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I need help with the quest portion of modding. i know how to create quests, i just cant get them to load onto an npc with the dialog...


Please add me on skype if you can. @xiiquack3rziix

I won't be adding you on Skype for this, as I prefer not to use Skype.


Please describe your issue more thoroughly - what do yo mean by you can't get them to load onto an NPC with the dialogue? Do you haev the dialogue set up but it doesn't show? If so, do you have an SEQ file generated?

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I try to load Emfy Cleric Robes in CK and there are no entries for items. No relevant errors during loading. Any idea how to fix it?

Bump. :sad: I really need an answer. :sad:

No entries for items? What do you mean?


Exactly what I said, there are no entries from mod in "Items" tab. Absolutely none. Filtering via "all" tab also didn't show anything, only recipes.

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I know someone knows how to do this:


Have a trigger that activates a load door on trigger enter and passes the akActionRef in as the activating actor to the <DoorRef>.Activate(ObjectReference akActionRef) function.


My intent is to make entering the trigger essentially be identical to that actor activating the door by hand.


Anyone know why my PC isn't getting teleported when the door is activated (it is activating because I can hear the door opening outside of the map?

Could you show the script you currently have?


This should work:

ObjectReference Property DoorREF Auto 

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActionRef)




Here is what I have, it's on a defaultActivateSelf trigger ( along with it's default script that activates itself on Player or Player Ally Enter)

Scriptname MOD1TeleportToCellOnActivate extends ObjectReference

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
ObjectReference Property DragonsRestSanctumTeleportMarker Auto; Unused
ObjectReference Property TeleportDoor Auto
While I might could make do with only the player activating it, it'd be better if I could have followers be able to activate the trigger as well (without followers forcing the player to teleport -- which that script could do)


I was under the impression it was YourActionRef.Activate(TeleportDoor). Try it that way.


And just remove PlayerREF and replace it with akActionRef, then.


Just tested it. Not working. Door doesn't open anymore. Investigating more about the Activate() function.


Update: Seems I was right about the <ObjectRef>.Activate() function. The paramter to the function is the activating object reference and the function is called on the object to be activated. Still don't know why my script wasn't working. http://www.creationkit.com/ObjectReference_Script



Got it to work, don't know why it didn't work before. Solution posted for posterity:


Scriptname MOD1TeleportToCellOnActivate extends ObjectReference  

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef);  akActionRef -- trigger entering ref. Used OnActivate with defaultActivateSelf trigger, but other events should work.

ObjectReference Property TeleportDoor  Auto  ;Object Reference of door to activate
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I need help with the quest portion of modding. i know how to create quests, i just cant get them to load onto an npc with the dialog...


Please add me on skype if you can. @xiiquack3rziix

I won't be adding you on Skype for this, as I prefer not to use Skype.


Please describe your issue more thoroughly - what do yo mean by you can't get them to load onto an NPC with the dialogue? Do you haev the dialogue set up but it doesn't show? If so, do you have an SEQ file generated?


I have the dialouge setup but it doesnt show on my npc. idk what SEQ means?

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I try to load Emfy Cleric Robes in CK and there are no entries for items. No relevant errors during loading. Any idea how to fix it?

Bump. :sad: I really need an answer. :sad:

No entries for items? What do you mean?


Exactly what I said, there are no entries from mod in "Items" tab. Absolutely none. Filtering via "all" tab also didn't show anything, only recipes.


I presume you tried to load the .esp.


That won't work. You need to open up Wrye Bash, select your .esp (Emfy Robes?), right click, and select Esmify self. WITHOUT closing Wrye Bash, open up the CK, and load your now .esmified Emfy Robes. Make your changes and your mod, save your plugin. Then go back to Wrye Bash, select Emfy Robes, right click and choose Espify self. That should work.

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I need help with the quest portion of modding. i know how to create quests, i just cant get them to load onto an npc with the dialog...


Please add me on skype if you can. @xiiquack3rziix

I won't be adding you on Skype for this, as I prefer not to use Skype.


Please describe your issue more thoroughly - what do yo mean by you can't get them to load onto an NPC with the dialogue? Do you haev the dialogue set up but it doesn't show? If so, do you have an SEQ file generated?


I have the dialouge setup but it doesnt show on my npc. idk what SEQ means?


I sent you a Skype request already if you want to use it.

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I need help with the quest portion of modding. i know how to create quests, i just cant get them to load onto an npc with the dialog...


Please add me on skype if you can. @xiiquack3rziix

I won't be adding you on Skype for this, as I prefer not to use Skype.


Please describe your issue more thoroughly - what do yo mean by you can't get them to load onto an NPC with the dialogue? Do you haev the dialogue set up but it doesn't show? If so, do you have an SEQ file generated?


I have the dialouge setup but it doesnt show on my npc. idk what SEQ means?


I sent you a Skype request already if you want to use it.


I didnt get anything

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@Matthiaswagg I wanted to make a change directly in the esp. Tho this worked, new thing learned. Thanks. :)

Oh. Then you want to make sure to Set your .esp to edit as an active file, with the little button at the bottom of the load files window.

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Which slot is ammo such as an arrow or bolt located in when equipped for the sake of referencing in a script? Right hand, left hand or other?


I have no idea. I'd assume Other though.



Yeah, starting to think that might be the case. I'll have to prepare a test script to determine this by checking the left and right hands as well. Thanks anyway.


On a side note, just seems strange at times that things like this aren't particularly well documented.

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