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Managed to solve a few of my small issues, my interior now resets as normal but leaves player-owned chests/sacks/wardrobes etc. untouched, however the weapon racks and mannequinns still reset (meaning whatever is on them is lost forever when the cell resets) - they are set to not respawn but clearly that hasn't worked. Any ideas?


Children still don't want to use certain markers, not really sure why since they are child enabled and they own the markers, but at least they sleep and walk around now.


The invisible collision problem I was having in-game seemed to be related to the Mannequinns somehow - once I navmeshed underneath the mannequin and the x-marker linked to it, i didn't encounter any invisible collision markers through the interior. Weird, but that's the solution if others have this problem.


Still no progress on having an NPC cast a specific spell, aside from only giving them the ability to cast that one spell.

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How did he do this ? =/


It looks impossible, I've tried for a few days to make any script but none work, I can't figure it out even with the help of the ck website or anything lol.

Just from reading the description I suspect the following...


A perk with a perk entry point of activate. Each entry point on the same perk would have a script that performs the functions specific to that option.




This process is incompatible with any other mod that adds perk entry points for the same object activation. Compatibility aside, it is the safest method. If the mod is removed mid-game, the perks are gone and thus nothing left to attempt calling the scripts and causing issues.

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This seems to be a good a place as any to post my question/problem.


On hair meshes such as shaved head, there's an alpha property that fades, but it's not controlled by an alpha on the texture (the texture itself is tiled via UV scale), but seems to be the mesh itself that fades.

I'm wondering how this is done, and whether it can be replicated on other meshes?

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How did he do this ? =/


It looks impossible, I've tried for a few days to make any script but none work, I can't figure it out even with the help of the ck website or anything lol.

Just from reading the description I suspect the following...


A perk with a perk entry point of activate. Each entry point on the same perk would have a script that performs the functions specific to that option.




This process is incompatible with any other mod that adds perk entry points for the same object activation. Compatibility aside, it is the safest method. If the mod is removed mid-game, the perks are gone and thus nothing left to attempt calling the scripts and causing issues.



Haha, I was pretty vague, how did he do the meltdown thingy like that, not how he activated the smelters like that.

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How did he do this ? =/


It looks impossible, I've tried for a few days to make any script but none work, I can't figure it out even with the help of the ck website or anything lol.

Just from reading the description I suspect the following...


A perk with a perk entry point of activate. Each entry point on the same perk would have a script that performs the functions specific to that option.




This process is incompatible with any other mod that adds perk entry points for the same object activation. Compatibility aside, it is the safest method. If the mod is removed mid-game, the perks are gone and thus nothing left to attempt calling the scripts and causing issues.




Haha, I was pretty vague, how did he do the meltdown thingy like that, not how he activated the smelters like that.


Why not look at the source code? It is included.


In a quick nutshell, takes a few pre-defined recipes and modifies them with the first activation. The second activation is able to use those modified recipes as well as the regular recipes. The third activation clears out the work that the first activation did. The first activation appears capable of clearing it out as well, but at the cost of taking longer to process.


Personally, I'd have used the drafting table from Hearthfires in a new furniture object and used it to establish the breakdown recipes so that the smelter could simply be used directly. This would have allowed for more compatibility with any other mod that might use the perk entry point on the smelter.

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Hello MatthiasWagg,


I hope this message finds you well, and that work on your "Immersive Quests" is progressing satisfactorily for you.


I was pleased to see this Thread, as I have several questions (of which I will pace my rate of asking).


Not long ago I uploaded a Tutorial entitled "Creating a Playable Race - Revised". I have been scouring this document for errors, or "Un-true" practices, and I have encountered an area that I would enjoy obtaining clarification on.


In the CK Utility, when a new Custom Race is created, changes are made in the "Copied Data" section of the "General Data" Tab. Let us say that (within the "Copied Data" Section) that the user fills the "Morph Race" Field with XRace. If the user is creating a "Vampire Counterpart" for their new Race, should they still select XRace within this Field, or should they select XRaceVampire?


I hope this question is clear and would still be within the bounds of fitting into the "Quick Questions" category.


Thank you for your time, you are without a doubt one of the most helpful people on the Nexus that I have encountered.







Creating a Playable Race - Revised


Edited by StackEmHigh
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In the CK Utility, when a new Custom Race is created, changes are made in the "Copied Data" section of the "General Data" Tab. Let us say that (within the "Copied Data" Section) that the user fills the "Morph Race" Field with XRace. If the user is creating a "Vampire Counterpart" for their new Race, should they still select XRace within this Field, or should they select XRaceVampire?

Bethesda used NONE as the Morph Race for the ArgonianRace and ArgonianRace as the Morph Race on the ArgonianVampireRace. The same is true of the other races. This is so that the vampire races can use the face gen morphs of their counterpart. When using a custom race whose non-vampire race is already using another race as the Morph Race, you would retain that value for the vampire race. Why? Unlike the stock race, the custom race does not have any pre-defined face gen morph data.


You can create the appropriate face gen morph data for your custom race to use and thus also use a value of NONE on the Morph Race entry. In which case the vampire race would utilize its counterpart in the Morph Race entry. But this process can be tedious and it is understandable if an author chooses to inherit a large portion of the face gen morph data from an existing race rather than dictating which exact face gen entries that race may use.


By no means take this as totally correct, this is merely my own thinking based on a small amount of work with races in the CK. There are I'm sure others who may have differing opinions.

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This would have allowed for more compatibility with any other mod that might use the perk entry point on the smelter.

Activation perk entry points only conflict if they both have "replace default" checked. Based on the description it sounds like this mod does not.

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