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From Day Dreams of a Spaced Out old Man comes


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Woe! :sad: Maharg67 has lost the free service he's depended on to provide a place to store all the photos for his writings. Now he seems off for a time on a quest to find a new one and move all his photos to it from the old free photo storage place.


Maharg67 may be off on the quest to find a new free photograph storage server? If he hasn't already.


Will he find one?


Has he found one?


If he has; will he be spending a bit of time moving all his pix from the old one to the new one?


While he is; will he lose his train of thought while he is away and...and...be...



Only the Fates know for sure.

Is he; OK?!


Another member seems to be missing as well. A strange presents suggests to me that I am feeling good about what is happening, but it seems to me to have been a long wait to finally see, that moment arrive, which I truly never really wanted to see. And that is, that I become the winner at, "THE LAST POSTER WINS". Horrors!!!

What is the world coming to?

Tune in tomorrow for the next episode of,


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Maharg67, forums nexusmods com's own Graham ( r... amusing thought...no...not that one...um...Ah! right! ) writer about Fallout returned.


Yay! His health is returning. Yay!


In his post, on his favorite website, in his thread about Fallout he wrote, "I came down with a virus."


The signs of the times were becoming a bit frightening at my location, and after midnight MDT, ( note: I think scientist should use standard time to record these kinds of event's so in the future none of the other news writers think (who think up false news) will write that it was actually on the 6th of July, instead of the 5th of July.) It really happened on the 5th of July in Montana and that event was at 11:37 PM MST to 11:38 PM MST.


Simply put; my life for a brief moment was not so joyous.

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I forgot to write why I posted the previous note.


An Earthquake happened. :ohmy:


It was recorded as a 5.8.. < http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/western-montana-rattled-strong-earthquake-48465773 >


I've straightened up what I've seen that got jostled. :happy:


I didn't know there was one during 1959. I was allot younger then. :happy:

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I'm feeling like I need a good laugh. I wasn't sure why, but when I saw the Rosetta Stone had been discovered in 1799 on July 15th I felt a bit like...I felt a bit like I was...I felt a bit like I was getting a rock thrust in my face.




I wonder if maybe I should go out and get stoned?


I thought, in a very dull and exhausted way, "That's Funny."


Well? Maybe it's not funny!


Maybe a page full of funny pictures and words only a geek might find funny is what I need to go see.





Then I remembered something about stones I hadn't thought of in a long, looong, time.

And; For a change it wasn't

The Rolling Stones.






And then!

I remembered a thought that awakens my senses, each time I remember I was born only a short time ago compared to the age of the planet Earth. But just the same I feel like I did something that merits the kind of attention all of us who were born, and that is, (of course this isn't where I type what we all did...the thoughtful questions occurred to me:


Were we being chased by all those other little squirming, long wiggly people makers we resembled?



Were we actually trying to swim faster then the rest of them so we could be the ones to say...



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The world is still a stranger to all mankind and yet humans have found more news to the fact we should know the planet Earth better, because we've lived on it now for over 300,000 years. That's about 106,000 years more, the Earths been peopled, more than the 194,000 years which was thought we have.


Or so, say, the latest reports from a new find of skeleton that they say is proof we lived here allot longer than was previously determined. That we are not all from the same Mother and Father too.




What gets me! We should have records of some sort that tells us how well acquainted we've been with the planet since we've been here that long, or maybe even longer.


There must be some sort of junk laying around, we are just too ignorant to recognize YET, like the Rosetta Stone, only Different, which might let us in on the way people lived 300,000+ years ago.


Get out your Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass and start using that portion of your brain to deduce after searching through all that isn't probable until all that is left is what we're looking for.


Dream On you Dreaming genius's.


I'm getting tired.


That must mean it is time for my deductive detective deducing nap.


I hope I wake up afterward and know something no one else has thought of yet.


Because, imo, Naps are not as much fun when just drifting along in a short dream than I have playing video games while I am half way to getting on with a nap time. When I shift to a video game that sleepy stupor my mind is in takes to playing the video game like I was fully awake.

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I'm so thrilled about the idea I wrote in my last post that I am going to sleep right after I ponder it for a few moments.


I've read that dream sleep research has proven that dreams people have during sleep has and does help us solve problems we have while we are awake.




The very foundation of modern chemistry, the solution to the elusive benzene structure, was a problem that had eluded scientists.

Fredrich A. Kekule, a German chemist, had been working on this problem for a long time. One night in 1865 he fell asleep.

Let him describe what happened that night:

Again the atoms were juggling before my eyes. My mind's eye sharpened by repeated sights of a similar kind could now distinguish larger structures of different forms and in long chains, many of of them close together; everything was moving in a snakelike and twisting manner.

Suddenly, what was this?

One of the snakes got hold of its own tail, and the whole structure was mockingly twisting in front of my eyes. As if struck by lightning, I awoke...

The snake holding it's own tail provided Kekule with the insight to the closed carbon ring, and six snakes in the dream helped him to envision the hexagon shape of the benzene ring. This proved to be "the most brilliant prediction to be found in the whole range of organic chemistry."

Kekule had so much faith in the power of the dreaming mind to find answers that he told a scientific convention meeting honoring him, "Let us learn to dream, gentlemen, and then we may perhaps learn the truth."

The Nobel Prize-winner Otto Loewi has said his prize was based on information that had "come to him" while he was dreaming. These insights proved to be the foundation of his theory of chemical transmissions of nerve impulses.


I hope all of you have pleasant Dreams! :D

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Looking for a quiet "get a way" for the weekend? Skyrim has what you are looking for.


A particularly private area, perfect for a vacation, or long term, with a private entrance and great possibilities for a dock outside. There is a fully functional Galleon (not pictured) included.




The real estate is huge, FREE of charge, has a central living area with bed, dining table, and a private shelf. A foot locker/chest can be added.


The larder is fit for a king.


Several long boat's and the Galleon ship are already your's for the taking.


Many possibilities.


Room for companion's galore.


Did I mention that it has a smelter, forge, work table, and grinder all centrally located for your entire needs.


Free to the the taker. No contract for deed, no taxes.


It's is all your's for the taking!


Getting the Galleon out is optional, i.e., once you remove the rocks that caved in now blocking the entrance which collapsed on one of the smaller ships the previous owners friends or enemies entered the cavern with.

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Fallout 4, Wasteland Wanderers advice # 1049.


Drink water! Find shade! REALLY!


It is already 92.7 degrees F. here and it is only 12:00 PM MDT. The Sun still has an hour before it will be at it's highest point above my location.


It may well reach 100 degrees F. before 3:00 PM MDT when it will be at it's most radiant position in the day, known by radar techies as our 2-o-clock.


I am striving to find some entertainment to keep me preoccupied so I don't just sit here at my computer trying not to think about food and, maybe, going outside and frying food on some tinfoil just by laying tinfoil, on the concrete sidewalk, to cook the food on.


That could be a good way to save money on electricity and help keep the house cool, because I am using solar heat outdoors.


Remember! Fallout enthusiasts, "Be Cool!"

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