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Image Share Restrictions Suggestions


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I have been following the bans that have been put up recently for image share nudity and saw that a good percentage of them are either extremely new, or have a VERY low post number.


Now, I know, this doesn't necessarily apply for every person who is new or low in post count, not everyone who hasn't really made their 'mark' in the forums is going to break a rule, but here is my idea:


Either A:

People have to have a minimum of 100 posts collectively, this should ensure that they have been around enough to see the "ins and outs" of the forums, the obvious dos and don'ts. I have asked quite a number and found to my surprise that not a very large amount of people have actually READ the rules completely. Either new or old. So, since there isn't a way to actually tell if anyone has in order to ensure they don't use the forums until they do, this should give them enough opportunity to make their mistakes, be caught on it, learn from it, and keep it in mind. Or they can get banned before doing something in Image Share that'll get them banned as well*. Either way, it should get them enough opportunity to see the rules in affect before going on.


*IMO: Doing something stupid like cussing someone out, saying something stupid or whatever does less public splash-damage to the community, because it's obviously not allowed, where as if someone sees someone post a nude-pic, they might be under the impression it's fine to do so themselves, as obviously people who will post nudity* are incapable of reading ANYTHING in a pink box.


**Of course, I don't mean the Supporters. I'm ripping on the proven idiots, not "potential" future ones.


Or plan B:

Be at least 3 months old account, with 50 post count: Enough time to see, and enough posts to count.


Plan C: If there is a way to statistically count how many "hours" have been spent online total rather than account age, let's say 10 hours before posting images.


Plan D: Require the first 10 image posts to be "queued" for upload, where they have to be moderator approved before continuing, with something as simple as the page being shown to a link only the moderators can see, the image there, and a "Yes" or "No" button to allow postage. Should someone post a nude image in their first 10, then they will be warned, image disapproved, reminded of the rules and told that if they do it again they will be banned. This way no "damage" can be seen by the community and they have the opportunity to be shown their stupidness is not tolerated. Basically, a "get out of jail free card, but do it again and you'll be shot instead." thing. lol. After their 10 posts they will have an automatic PM by the Site Bot or something in which they have to read, and click a link or something before they can post future images. Reminding them of the rules, telling them there is no tolerance for it, basically emphasizing everything the people breaking the rules are missing.


Or something of the like or mixture. I'm getting tired of seeing people getting banned for something so stupidly simple that I /facepalm myself. Just... God it's so hard to believe! Maybe even show a small page segment ON the image share of everyone who has been banned for violating THOSE rules, that way NO ONE has any excuse whatsoever to do something idiotic.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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When you upload an image a huge pink box appears making it clear what not to upload, the user then must agree to that, if that doesn't get the message home nothing will.


That and for those that can't understand English, well, this is an English forum and let's be honest, red(pinkish) colours mean that's something important written there. I will no longer care for people that get banned becouse of this, unless I get drunk and post something stupid and get banned myself, but that's another story. :whistling:

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While your thinking is admirable there comes a time when you really need to stop applying more bubble-wrap and accept that if what you're wrapping still breaks it's probably because the end-user was inept in some way.
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probably because the end-user was inept in some way.


Trust me, I agree and know. I just tire so much of it being proven day after day. >_<

I'm just trying to make suggestions, even if they are totally unnecessary because, as you said, only so many bandages you can put on someone's head, doesn't make them any less dain bramaged.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I like the suggestions and agree with them.


But personally the big pink box should be enough for people to understand.

The fact Pushkatu pointed out that not all members can read English well but still ignore the pink box...

Well simply yeah. If it does stick out like a sore thumb then it obviously is important, and it is their own general ignorance if they don't put it into a translator.


It is very common knowledge now that nudity is now completely NO NO's here, there is no excuse for it now.


So yeah, while I like the suggestions and think they would serve good purpose in general.

It would still happen because of peoples laziness and ignorance.



Another thing to note on the post minimum.

It will lead to people just posting for the hell of it.

Using any and all excuses to get the most amount of posts possible in the shortest amount of time.

While yes most forms of the posts will be likely spam and trolling and against the rules anyway... It would still happen.

So making a post minimum would be fruitless really and just an inconvinience.


But I do like the 3month minimum, but then again.

What if all they did was come on here and just download mods without going into forums, uploading anything or bothering for 2 months.

Then deciding to just upload images of their gameplay being completely ignorant and saying all types of garbage.

So time here won't reflect how behaved they will be.

I've seen accounts made last year and 2008 be banned in the past few months when they have only few posts and they were nothing but trolling and flaming.

So they can be my examples as to how fruitless that would be also.


Perhaps a hybrid of both posts and 3 months minimum like plan B could work.

But might just not work in general.


But like I said, I like the suggestions though and I do back them.

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Ok....I am gonna play devil's advocate here and I hope it doesn't get me in trouble. I am sure BEFORE this was all implemented way back when that the staff carefully considered all these ramifications. They (I believe but not 100% certain) added the big pink box a bit after this first came out, so that people could not fail to notice this.


The fact of the matter is this..the decision is made and the "line" has to be drawn somewhere. There are a handful of moderators trying to take care of the forum which feeds from three different download sites. There are pictures, post, articles and comments in DL files...I honestly don't know how any of the have hair for pulling it out all the time. It would be nice to hand hold people but no one has the time or I suspect, inclination to do so. If I am on a site of which language I do not speak...I try to be very careful. But you place your bets and take your chances if you go on one. Same here...if there is a question wait....try to get the babelfish translator out and ask first. The screen shot or post isn't milk..it won't expire if you don't post it right then.


Honestly..If you don't notice the big pink box.....regardless of language..and stop to think...Hmmmm...perhaps this is important...Well then I say you placed your bets and will get what you get according to the rules.


We will argue until the cows come home about this and no one is gonna be happy about where the "line" is drawn. I think it would be nice to implement some of these things and I am really sorry for peoples misunderstanding...but ignorance of the law is no excuse.


I apologize if I seem harsh but I wanted to play Devil's Advocate on this issue.


Everyone have a cookie *hands cookie*

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