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Fallout 3 and  

14 members have voted

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    • Oblivion
    • Terminator Salvation
    • Borderlands
    • Hellsgate London
    • Gears of War
    • Metro 2033
    • Medal of Honour (Modern)
    • Doom 3
    • Halo
    • Other

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I would love to combine Fallout 3 with Oblivion in the sense that Oblivion Gates open in the DC Wastelands and the daedra invade. Soon the daedra are taking at least some human technologies and copying them, using them against the humans as in dremora with assault-rifles and scamps with added body-armour.


This is a fun debate. Please do not take too seriously.

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Borderlands. I like the shooter mechanics a lot more in Borderlands (yes, I know FO3 isn't exactly a shooter,) and the RPG elements involved with skills. I also enjoy the transitions to vehicles every now and then and all those guns...though thanks to mods, FO3 has quite a unique number as well. But co-op is where it is really at. Nothing gets better than stumbling across some creepy, remote area of the world with your buddies and exploring together. If I could only do that in FO3's atmosphere...that would be perfect.


The cel-shaded art style to Borderlands is very nice, but I like Fallout 3's realism more. However, I wish it had more great canyons, valleys and more varied natural landscapes...so...


Yes. We need to somehow smash these two games together to make something totally awesome.

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I voted for Borderlands as well. It's got a hugely varied and interesting environment, awesome gunplay, and the shotguns can actually be useful. Also: I love a revolver shotgun with 16 rounds in it that fires electrified rockets in a smiley face pattern.
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Monkey Island, what else?

Just to intense the Adventure part ^^

http://i592.photobucket.com/albums/tt10/ajp307/monkey%20island/th_hangingmonkey.gif Ooooh! That was a good one! :thumbsup:

"Yo ho, Sheriff of Megaton! Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" :devil:

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The Warcraft-mythos!


Think of it. The wizards and sorcerers made an unhealthy habit out of opening unstable dimensional portals here and there. It's not hard to imagine some abandoned old portal hidden away somewhere leading to the Capital Wasteland. Perhaps Dunwich Building could be involved?

Perhaps one day, some Orc settlers stumble out in the baking sun, feel right at home and starts moving in. Or murlocs battling the mirelurks along the Potamac for territory. Hey, if they can handle all that magic being carelessly thrown about, they could manage some old radiation any day. :P


*Mental picture of The Lone Wanderer soaring above terrified Enclave forces mounted on a dragon*

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I don't think I'd want to merge it with any of those games. Borderlands is crap, Doom 3 is crap, Oblivion is bland, the rest I have no interest in at all.


I'd probably give it Mass Effect's weapon mod and cover systems, if anything. Maybe even replace VATS with the whole hold-space-to-pause-and-queue-powers thing. That'd work out great for Blaze's pyro-slingin'...


Oh, and I'd like the stealth system from the Thief series--you know, the only games that ever had good stealth mechanics. :ninja:

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I don't think I'd want to merge it with any of those games. Borderlands is crap, Doom 3 is crap, Oblivion is bland, the rest I have no interest in at all.


It'd be nice if you explained why. And saying "X sucks" or "Y is garbage" is basically asking for some hate from those who like it. D:

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dremora with assault-rifles and scamps with added body-armour.


Ahhh! That would be a scary. Dremora I don't mind, but scamps I despise. Dirty little *****s! I don't think I'd want them grabbing modern weaponry.


It would be great fun though. I like the concept. :)

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I've always envisioned combining Fallout 3 with Resident Evil or House of the Dead.


I mean, there are already Ghouls, so Zombies isn't too far off. Then add the S.T.A.R.S team, and you have a great game. Imagine a buttcrapload of zombies slowly stumbling across the open wasteland, eating anybody in their way. The few settlements there are would protect you from them. Tenpenny Tower would be one of many such places. The Vaults wouldn't be so bad anymore.


etc etc.

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