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The Currently Reading Thread .........


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Well in real life, i are reading the danish book: "Erik Menneskesøn" (made in english to? dont know) by Lars-Henrik Olsen. Its about everything with connection to the old Norse/Danish/north Germany's mythology about the gods and giants. You know: Odin, Loki, Thor, and so on.


But i have also started on a big project. Reading every single book in oblivion game. (i believe it counts as reading). It takes some time....

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I'm currently reading a book titled "Saddam's Secrets" it's written by former Iraqi Gen. Georges Sada, who was Saddam's most trusted adviser because he always told the truth. you should read it, you'd be shocked at how terrible a person Saddam was. War justified.


Right, so let me get this straight... This General Sada guy is Saddam's most loyal and trusted advisor, but at the same time he's also happy to tell the world everything Saddam did wrong. Am I the only one who sees a contradiction here? Not to mention the absurd idea that a years-long war is necessary to remove one person from power in this modern age of precision weapons.



As for my current reading, it's some very fascinating books on three-dimensional calculus and all the many ways materials can break. Also The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, thanks to my univeristy's nice library of out of print books.

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