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Unacceptable Language


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Another large perpitrator of flamewar battlegrounds is the RP thread. Simply because people take the actions of others' characters as personal attacks on them. Well quite honestly it's just RPing, people need to wake up and realize this.


Also, not having one character where you pour everything you like about a particular type (i.e. assassin) helps a lot too. Demonstrating RP diversity in character creation certainly makes me less likely to whine about something when it doesn't go my way, that and I can RP a diverse array of characters. It's a small thing when you think about it, having more than one character, but it means you aren't stuck feeling too attached to something purely fictional, if you want to win all the time and not have people complain when you do, go play the game. RPing is a place where you absolutely can't control the will or wishes of others' actions. If they want to do something, they are (within limits) given the opportunity to do so. What a few don't understand is that this might end up in a fight based on characters' differences, and there is always the option to back down or flee.


Knowing when to back down is also pretty essential too. It shows maturity just to let things go and not let anger or the drive to retaliate take you over; plain and simple.

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  • 9 months later...
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what is considered immature? is piss or crap immature? or a intoxicated monkey on steriods? hell i dont piss people off, well i try not to, and i respect other peoples opinions. But i do it in a "stupid funny" way. If you think im immature, ill stop and be serious and boring about everything....but i like to lighten things up with some "spizzazz", make this forum more enjoyable :lol:
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  • 1 month later...
ok on a new subject.... Untouchable1.....why is this person still allowed to post on this site? I just saw this persons posts on a fable vs. morrowind topic and he has not only hijacked it but also has links to other topics that he has ranted on and done his best to rattle everyones chains on. I don't clame to know what the rules are on posting links to other topics but this seems to me like another form of hijackking. If I am out of line I do applogize in advance for it but I just hate to see people like Untouchable who post hateful messages just to rattle other people chains for fun.
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Necromancy'd! ;)


Oh, and this isn't exactly the place to post your complaints. Try the report function next time, as your comments have nothing to do with the thread topic.


Well, since the thread has been brought back to life, I might as well add to it. Morik, they are probably not immature if you're not using them in an immature way [such as saying them every other sentence.] Humour has kept many threads and forums alive, so I'm pretty sure that's not a problem.

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Then why didn't you report it, Slaiv?


Humour is fine but bear in mind:-


a) We can't see or hear the way you are saying something. All we have to go on are words on a screen.


B) Humour that pokes fun at stereotypes is frequently racist, sexist, ageist or genderist. It can be very offensive.


c) I personally have no problem with swear words if used sparingly but not on this forum, please. It would be very unfair if some of our younger members were forbidden access by parents who felt the forum to be a bad influence. I have nothing against vech, fetcher, swit, or n'wah!

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  • 11 months later...

foul language is for people who have totally lost the plot, if you argue with a person and they start to chomp at the bit you know you have won, for there lack of reasoning has just got up and walked right out the door.

There is no need to swear are insult the person your talking to, infact i find it offensive if a person cant argue with out swearing and personaly they should be well warned and then if they persist they should be banned.

I get angry somtimes when i argue with people thats healthy what isnt is profanity a child could be looking for a advise on a game on these forums, for them to see that kind of language is highly inapropriate and highly imature.

Arnt we sopposed to set an example to young gamers.

If the only example set is beligerance and foul language then how do we expect our children to act any different.

If a child thinks its cool to be bad then penultimatly they wil be bad and at that point we regress as a race not progress.

So if people would be so kind to moderate their language that would be so kind. :cool2:

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  • 1 year later...
>:( funny thing is hypocrosy rules supreme on tes source. Some people will provoke and bite at others and not get in trouble while others do. often, it is sheer discrimination as most of the people who get in trounle are people new to the forum while the ones escaping are members who have been here for a while. If this keeps up, Im going to leave the forums (not totally leave it as i will still download mods but rather not post or text anymore). Also I have seen this flaming be excused as constructive criticism. I hate it when this happens but oh well.
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Deal with your delusional assumptions or simply leave, those are your two options. There is no third "whine about things until I get my way" option. Continuing to whine about the things you don't like is only going to get you removed forcefully, at which point you will not even be able to download files from the site.


We've been more than patient with you. Now is the time for you to decide.

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