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How to get all the add-ons?


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You can't just give them ten dollars and say "Gimme my DLC?"


nope, they want your soul er.. MS points


I have heard that if you go through their Zune pages you can get the correct amount without losing any points to them. I haven't tried it myself though since I wont use ms points

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If you have a GFWL account you must buy non-refundable Microsoft Points which can then be used to purchase the DLC, at which point it is assigned to your GFWL account and then downloaded. At least I would assume that's the process.


This is how I did it. I still have half a GFWL card worth of points wasting away.


If only I hadn't bought the other expansions' disks 3 weeks before Game of the Year came out.

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Well, this all sounds like Microsoft is promoting piracy by making it so difficult to obtain this DLC legitimately. That's not good for the industry and it's not good for the loyal customers. Fie!! on Microsoft!!




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They should sell the DLCs as a straight up download from Bethsoft's website. They're glorified mods and it's not like GFWL is providing any sort of protection for the content. I really hope they don't go that route with New Vegas.
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Well, they don't have to be free but it'd be great if we didn't either have to wait for a GOTY edition or similar release or deal with some roundabout method of getting them.


'course free would be nice too. :tongue:

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Sadly, it's probably not happening. The only game I can think of that got a free DLC was unreal tournament 3(God bless epic).

Morrowind has several free DLC

the expansions were pay

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