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Valve, you're pathetic.


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Because it keeps me from playing games I legally paid for. *CoughDOW2*


It's also an annoying intrusive piece of junk that just gives you ads.


I'm kind of biased on the matter, though.

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Someone on the Video Games board of 4chan, /v/, posted like 5 threads where he answered people's questions about Valve stuff. He said he was a level design guy that was currently working on Half Life 3, but had worked on Portal 2 a couple months before. He said this stuff:



1) The game will begin in a helicopter, with Alyx weeping as you fly

through a storm. 2) Much of the game will take place in mountainous

regions, as well as Borealis, which is HL3's "Citadel." 3) You will

encounter a group of isolated, broken soldiers who have gone partly mad

and believe they're still fighting the war. 4) There will be overlap

with Aperture. 5) There are several new enemies, including a spider-like

creature and a camouflage creature. 6) Vehicles will return, including

heli-piloting. 7) The gravity gun will take a backseat to another gun.

8) The game will be about as long as HL2 plus the episodes. 9) All of

the creatures have been redesigned. 10) One of the levels he worked on

revolves on the manipulation of lightswitches and certain creatures that

can't handle light. 11) The game will rely on Source 2. He compared the

visual quality to that of the pic of barrels floating in water that

surfaced some time ago. Someone post it. 12) The visuals are on par with

Crysis. 13) Barney will save your ass in a level.



This guy was either an extremely well researched and intelligent troll, or actually a person that works at Valve.


Sounds kinda hard to believe. I know this was posted more than a month ago, but if I remember correctly, Valve did mention that HL3 would begin another story arc with new characters. The things this person posted seem to point more to the current story arc rather than a new one.

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One thing that I dont understand why people hate is steam. Steam in my opinion is awesome. Much easier and in my opinion even more reliable the having a disk copy.

Valve are pretty much.... awesome. I don't care if I have to wait a year or two or three or 10 to get their new game either it is HL3 or Portal 2. I will be waiting for it.


To me Steam kinda makes sense as a mp game & digi-distribution service but why should Single-player only, retail (on disc) games be slaved to the service imo that should be optional. And broadband isn't affordably available in my area & none of Steam's "features" interest me.

So I don't hate (such a strong word) Steam per se just dislike that it looks like it will be the one reason I won't be able to play NV (a game I was prepared to buy multiple copies of as gifts)

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I just wish I could run my steam reliant games without it.


Steam and valve on the whole really dont impress me. Its an ok ditribution service, but its also had a number of huge failings. For example just recently when 17,000 people were wrongly banned from COD: MW for life after the cheat detection sofware malfunctioned. With huge glitches, combined with errors of judgement, aswell as the shear stagnation of valve's IPs, I have to say I agree entirely with the name of this post.


They had their time of glory, but that glory era is long over. Half-LIfe is now living up to its name, a half living storyline that the developer only seems to work on once in a blue moon. With gradualy decreasing fun factor and quality across the released games, half life is symbolic of valve's decent into the mindless profitmania also afflicting activision and blizzard.


Likewise for left 4 dead which sadly lives up to its name. Not only did valve leave it's players to rot in hell the moment they'd filled their ceo's pockets, but its never been the game people make out that it is, its got no really depth of character, even in the original, the graphics are abysmal, the combat is even worse and at core its just half life two with some new skins. In the sequal, which they released disgracefully early after l4d 1, abandoning the original in the process, they simply enhanced everything wrong with the first game. The characters became souless mindless robots, the gameplay and endless grinding of zombie after zombie. I love large battles: they're the best sort of warfare; the only tactic decision being where to place your next shot, but in l4d2, all the pleasure of a simulated life and death struggle was cast aside, you simply mowed them down without remorse, reason, or respite, no cause, no reason to kill the zombies except their unexplain desire to kill you.


They werent even proper zombies, Ive a history with horror classics and these are some of the worst Ive seen. They run forward in a very un zombielike way, and then punch at you feebly, on every dificulty, doing laughably little damage. And the being mowed down in endless numbers by the feeblest of weaponry. How can something that isnt alive and cant feel pain be slain by a single chambered down Colt M1911 .45 in the shin?

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vindekarr- thats *ban* deep



to be honest, valve should undoubtedly start to pick up the pace. but the way your talking about them, you seem to have confused them with activision or something.


valve did a lot of work on alien swarm, and released it for free

valve have updated tf2 shiploads for free. can you imagine how much all that stuff would cost if it was activisions game?

valve have these uber sales every now and then. (they cant do them all the time due to anti competitive laws)

valve have the least restrictive dmr (fallout new vegas is going to be much better off on steam than gfwl) (if they didnt have one then every game would be using ea's,ubisofts or gfwl)

allow mac users to play their games

help the mod community


the bad things valve has done

not update l4d

made a sequel for l4d

day of defeat source - they didnt even try



you are completely wrong with l4d by the way. the gameplay is nothing like hl2. (and the game has its own lore, so your zombie *manure* is false)

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vindekarr- thats *ban* deep



to be honest, valve should undoubtedly start to pick up the pace. but the way your talking about them, you seem to have confused them with activision or something.


valve did a lot of work on alien swarm, and released it for free

valve have updated tf2 shiploads for free. can you imagine how much all that stuff would cost if it was activisions game?

valve have these uber sales every now and then. (they cant do them all the time due to anti competitive laws)

valve have the least restrictive dmr (fallout new vegas is going to be much better off on steam than gfwl) (if they didnt have one then every game would be using ea's,ubisofts or gfwl)

allow mac users to play their games

help the mod community


the bad things valve has done

not update l4d

made a sequel for l4d

day of defeat source - they didnt even try



you are completely wrong with l4d by the way. the gameplay is nothing like hl2. (and the game has its own lore, so your zombie *manure* is false)

And the also made one of the most awesome digital download programs that I never had problems ever with.

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Yes, I hate valve. I have a bloody good reason hate valve. Im angry. You think that story about 17000 people being booted from call of duty was a hoax? it wasnt. I was one of those epople. Valve never apologised. never reinstated me. Im as innocent as anyone ever is, and theyl knew it. Yet no compensation, no reinstated, no apology, the ban hasnt even been lifted. One glitch and my entire server cadre is banned for life. We didnt cheat, we obeyed the rules and the law unlike virtualy everyone else and are reqwarded with unxeplained expulsion and no compensation, not even an apology.


So before you swear at me, before you treat me like I act without reason, how about YOU think for a moment before you enxt launch such a blind and foolish fanboy tirade. They may treat you well now but you'll be screwed over before long jack. You act like we're insulting our mothers; raving in ingratitude to those who treat us with kindneass ajnd generosity. No generosity was ever shown to me. These sales you mention cannot compete with the customer care, or the prices of my local EB games. And when cynical old EB can out bargain them, any thoughts of good prices are banished. Set aside your fanboy rage and read what I posted, actualy READ IT. And perhaps you'll actualy see what Im talking about. You may not have had problems, you may not have been treated like a criminakl, but you arent the world. I've just been put through the mangle of the most incompetant custromer service division I've ever had the displeasure of phoning. I told them, again, that I had been wrongly banned, that I had rpoof, and was told that "valve's system is watertight, we dont make that kind of mistake"


Watertight it is not, I cannot respect a company that after being a loyal paying customer for so many years, treats me like a criminal after their own machines label me a traitor and cheat. SO you, I hate valve Jack, and you snap and snarl and swear all you want, becuas ethta is never going to change. I dont want to change how you see valve, because that will never chgange. or to infuriate you, because you did that yourself. Rather. Im her eot say what a bunch of scum they are, and just how badly they treat their own fans.

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