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Some questions about Slofs Horse Replacer


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Hello. :happy: Yesterday I found Slof's Horse Replacer mod and since in the real life I also love horses, I would be really happy to download this mod but I have some questions that I hope someone will answer.


1. How does this mod works with companion mods that gives them horses? For example Red Sonia or Stoker Wolff?

2. Are there any crashes when you use this mod and fast travel while you're on horse?


And that's pretty much it. Thank you very much and sorry if topic like this already exists. And also sorry for my bad English. :sweat:

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I've used (an older version of) Slof's horse mod for ages and could not do without it. I don't use companions, but since it replaces the horses it would replace the companion's horse too, unless that companion uses its own custom horse with custom meshes and textures. As for fast travel, I've had no issues.


Why not try it and see? If you don't like it you can always remove it. (be sure to keep the download file so you can find which files to delete out of your data directory)

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For companion's horses, and other horses added by mods that don't use my resource, you could try this: Esp-less Slof's Horse Replacer. All it does is replace meshes and textures so that any vanilla horses will still use my files. It will stop you getting purple horses!


Companions: I know that Stoker Wolff uses a horse made from my resource as I gave permission specifically to Sulteric Drums for that, as I use him much of the time. Don't know about any others though.

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