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It Seemed To Be A Good Idea At The Time (Redux)


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One 67.2[107]{107}


They came dashing from the Borderlands of the KLL, a small cloud of super death-orbs dispersing death-orbs that shot towards the air convoy. At once escort craft whirled and shot back towards the attackers, the drones darting ahead as the jumpjets and hubcopters went into defensive attack formations; as much as they would manoeuvre, the machines would act as agile weapons platforms targeting the many enemies coming at them, at the bigger hubcopters and the aeroship.


Armstrong found that he knew that it was no coincidence that the ambush was taking place, that there had been betrayal by somebody in the aeroship. He set out at once to track down that one, quietly informing security officers as he went along with paramilitary police. By the time they found the supposed traitor, the man was dead and Armstrong carefully exposed the very small death-orb like device buried in his upper back, in the spinal chord. Not only the biovires, and biozays, could send in imposter infiltrators but to the Eternal Guardian that was very far from being a surprise; he had no doubt that the poor infiltrator was a victim of some kind but suspected that non victim traitors had helped to get him on board past security.


The battle blazed away as rotary autocannons, missile launchers, dog fighting interceptor drones and other weapons swept the enemy from the sky. But then the super death-orbs began to spit out thousands of black red death-darts that whistled through the air with amazing speed, zigzagging to avoid enemy fire. Many exploded harmlessly but drones were wiped out, taken by surprise by the new attack of a kind they had not dealt with before.


Then it came time for the enemy to be taken by surprise as elemental dragons appeared with such speed it seemed almost magical. They were colour coded as reds hurled flame pulses, as blue hurled lightening bolts, as greens hurled tanglers that engulfed to explode and yellow shot laser pulsebeams of deadly destructive power. They were soon sweeping the death-orbs from the sky.


As soon as the last death-orb, and death-dart, was gone the elemental dragons departed as quickly as they had come. The very nature of the environment had produced means of self defence.







One 67a


Jane Scully stood with her parents, whose official names were Dana Mulder Scully and Fox Scully Mulder; they had each chosen the other's surname as a new middle name; this was being done by many married couples and not just 'straight' ones.


They hugged, they kissed lightly, they spoke as they sat in a Airport Base cafeteria. The food, drink, was good if not excellent; it was free to the three of them because of their status and very dangerous work that they often did.


Dana Scully spoke: "There is something that we need to talk to you about, that we should have talked about just over 100 years ago though it might make you feel 'uncomfortable'."


Jane shrugged. "If one of myselves is based here, that would make a good deal of rational sense. I feel frustration that even after 100 years of investigations in Juno Station, and in other places, that we are still very far from gaining a large scale clear picture of what has happened and is happening. Modestia Blaise and I have become a couple, as well as a working partnership. We both have the same feelings of frustration in relationship to the work."


Dana smiled. "Congratulations on your becoming a couple."


Fox also smiled. "Will you marry?"


"Not for now! The relationship is too new to even consider such matters." Jane switched to other matters as if uncomfortable with discussing that one. "There are very many people here and I am picking up a strong feeling of tension."


Fox responded. "Is that so surprising with all that is now going on in the Known Lunar Labyrinth and with the discovery that the Lunar Surface has gone through some very exotic changes, of which we have yet to learn much about? Perhaps one day you will tell us of your true concerns when it comes to your relationship with Modestia."


Jane gave her father an odd expression. "Why did you not tell me that we are very advanced, sophisticated, androids?"


Fox frowned softly. "The truth was suppressed in our minds until activated by Graham Maharg. Why he did what he did, we have yet to find out. Efforts to get him to inform us have led to no real clarifications and only vague answers typical of him."


Dana sighed. "We are not but you are. The biological Jane died as a baby. Graham Maharg intervened to have your 'essence', as he called it, uploaded into a simulicant. Simulicants are like replicants but much more refined, advanced, and able to reproduce, though it is safer done with some special assistance just as biological reproduction is. You eat, sleep, breathe, bleed and do other things that any woman would but can turn some of them off. Except that doing so might draw unwanted attention to yourself. Just before we became separated for 100 years, we asked you to come to us for a special meeting. That was when we were going to inform you of the truth, just as Graham Maharg asked us to do at that time."


Fox nodded. "To us you have always been Jane, our daughter, and that is what is important. We wanted you to come to us so we could discuss the matter. Who informed you of the truth?"


She shrugged. "It came to me in the form of a very vivid dream. Its time to learn more about my true nature as a simulicant."

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One 68.1[108]{108}


Field-Marshal Abdul Abdula, alias the Eternal Warrior, did not like involving the Guardia directly in civil affairs and yet the lines had well blurred during the civil war and had failed to be clarified. Now he stood and observed would be human settlers being blocked from entering a wildfolk Protectorate. Wildfolk, such as dragons, wozzles, aumans and others, had become part of the Concorde. There were also wildfolk humans that had emerged, being a mixture of kinds. Part of the Concorde were the Protectorates.


Trigodders considered humans to be superior to all other life and some humans to be superior to other humans. Men were superior to women. Animals were mere beasts to be used by 'true humans' meaning the 'chosen men'. Only true humans had real souls and could go to heaven though there was a secondary heaven for 'true women' that true men could visit to get what they liked from the women. So it went on!


The Trigod was not really the Godhood, God and the Goddess of True Purity as too many are told by the elite sects, and castes, of the Tritempledom. It was something far more secretive, sinister and unnatural.


The settlers were Trigodders trying to escape from the growing authority, and power, of government in their old area that were investigating a range of crimes carried out by Trigodders. That was slavery, rape, poaching, murder, torture, illegal confinement, illegal possession of military class weapons and a whole lot more. The local Sheriff's Department might have dealt with it except that the settlers were both fanatical and highly armed. The Guardia Police, and Rangers, had been called in but then the current incident had begun.


Yet not as lethal as the Guardia Troopers surrounding them, being backed up by a smaller force of metafolk supersoldiers concealed in the rough terrain. The supersoldiers were far from fond of Trigodders thanks to the Trigodders claiming that they were inhuman monsters that should be all killed. The Trigodder list, of such targets, was very long.


He noted the settler vehicles taking up both lanes of the dirt highway, stopping locals from using it including ambulances, law vehicles and farmers trying to get to town markets to sell their goods. Locals were not Trigodders and far from happy. Though semiwilderness surrounded the dirt highway, either side, there were many farmholds, cooperatives, communes and collectives in the area.


A settler leader was ranting and raving at a junior officer of the Guardia, was making threats.


Smoke was rising in the distance. The field-marshal focused on it with concern for it was coming from a position that marked the former Trigodders' settlement. Yet it was not a surprise for forces were moving in on the settlement to learn the truth of what was really going on. The convoy was a trick and held some nasty surprises.

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One 68.2[109]{109}


The majority of Trigodders were back in the settlement where they had been preparing to set out on foot to get to an unknown destination. Now they, and their settlement, were being taken down by three platoons, plus other elements, of supersoldiers. Ironically enough the supersoldiers were not using any form of brutality as they quickly suppressed local resistance, only killing a few defenders.


When the living-dead biovamps started coming out of the convoy vehicles, it was no real surprise. They fast shambled towards any life that they could 'sense', scrambling towards where Guardia Troopers openly showed themselves. It was a trap! The Troopers soon crouched and began firing as other, hidden, gunners joined in. Single powerful shots to the head tended to do the trick with biovamps hitting the ground hard and fast.


Abdula knew matters would not be so easy. Biozays came out of the trucks, firing guns as they came, while their enslaved human comrades lay down covering fire from the vehicles. Then out burst the things, the twisted six limbed humanoids that were biozay dominated, that rushed forth with great physical power and speed. Using the legs, and lower arms, to move in a hulking low fashion, they used weapons with their upper arms.


Being the Eternal Warrior, Abdula knew that the creatures were a kind that lived on Mars, or at least one alternate version of the Red Planet that in that case was also gridded with great canals with large wide green strips running down either side. That world was called Barsoom. Were there biozays on Barsoom or at least on a world like that planet?


He raised his powerful sniper-rifle and, in his exopower armour, fired it from the shoulder. Every time he fired, he knocked down a biozay-humanoid with out killing it. The idea was to capture the wounded and to examine them, to question the biozay themselves.


The Rainbowbaby appeared, almost as if she had always been there, and brought a nice pouch seat with her that became attached to the armoured chest of the field-marshal. Single coloured babies sat on his shoulders while superbugs hovered close as small cloud formations. Across the landscape of thornplants, and fewer greener ones, some elemental dragons could be seen along with more fleshy ones based on a kind of dinosaurs.


The field-marshal kissed the Rainbowbaby, one of her many avatars, on the top of her head. She was there for more than just a casual visit. An agreement had been formed, a special one, and he had become part of it.


As for the Trigodders, they were stopped from going to their secret destination. It soon turned out that the few, who knew of it, had managed escape from being captured.









Trigodders were people that fit into more than one category. The largest was made up of normies, standard humans, mainly duped into believing in a false religious front. They were used in more than one way, including giving up %10 of their income. The Trigoddia, the Tritempledom, in turn broke many promises so that quite a few common followers left; often they tried various means to get back stolen monies or to bring the Trigodder hierarchy to justice; these efforts ended in mixed results thanks to the Tritempledom being both infamous and powerful.


The next largest Trigodder grouping were those who knew of the true deities that Trigodders worshipped, the dark ones. They were still being largely used though not as much as were those of the majority. They also gained more and were less inclined to leave.


Then there were three layers of those with darker, more extensive, knowledge of what was really going on. It was they who knew of the amazingly well hidden links between the Tritempledom and the Cult Conspiracy along with the Big13. Each layer was larger, but less important, than the one above it; they were the base, mediate and prime layers.


Yet the biggest mystery was how little most knew of the Tritempledom's true purpose, even those in the three layers of its actual leadership. There were also other Trigodder mysteries of deep importance.

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68b (Continued on from 68a in the previous Post #113)


One mystery was the the Trigodders, like the Big13 and the Cult Conspiracy, were in truth controlled by an amazingly secret group known as the Pale13. Even most of those who learned the name failed to discover what it was; many of those vanished with out trace.


The Big13 came to the Known Lunar Labyrinth in the past; now they were to be found inside a fake convent-monastery of a largely unknown lesser sect of Trigodders. The only real fame of the place was that it sold very good cheese for a very reasonable price. The low mountain valley, where it was located, was calm and undisturbed. The Pale13 not only wanted it that way, they helped keep it that way.


Shangollon sat in a big bronze bathtub, naked, as naked young women washed his strange albino like body. The women were also oddly albino like and also had strange red eyes. They were his concubines and wore concubine collars around their necks. In truth they were like slaves than were many traditional concubines.


Shangollon was painfully aware that, despite many treatments, he was running out of life. He was getting steadily weaker and need more potent serums with every use of them. The expensive serums were becoming increasingly less effective and the side effects were getting worse with every strengthening of them.


Shangollon was also painfully aware of the failure of the primary, the increasing confusion about just what was going on, and the growing power of the enemies of the Great Enemy.


He was the Prime Chairman of the Pale13 and it could easily be assumed that he was near all powerful; trouble was that he was linked to the Great Enemy through malformed entities far more so than himself.


AlphaOmega was one good stroke of fortune. AlphaOmega had turned the fumbling, over corrupt, Big13 into a strong force now situated in the three secret colonies of Raccoona, Tigersong and Beaverburg. The names meant next to nothing, having been chosen in a few seconds by some petty official determined to get them done. Or so went the story that Shangollon sometimes doubted.


Shangollon closed his eyes to better enjoy the soothing of his pain. He never opened them for he died then and there. The concubines simply stood and stepped away from him. They they quietly departed. Soon they would be concubines of another of the Pale13; it was of no consequences to them or so they assumed.

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68c (Continued on from 68b in the previous Post #114)


They came with deadly intent, fast and deadly, shadowy figures of supersoldiers not like the metaclones. These were perverse in their pleasure of the violence, the death, that they caused. They fell upon the Pale13 guards who fought back just as deadly but who were outnumbered. They massacred the concubines that did not escape them. They did the same to others who served the Pale13 but who did not escape.


All of the Pale13 lords fell, except the one who had died in his bath, and most of the others. Yet a large minority escaped thanks to the intervention of an aspect of the Eternal Slayer. This one hurled back the shadow soldiers so that they soon found no joy in attacking him and slipped away to vanish, their real work completed.


The Great Enemy, the ever treacherous one of many, had struck again. The Pale13 had begun to disappoint it and thus it became suspicious of them. For the Great Enemy always feared treachery just as it was always treacherous. The Great Enemy was never at peace with itself or with others.


The Eternal Slayer, a tall woman in pale shining silver armour, led the albino like survivors to where they would be tested-transformed; all would end up going to Sanctum to begin new, very different, lives there.

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One 69.1[110]{110}


A ring of AraGuardians continued to surround the ancient AraHeart, one of the most powerful artefacts that the AraAncients had ever created. They were still attempting to bring it fully awake in that vastly ancient chamber where once the AraAncients had lost control, of the AraHeart, to a great evil; they had regained control, of the artefact, but at great cost.


The Rainbowgirl suddenly stood there, almost as if she had always been there, and she quietly joined the AraGuardians in what they were doing. The AraGuardians made room for her, knowing that the RainbowGuardian was assisting them, through the Rainbowgirl.


The AraHeart went on waking slowly but steadily.


Something flickered briefly at the very edges of the great chamber, next to a neat stack of wearable AraArtefacts, in deep shadow but all of the 'guardians' noted it was there. They behaved as if they had not done so, knowing that it could not harm them there but also knowing that they could not drive it away.






One 69a


The UNPSIA had gathered data, analysed that data, from Sanctum taken from refugees. They had come from Terra, Earthtropolis, the 'Lunar Overworld' and Spacetropolis. The data was used with other data gained. Concise reports, and briefings, came from such work.


It became clear that a world bubble, of unknown energies, surrounded Luna. The Lunar Overworld now contained atmosphere, a thriving network of ecosystems, its own world wide climate and yet was arid or semi-arid in many areas.


Those who escaped from Earthtropolis spoke of strange androids, and clones, along with the use of odd caps to control people ranging from golden ordacaps to the majority use of far more basic webcaps. There were ordacaps, mentacaps, servocaps and webcaps. Ordacaps were the leadership, mentacaps were directly linked into great tricomputer network-systems. Servocaps were Enforcitors, Servitors, Workitors and Specialitors


Those who escaped from Spacetropolis spoke of hideous swarms of biometallic hive creatures, spitting metallic spine-darts or glops of highly toxic sticky substance that they actually built structures out of. They were hivaca that had many castes, most of them being less dangerous than the soldiers, guards, hunters, drones and a few others. But there were other threats such as great predatory hunter humanoids and those who had once been human or even dangerous human factions gone mad. Yet there were even more threats in Spacetropolis though there were other than threats also.


It was the changes, of the Lunar Overworld, that chased off people and also those of the Terran Overworld that had others leave there.

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One 70.1[111]{111}

Even as the Deathlordic Forces kept invading the lower levels of the Known Lunar Labyrinth, defensive efforts increased but also counter attacks. Field-Marshal Abdul Abdula visited a big bunker chamber where captured enemy bodies, and items, were being examined.

A deathnoid was being carefully dissected, and examined, by Professor Walter Bishop of the UNPSIA. He had come to assist the field-marshal, along with others with special skills and abilities. Walter looked up at the field-marshal. "Amazing! According to my careful analyse this creature should not be able to move, let alone to attack people. It seems that when its death-orb head is not active, the deathnoid bodies reverts to some kind of inert state, freezing into solid state existence. As for the death-orb humans, or deathmans, they have exotic webworks running through their bodies from the death-orbs. I am of the early conclusion that the death-orbs are related to the biojarl (bioyie and biozay) because of certain features in common. Yet I must admit that there is much research yet to do."

Then he frowned softly. "The death-orbs might also have an important link to the Greynari (the Greys) for their are similarities between the two according to sensor, ultrasonic and other readings on samples we took from these bodies. There is much that we need to learn."


Abdula shook his head. "As the Eternal Warrior I will provide you with important data. The death-orbs are based on cloned genetic materials taken from both Greynari and biojarl entities. The so called Deathlords are a faction of the OroFollowers, follower peoples of the OroAncients. The OroAncients were GrandAncients, as were the AraAncients, but far less evolved, enlightened and knowledgeable. The majority of OroAncients joined the betrayal against the AraAncients, and their loyal allies, while a minority supported the AraAncients. The Deathlords arose into existence during the terrible War of Horrors, complete with death-orb technologies of which we have experienced only a small number of so far here in the Lunar Labyrinth. For now that is all that I can say of such matters."


The field-marshal turned and strode away. Walter wondered how he could use the information that the Eternal Warrior had given him. Then he had an idea and hurried off to get started on trying it out. There was some other bit of knowledge that had been a vague reference to some kind of orb technologies based partly on biojarl genetic materials.







One 70a


The strange metallic books had given up more secrets to those who researched them, who wrote reports on them, who sought to use clues found in them. There was found a map that led to a great AraComplex that was designed, it seemed, to meditating of varied kinds; while most were surprisingly well known to humanity, some were exotic and very few were extremely exotic.


Supersoldiers were soon sealing off certain parts of the AraComplex that was unlike any other previously discovered by Terran humanity, at least of the more modern variety. AraAncients appeared there, in small numbers, showing themselves to Terran humans for the first time. They were mostly those who served the AraGuardians, such as AraGuards and AraServitors. These castes also served AraKeepers and other so called primary castes. There was not much direct contact made but some meetings were held and some odd lectures by some AraAncients that non AraAncients often found hard to comprehend.


What was happening there, at what would soon be known as the Mystic AraComplex by many, was far more important than many would guess amongst mortals. Soon the RainbowGuardian showing up along with True Eternals but the RainbowBaby remained away at first, perhaps finding it a little too boring to attend.

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One 71.1[112]{112}


The Deathlords were coming from another dimensional plane of existence that 'neighboured' that of the biojarl (bioyie and biozay). Greynari once had outposts in both realms but had been driven away by Bloodnari and other forces. The True Eternals gave this information away along with the bad news that the coming of the Deathlords, to Luna, indicated some force was getting closer to trying to free ancient monster entities from exile in the Nullvoid. They had caused the coming of the biojarl and then the Deathlords.


Deathlordic Forces, in the transformed Lunar Overworld, were having difficulty dealing with local factions. Their own brutal, uncompromising, approach had caused LO Factions to unite against them, including old enemies of each other. The big, tall, loperfolk were aligned with the 'normal' looking but less mass dense saffrons and others including relatively small numbers of selenites from their surface outposts.


Deathlordic Forces had come through a Waygate but not one in a AraComplex. Instead it was a much smaller, less 'potent' creation of the OroAncients; an OroAncient Faction, that remained loyal to the AraAncients, created it as a rally point for their forces, along with allied ones.


Why had the Deathlordic Forces come there and what were they up to?


While a large part of the Lunar Overworld was at fertile, rich with sources of fresh water, much of it was more arid even when rain fell upon those areas fairly regularly. Craters filled with water and became the focus of dense concentrations of flora and fauna. Yet many civilised folk were spread fairly thin across inhabited areas with only a relatively few exceptions. There were good, practical, reasons for this!







One 71a


Deathlordic Forces were terrible, as were the Deathlords that were former OroAncients who had been a faction that had betrayed the AraAncients and others. Yet they were more threatening as indicators of worse to come for the Deathlords had been, surprisingly enough, one of the lesser threats that the AraAncients, and their allies, had to deal with.


The return of the Deathlords, and their terrible forces, was indicative that other factions could, would, return from the travesties of the War of Horrors.


Yet the worst feared was the Great Enemy itself, themselves, or was the true of all who knew of such matters? The RainbowBaby seemed to fear another. Was that other linked to the Great Enemy. There were also the False Eternals and others such as the Greynari.

Then others came to join the party, so to speak, and things became even more interesting.

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One 72.1[113]{113}

Items, of many kinds, had been taken from the 'museum' at the airport base that had been engulfed by the growing Tarrytropolis and then became part of Labyrinthburg. They had been used most often up in the higher, lower gravity, levels of the Known Lunar Labyrinth before the Airgates had been sealed and those, in the supercities, had gone into a state of suspension for 100 years. Now they were being sent out again and it was planned that much would be used in the Lunar Overworld.

Mulder looked around the great, lower gravity, glowcavern and the big low gravity river running through its center. Low gravity rivers were fascinating to observe as massive fish were glimpsed as they rode the oversized, oddly slow, waves.

Loperfolk were there, as warriors and scouts, with elongated fire-arms except some armed with large, powerful, longbows. The loperfolk were not weaker than Terran type humans despite their appearance. The site was a newly created outpost for the ReBeccana Clan Orders of warriors, scouts and magetors plus a few other serving castes.

A warrior loped past Mulder, being far taller in height, and gave the human a mildly suspicious look. Mulder was amazed that such loperfolk could have had human ancestors like himself. Natural evolution could not have made such changes in 1,000 years.

Enclosed moonrovers passed as a small convoy. They were altered, upgraded, replicas from the museum of original human made machines. Armour-arms had been added, often as roboremote gun-turrets. In them were Guardsmen from the upper levels and fewer supersoldiers.


Scully walked up to stand beside him and then spoke after they quickly kissed. "Loperfolk scouts back tracked Deathlordic traces which took them to the big underground OroComplex. In that they found an active Waygate guarded by death-orbs, deathnoids and deathmans. There was also a single tall humanoid with two heads, one being a death-orb and the other being as a humanoid head wearing a death-orb like helmet. That might have been a Deathlord. The scouts were detected and only half escaped to report what they had seen; none were captured, deciding to be killed by their own if they were too wounded to get away; there was something truly evil about that entity."


Mulder nodded. “From what we have learned about the Deathlords, that only makes far too much sense. How did it go?”

For the sake of knowledge, that would assist in the loperfolk being helped in various ways by the Terran humans, two dead warriors had been allowed to be analysed by advanced machines. Dissection was not allowed until it was pointed out that wounds made, by Deathlord weapons, needed to be analysed. Also other knowledge had to be gained to help explain how the loperfolk had so rapidly evolved from standard humans.


The loperfolk had no idea except for one clue; that was the exotic globe-towers that had arisen close to where ever many communities of humans had been settled. Where those ancient type artefacts behind the evolution of the loperfolk and other entities.

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One 72.2[114]{114}

Scully sighed. “We learned that the loperfolk are well designed for a low gravity existence in atmosphere and that they evolved mostly in 100 years, that being over 700 years ago. The wounds, the damage, done to the two dead loperfolk warriors, was much the same in nature as done to Terran humans. The loperfolk spoke of Greynari saucers appearing at various times, and places, in the Lunar Overworld but no particular pattern could be found, Walter truly is a genius, especially with his rejuvenated brain.”

Mulder nodded. “Yes, so what has he deduced that has you singing his praises?”

An oversized butterfly fluttered past them, all fragile seeming and gracefully beautiful. It was seeking towards some big fragile looking bushes adorned with large flowers of amazing appearance.

She sighed again. “Walter has deduced that the false evolution has a particular pattern about it that he has seen before in an experimental project that he did with William Bell; only that project was largely a failure and what happened to the loperfolk was clearly far more successful. It appears that we humans, and others, have been the subjects of a range of experiments including that one.”

Mulder was impressed and it showed. “Question is who, what, has been carrying out the experiments. Has it been the RainbowGuardian or the True Eternals?”

There were no easy forthcoming answers. Soon they would be moving onwards, to the Lunar Overworld, along with others in the expeditionary force. Both of them were eager to see what the Lunar Overworld was like and Walter Bishop was even more so.







One 72a


Replicants, androids, continued to appear from the Airport Base 'museum' and some of these were soon heading towards the Lunar Overworld. The loperfolk tended to be wary of replicants, as they were of the supersoldiers and others, but even more so when another 'museum' was found producing loperfolk replicants.


This complex showed metallic stone alcove 'exhibits, artefacts' from the time spent of the KLL Regional Territories, and the Lunar Overworld, while those in Labyrinthburg were in status, were transforming. The displays, the data in many forms, the 3Dwallscreens, spoke of the Regionals keeping up to general standards during 100 years of history but the Lunar Overworlders of losing much knowledge during their 1,000 years.


There had been large scale faction wars in the Lunar Overworld with low gravity aircraft, battletanks, armoured soldiers and other technologies being used. As the loperfolk arose, along with other low gravity folk, they scattered across the changing Lunar Overworld because physical distance seemed to be a good way of avoiding conflict between physically different factions.


Metallic stone alcoves showed such as early humans struggling to survive the strange weather caused by the great changes. Others showed early loperfolk warriors in armies swarming across the landscape, fighting each other along with others. Earlier on there were more sophisticated machines, computers, weapons and much else of the kind but the wars, the natural disasters, and other troubles seemed to send the Lunar Overworlders into their own form of dark ages.


Then they began to seek peace, diplomatic solutions, technological advances and much more. Factions sought out old, lost, complexes and artefacts. There was a great push to regain much of what had been lost though much that was being sought was only of near mythological nature.


Alcoves showed many peoples, odd types of technologies from low gravity hovercars to steam-trains and even loperbeast pulled wagons. Most of it was of a common pattern with three main, and five secondary, peoples.


Then there were some odd, even disturbing, exhibits and alcoves that did not quite fit into with the general picture.


Some areas were sealed off and alcoves not activated. AraGuardians, and AraGuards, came there as did supersoldiers. The Rainbowman had a look at what was found as did some True Eternals. The UNPSIA sent a large taskteam. There was the strong consensus that while most that was shown in that place could be utilised, could be sent to the Lunar Overworld, some areas needed to be sealed off and even hidden from most people. For what was indicated in those sections of the 'museum' indicated yet more threats but this time linked with others already encountered.


There was a large hidden Greynari colony somewhere in the Lunar Overworld but they were not the only hidden menace.

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