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What is going on??????


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What's going on with Morrowind Source? People keep telling me they can't access the forums while they work fine for me...



....then the next time I click on the usually link in my favourites a 'Delta Force' forum appears.... :blink: :unsure: :blink:



....refreshing the page doesn't help, but by using the link from the official forums I can at least get to the Morrowind Source homepage, and thence to the forums... :huh:


...except that I have to keep refreshing the page and bypassing the cache....



..and seeing the sharp decline in the number of posts over the last few days I don't think I'm the only one who is having problems accessing the forums....




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Well, its working perfectly for me, normal link and everything... though I seem to be one of the lucky few. All day yesterday there was a max of 5 people online. Anyone have a guess at what could make it unavailable for most people but leave a few untouched?
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ITS ALLIIIIIVVVEE!! God, this is the first time I've been able to access MWS in 5 days!! :blink: I was starting to think I'd never get back on here.
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