron (sic) data. Basically the ShowVendorMenu function ignores the services toggle of your faction completely.


While I have discovered the cause of the problem, I'm unsure of the best way to fix it. There is no way to determine if this data is lingering unused except to look at every faction that a merchant might be a part of in TESVEdit and remove the extra data.

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Where in the CK is the reference to the voicepowers files, so I can change them to custom ones (to create a new Shout)? **NOTE: I am not talking about replacing them, I have already seen this tutorial, but I want to make a NEW shout to add it in)

The shout I copied: Dismay

1a: voicepowers_shout01a_0006873d_1.fuz
1b: voicepowers_shout01b_00068385_1.fuz
2: voicepowers_shout02_000684d4_1.fuz
3: voicepowers_shout03_000684fc_1.fuz
Created 3 new words "Nazg" "Gul" "Burzum" (Ring, Wraith, Darkness) and I have the screeching sounds of the nazgul all setup for it, but unsure how to impliment it.
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I am working on a player home, but have a few questions that I can't seems to resolve


1. I want the flora and some non-player owned items in the home to respawn, how can I do this without also reseting the cell (which would reset containers and mannequinns and so on placed by the player) - the flora planted in the Hearthfire homes reset within days and don't affect the rest of the cellso I know it's possible, just not sure how.


2. Despite being navmeshed adequately, I cannot get the children to use certain markers - the lay on floor marker, the play in dirt marker, the kneel marker - even if the NPC owns the marker, is linked to the marker directly, and is clearly capable of getting to the marker - they won't use it. What could I be doing wrong? Some other markers work, for example I got the child to shoot arrows at a dummy from a patrolidlemarker, and to stand cross-armed at a specific marker. It just seems to be the furniture markers that aren't responding.


3. is there a way I can increase the volume of looping sound markers? I have a waterfall sound marker which isn't loud at all which is rather underwhelming.

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A follow up to the above - when I wander around the interior in-game, I sometimes bump into invisible collisions - things that i cannot walk through/have to go around that are invisible - they are not placed in the creation kit in the locations (usually in navmeshed areas or doorways) that they are in game, and I don't know what they are being caused from or why they appear in random locations. Has anyone had this problem in the past?


And another question - how can I get an NPC to cast a specific spell? I've got the target set up and the spellcasting itself set up, but how do I get the NPC to cast magelight instead of firebolt etc.?

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