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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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I like gazing at the stars at night when the dark sky is crisp and clear. My older siblings were all talking about the wonders they might become involved in.


I just like looking at the stars at night and the sky during the day. I feel a sense of balance knowing the rest of the older siblings were thinking about going out there and being among those stars one day. I was too young to get involved in all that stuff, and now I think I am too old. I don't know for sure that my age really matters.


I will continue to enjoy looking at the starlight nights and look up during the day and marvel at the Moon when it still lingers in the sky during the day.


New Galaxies discovered behind the Milky Way.



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I pose this question. Am I the only person ever to wonder if the past is a heap of our technological advances and all we are doing is picking up what we had and trying it out all over again?


Just in case you have a desire for space exploration, here's some old news which seems to strengthen my view of what we all have to think about.



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I am wondering about stuff again which focuses me on today. Am I going to need anything?


If I were sensing a conspiracy theory..um...it might be because I haven't had enough to eat to calm my stomach so I will rest and recuperate enough for another task which is part of my quest for the day.


I had enough to keep the rumbling grumbling affecting my internal fuel tank, but not enough to calm me so I might nap. It seems natural for a growing child to do that.


Growing and exploring is their combined goal, and exploring is just like an adults too, isn't it?

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I feel a strange magic developing that really isn't so strange in my opinion. I think that what I have learned about the planet Earth recently, that NASA has exposed us to, about the Earth's clothes and belt is strange, but not so much so. I think of them as protective clothing and a support to keep them in place, giving me another idea to consider.


I wonder who the Earth's tailor is? :geek:

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