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New premium member feature - notifications


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I thought this was a great addition... Until I saw it was for premium members only. :(


But you did give us the ability to filter new content in the Updated pages, so yay, sort of...


EDIT: Okay, today only, but not the recently page, which is where it really needs that function...

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Praise you oh, great Dark0ne!! :woot:


This is the feature I've always dreamed about! I absolutely love you, Rob! :wub:


It's moments like this, I realize how great it is (Beside supporting you) to be a premium member! :thumbsup:


And how a small price I had to pay for such great features! :D


I could go on and on forever with my praising, but no, this will have to do, I'm terribly sorry... 8)


(Yes, I do like smileys... :sweat:)

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Always good to see helpful new features. Many thanks. :thumbsup:


However, I think I may be misunderstanding something, or doing something dim, as clicking the links in the notification popup does nothing, either in vanilla Firefox 3.6 or IE8, even though I see the associated URL displayed in the browser statusbar when hovering the cursor over a link...

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This is great if you do mods but people like me who never get any PM's nor upload mods (wish I could) then there is no incentive for me to become a member.


Perhaps down the road you'll figure something out that will change this.


I thank you.



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This is great if you do mods but people like me who never get any PM's nor upload mods (wish I could) then there is no incentive for me to become a member.


It tells you whenever a new file is uploaded to one of your tracked files. Much easier to keep up-to-date with the latest versions for your favourite files.


Something for everyone.

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