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Beginners guide to modding


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I got LOOT and Wyre (haven't gotten the third one yet, as I am acquainting myself with them one by one). There is one mod I have, "Green Water Fix," which, when I run loot, it says everything is a-OK no problemo. However, when I run Wrye, it has a red check by this mod, and that red check wont turn green no matter where I put it in the load order. I've been running this mod for a while-- it was the first one I ever got. I'd played on PS3 before and I knew you were supposed to see under water... so when I got the game on PC recently, I knew something was wrong, and searching for fixes is how I discov ered modding.


Anyways.... what should I do? Listen to LOOT or Wrye? and how do i fix it in Wrye ??



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The help files on the Wyre Bash general read me page said a red checkmark against a yellow back ground didnt require any action and would fix itself in game usually. And apparently this has fixed itself. I was just worried. I have 3 others that are doing it now, which are the unofficial patches. Maybe I'm describing the checkmark wrong, perhaps its orange or light red.. theres definitely a darker red one on the read me files... but on those files, the description beside the checkmark which im describing as red against a yellow back ground says: "Some of the plugin's masters are in a different order than what is specified in the plugin. This will generally be handled automatically by the game, but it may result in changes in-game." So, like, am I ok to assume everything is fine?


I probably ask silly questions but i get nervous about messing my PC up.

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you can make those files turn green by loading each one into TES5, ONE at a time, and then right clicking the file that is not green in Wrye, and then clicking on "sort masters", then close TES5, it will look like nothing happened till you close TES5, then save when prompted

Edited by gromulos
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thank you very much... and for this whole guide. it is beyond helpful. i feel like i have learned so much in the last day or two, about where and how the programs in my PC operate... and learning how to troubleshoot on my own without crying and weeping oh s#*! oh s#*! :P



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