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I know that, but it still doesn't do anything lol, it should unequip my spells but it doesn't, while UnEquipAll does it..


I've tested with messageboxes, the FormRight and FormLeft retrieves the spell references, but the UnEquipItem doesn't work.. why?

I presume your script is on a Player alias or on the player itself (which is a bad idea, put it on a player alias never on the player actor)?

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Don't know if this is the place to ask, but it's worth a shot.


Most likely this is a weird question, but what is a xheader marker ? I followed a tutorial that uses a trigger/playermannequin and a xheader marker. Now i have a rough idea what the trigger does, but have no clue about the marker ?

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Don't know if this is the place to ask, but it's worth a shot.


Most likely this is a weird question, but what is a xheader marker ? I followed a tutorial that uses a trigger/playermannequin and a xheader marker. Now i have a rough idea what the trigger does, but have no clue about the marker ?

There are two kinds of marker:


An XMarker: An XMarker is an invisible little marker than you can use as a reference for a variety of things. Objectives, linking refs, etc. It's just a little X and the only thing it can do is say WHERE.


An XMarkerHeading: The same as an XMarker, but it also contains which way it should point. So if you need it for anything that wants to know which way to face, the heading is the one to use. Otherwise use the simple marker.

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I found the solution, instead of UnEquipping the spells, just directly Equip "Unarmed"

Here is the script if anyone ever has problems with it:




Weapon Property Unarmed auto

Function EquipItem(Form akItem, bool abPreventRemoval = false, bool abSilent = false) native

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()



I seem to find most unorthodox solutions while under the influence of alcohol, must investigate further.

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I try to load Emfy Cleric Robes in CK and there are no entries for items. No relevant errors during loading. Any idea how to fix it?

Bump. :( I really need an answer. :(

No entries for items? What do you mean?

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Is it possible to add multiple If statements? For example, if I wanted to check if the final Civil War quest had been completed, as well as check the player's allegiance, I'd write something like this:



If BattleForSolitude.GetStageDone(9000) Game.GetAllegiance(Sons)





Would this work? Obviously the GetAllegiance part is bogus, I'm still working on that.

Edited by Hammerbane
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Is it possible to add multiple If statements? For example, if I wanted to check if the final Civil War quest had been completed, as well as check the player's allegiance, I'd write something like this:



If BattleForSolitude.GetStageDone(9000) Game.GetAllegiance(Sons)





Would this work? Obviously the GetAllegiance part is bogus, I'm still working on that.

You'd use a logical AND.

If BattleForSolitude.GetStageDone(9000) && Game.GetAllegiance(Sons)


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Is it possible to add multiple If statements? For example, if I wanted to check if the final Civil War quest had been completed, as well as check the player's allegiance, I'd write something like this:



If BattleForSolitude.GetStageDone(9000) Game.GetAllegiance(Sons)





Would this work? Obviously the GetAllegiance part is bogus, I'm still working on that.

You'd use a logical AND.

If BattleForSolitude.GetStageDone(9000) && Game.GetAllegiance(Sons)



Oh, alright. Didn't see anything about that on the wiki; thanks a lot!


By the way, is there a way to reference conditionals without having to meddle with quests and such. I just need to create a trigger where, if the player sided with the Imperials or Stormcloaks, the script would enable an ObjectReference and then delete itself. I thought the quest lines would be split up in separate groups, but they apparently all operate on one quest entry with a conditional check instead.


Is there an easier way to do this?




I think I found something in the main Civil War scripts.


int property playerAllegiance auto conditional Hidden


int playerAllegianceVar

int Property playerAllegiance Hidden

function set(int value)

debug.tracestack("*playerAllegiance = "+value)

playerAllegianceVar = value


int function get()

return playerAllegianceVar





If this returns 1, it means the player is sided with the Empire. So if playerAllegianceVar = 1 then I'll enable the Imperial banner.

I'll fiddle with this and come back with results.




Yeah no, that went to s#*!. I'm out of ideas.

Edited by Hammerbane
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