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Hydden World by William Horwood. It turns out that there are three more volumes... I don't think they had been written when I bought Vol 1... However, I finally finished it. It's not a bad book; it's just not my type of book.

So now it's The Plague Charmer - Karen Maitland.

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The Owl Killers - Karen Maitland. I'm not sure I like this much...

She lets each character tell a bit of the story and at first it's confusing as to which is which and who is who and what is what... There's also lots of plot. Enough plot for a couple of books...

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A big, slightly fancy-looking book of Norse mythology.  It's been pretty engaging!

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Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.  About a 21st Century man with powers of a Wizard.  He is a Detective where few believe he is anything but a fortune teller or a psychic.  Not much call for Wizards these days.  Especially in Chicago.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am about to start the next book in a series about Dresden Files.  Blood Rites.

I have read Storm Front, Fool Moon, Summer Knight, and Death Masks.  Seemed like I had the idea the author Jim Butcher was familiar.  Each time I started reading as soon as it started to get in to the characters  world in Chicago I got so I read until I was exhausted.  It had some long but exciting chapters in it that once I was started I could not sway my thinking to take a short break.  Unless it was an important one.  LOL

I started reading the fifth book Death Masks.  About a quarter of the way into the first chapter I suddenly realized I knew what was coming up on the next page.  I was correct.

Thanks to a free trial on one of the TV groups I saw the TV made of Death Masks.  It is one of the series.  I am glad I didn't go for the TV offer with all the shows they had.  Harry Dresden of Dresden Files was the only one I wanted to watch.

I was about to put the book Death Masks down when I noticed something interesting.  Part of the chapter I started was missing in the TV series.  I mean a Serious lot of what the book shared.

I have turned back into a reader instead of a book tv show watcher.  No brooms to ride?  Oh nooo!  If you're Wizard over 18 in the USA Jim Butcher is bringing the Wizards life in the 21st Century into the light realistically.

Awaiting for my reading time to begin is Blood Rites. 

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