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What is the measurement for success in life?


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My brother constantly annoys me about how I have no friends (I do), and that I'll never get anywhere in life and be successful without any. Now, this brought me to two conclusions: 1, my brother is a bothersome idiot, and 2, that I don't know what the measurement for success is. Is it a number of a screen? Is it an effect on the world?


You tell me, I dunno.

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There are different ways in being successfull. Some people think they're successfull when they're rich, you know, earn a lot of money. Others think they're successfull when they got their own family or even when they just stay healthy. It depends on Your own goals you want to reach in Your life.


Oh, Yes, brothers can be very Annoying. But they gonna stop with this stuff once you had sex with a girl who is much prettier than his ugly girlfriend. Trust me :P

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There is no one measure of success. For too many it is the amount of money you make (never enough), or how expensive the car you drive, (It will be out of fashion next year) of the size of your house. (the people down the road have a bigger house) For others it is living the life you want without the hassle of the rat race, or being healthy. No matter what you do, or how happy you are doing it, there will always be someone who sees you as a failure because you don't meet his personal definition of success.


I am a success. I have friends who I know would get up at 3 AM to come bail me out of jail. (And I would - and have done the same for them) I have a large family including 9 grandkids who are always happy to see me and do not judge me. I own a small house on my own acre of land that is almost paid for. I work a total of less than a week a month, and still get paid a salary for doing what has become a hobby. I work on computers for friends and family. And it only took me 60 years to discover that I really am a success.

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Being able to be remotely conscious of anything around you for any length of time. This doesn't mean that you cannot choose to be unconscious for a good portion of it, just that you still have the ability to be conscious every now and then. Everything else is secondary and only serves to promote or dissuade from being in a conscious state.
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Success in life?


Fulfiing your ambitions. Which is to say hopelessly subjective and open to argument. In my view, you've lived a good life if you're content with the decisions you've made. have what you want, and achieved what you wanted to achieve. That doesnt mean you're happy or rich, it means you've completed what youi set out to complete and can perhaps make better choices in your retirement.

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Know, accept your flaws and transform them into qualities, and thus find a balance in life to finally be able to excel... :happy:
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