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Scotland's Weapons of Mass Destruction


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How much more absurd can it get? A traditional whisky distillery on the small Scottish island of Islay is being monitored by the US Defence Threat Reduction Agency... because it has a chemical weapons manufacture capability!








In a radio interview this morning the manager said something about the worrying similarity in name between Islay and Iraq....after all both begin with 'I'.


Ph34r the whisky of mass destruction :ph34r:



:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Omg...yes, this is exactly what I've been looking for ... A reason to launch nukes at Scotland! Muhahahaha! Atlast you'll be falling off my ceiling soon Theta!


/me is still sane. Honest. Just. Uh huh.

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Omg...yes, this is exactly what I've been looking for ... A reason to launch nukes at Scotland! Muhahahaha! Atlast you'll be falling off my ceiling soon Theta!


/me is still sane. Honest. Just. Uh huh.

Umm.....England has nukes? I thought the UK stored unpleasant stuff like that in Scotland! :ph34r:



And who needs nukes anyway when you have indigenous foodstuffs?


*launches haggis of mass destruction at Dark0ne* :lol:

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