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Another game I saw a while ago


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Gothic is fairly similar, but a LOT more difficult. dark age of camelot looks a good bet, tho its a MMORPG, so wouldnt be the same. erm... those r the only two i can really think of
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OT:Since your on this thread..... Dark0ne, just saw Equilibrium. Amazing! Never thought I'd see a gun melee battle. wow....


It came, It saw, it conquered the Matrix. Best fight film with a plot I've ever seen (IMO better than either of the Matrix's).


Anyway - I believe I was the first one to point out DAoC and Gothic so less of the "I thinks" and more of the "what Dark0ne thinks" :P

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Was it a PC game? If not, it could have been Shenmue... even though it was on the Dreamcast, that has to be one of the BEST games ive ever played. its so realistic, and you can go to arcades, go shopping etc with your daily allowance, and you get a job as a fork lift driver :lol: Wooohoo!
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