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If your cloak parameter spell has a concentration delivery type it should be reapplied every second. Is that not fast enough for you? Using cloak spells is pretty much the primary method for dealing with the situation you describe, but the effect will still be removed from followers if they leave the player's aura. It will just get reapplied instantly when they reenter it.


Well here is the particular trouble I have. I've got a RegisterForSingleUpdate loop going in the effect's script. When the effect ends, the script is dead, and of course the single update doesn't do anything at that point. My dubious solution is to force the spell to re-apply itself in the OnEffectFinish function, and then watch for the case where the single update loop may have gotten interrupted and adjust accordingly.


Yes I could start shunting NPCs into reference aliases but ultimately I would be limited by the number of slots and confounded by the extra maintenance required. All that just to prevent the script from turning itself off, which in my opinion a spell should not do just because of a location change.

Edited by Asterra
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One more question before I head out.


I know that PlayImpactEffect will not put an effect on a body. I know that if you want blood to show up on a body, this can be done with effect shaders (as an example), and at least one mod exists which does just that.


But the fact remains that if I swing at an NPC's leg, a blood impact effect appears exactly where I swung, and furthermore it doesn't just affect the body mesh but also crosses the hands and feet. In other words, it's an impact effect that is not reliant on any specific part of an NPC; it works just the way PlayImpactEffect works, only for bodies.


Is there no way of hijacking this function? Directed impact effects for the body is what I'm really after here.

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Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked )


if PlayerRef.GetRace()!=NordRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=ArgonianRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=BretonRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=DarkElfRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=HighElfRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=ImperialRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=KhajitRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=RedguardRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!=WoodElfRaceVampire|| PlayerRef.GetRace()!=OrcRaceVampire || PlayerRef.GetRace()!= ElderRaceVampire
if count == 5

This event keeps happening EVEN if I change race to a vampire and it really ticks me off, I can't figure out WHY it does that, the script is attached directly to the player.

The condition is clear too, logical to me, if you are that race then that IF should NOT happen, YET IT STILL DOES.


The logic is flawed.

Papyrus will look at the first statement. If the player is not a nord vampire, then it passes. It is true and so the rest of the OR statements are ignored. Even if you were a nord vampire, it would fail the first but pass the second and thus be allowed to process.


Change the ORs to ANDs. It will then work.


You want Papyrus to read:

If the player is not a nord vampire and not a argoninan vampire and not etc....

Then do this stuff...

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If your cloak parameter spell has a concentration delivery type it should be reapplied every second. Is that not fast enough for you? Using cloak spells is pretty much the primary method for dealing with the situation you describe, but the effect will still be removed from followers if they leave the player's aura. It will just get reapplied instantly when they reenter it.


Well here is the particular trouble I have. I've got a RegisterForSingleUpdate loop going in the effect's script. When the effect ends, the script is dead, and of course the single update doesn't do anything at that point. My dubious solution is to force the spell to re-apply itself in the OnEffectFinish function, and then watch for the case where the single update loop may have gotten interrupted and adjust accordingly.


Yes I could start shunting NPCs into reference aliases but ultimately I would be limited by the number of slots and confounded by the extra maintenance required. All that just to prevent the script from turning itself off, which in my opinion a spell should not do just because of a location change.



How are you applying the spell in the first place?

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Having surprising trouble with this. I want to parse the player inventory - check every item they have to see which have a certain keyword. I am not looking for specific items but for the specific keyword. I don't know where to begin and Google isn't helping. ;p

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Having surprising trouble with this. I want to parse the player inventory - check every item they have to see which have a certain keyword. I am not looking for specific items but for the specific keyword. I don't know where to begin and Google isn't helping. ;p

SKSE must have some sort of way to return a formlist or array like GetInventory. If there is, then you can use the original array method to use HasKeyword on each object.

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Has anyone had success with HDT Breast And Butt Physics - TBBP BBP Supported by threedeedevil (WITH COLLISION)??? The bounce Physics work correctly but the collision does not work. I have tried CBBE HDT and TBBE bodies and still nothing. The hands just go right through the breasts I am using caliente's beautiful bodies FYI.

Edited by Spacemanspiff00
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