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Slow download speeds? Please use our Download Speed Diagnoser


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Back in August we moved to a new CDN server setup for serving our downloads. For many, download speeds have stayed the same or improved with this move but for some, download speeds have gotten worse.


We're continuing to work on the download setup within the CDN as we continue to learn all the little intricacies involved in such a complex setup but we're struggling to troubleshoot a lot of people's download speed issues, a lot of the time, because we're not getting the right sort of feedback. For example, simply saying "I'm getting bad download speeds" isn't useful at all for us!


As such, we've coded a small piece of stand-alone software which we've dubbed the Nexus Download Diagnoser. It's a very simple piece of software that will run a download speed test against our CDN server and generate a report for you to post for us to see which will provide us with a lot of information. Hopefully useful information that will help us to understand what is happening and why your download speeds are slow. You do not need to install the software in order to run it and you can download it here. Remember, only download it from a nexusmods.com domain, never from anywhere else.


In the interests of security and privacy we've kept things very simple for you. The Nexus Download Diagnoser will obviously need to be able to connect to the internet so it can run the download speed test (so update your firewall as necessary) but it will not send or report any information automatically to us. If you want to share the information, you'll have to willingly post it to us, and you can see all the information in the report so you know exactly what you're sending us. On top of that we've signed the software with our "Black Tree Gaming Ltd." key, just like NMM, so you know the software is legitimately from us and not from someone malicious and we're releasing the source code of the software with the executable just for your own peace of mind. If you really really don't trust us for whatever reason, you can check the source code yourself!


Hopefully with enough reports we will be able to form a decent picture of what's going on and work towards sorting it out.


For more information about the Nexus Download Diagnoser and where to post your reports please head to the specially setup forum thread here.

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can i choose lower file size of 64mb though i fall in middle option with 12Mbps ( with FUP then 2Mbps post FUP ) connection but i get horrible download speeds ( upto 100 KB/s ) on nexus 256 MB will take about an hour in testing. Edited by deadblood01
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I can definitely say that with the CDN server(s), I can hit 1.0+ MB/s consistently under normal conditions whereas previously it would be a miracle to hit those speeds (even from the U.S. servers). The only time I have experienced slow download speeds are either when the servers go bad or when I'm using a proxy/VPN. I just ran the test to see what the true download speeds were (NMM only reads up to 1,024 KB/s) and they were all 1.0 MB/s and up with a few 900 KB/s in there.
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Hi and @ Dark0ne.


Good evening.


If I understand correctly (English is not my native language) it would be better to launch this tool in an hour or a day when usually downloads are slower?



Example, I am in Brussels, and from 18 hour (6 PM) traffic becoming significantly more dense and this until about 3 o'clock in the morning ( 3 AM) .


On weekends it is worse.



logically, it is at this time that the servers are the most solicited and therefore it would be logical to test your tool at this time.



Am I wrong?



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Thank you for this diagnostic tool.


When the CDN first started, my download speed were atrocious. I'm talking 3 to 8kbs. But, as you promised, the server system seemed to "learn" what worked for me and I'm now seeing speeds around 700 to 900kbs.


A question. Would you want some of us who are doing fine now, but had lots of trouble earlier, do a test and send the results to you? Or would you prefer just those who are having bad download speeds right now?

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... A question. Would you want some of us who are doing fine now, but had lots of trouble earlier, do a test and send the results to you? Or would you prefer just those who are having bad download speeds right now?


From the thread devoted to the diagnostic tool:


Can I remind people that if you are NOT getting bad download speeds then you should NOT be sending in reports. For example; if SpeedTest says you have a download speed of 60MBit and your Nexus Download Diagnoser report says your average download speed is 6MB/second...that's good. That means you're maxing your connection and you're wasting your and our time by sending in a report! You should only send in a report if your download speed from our servers is lower than 70% of your typical download speed. For example, if SpeedTest says you have a download speed of 20Mbit, we'd only consider it an issue if you're downloading at slower than 1.3MB/second.


So, no. :armscrossed:

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