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Bethesda forum censors working quietly in the background.


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Anyone else notice any of their post in the Bethesda Softworks forums mysteriously vanishing? I made a post in this thread.


I said,"Never again buy and Obsidian game before there are numerous patches and fixes available for it."


A bit of a jab yes, but not too bad. I didn't think so anyway. I come back to the thread a little while later and my post is gone. I've gotten no forum warnings or any kind of explanation. It just went "poof". So I posted it again and sure enough. Poofed a second time.


I'd say there is some sanitizing going on over there. Anyone else seeing this or do I just need to get my tinfoil hat reinforced?

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I stopped posting there because of things like that, after Oblivions release mindless fanboys were free to abuse anyone who criticised the game no matter how constructive that criticism was, that was if the thread lasted long enough for the fanboys to jump in. For a company that says it takes feedback seriously they sure make a lot of effort to avoid hearing anything negative. I recently bought F1 2010 and it was full of bugs, Codemasters handled the criticism completely differently, in fact it was the mindless fanboys who earned the staffs ire. Unlike Bethesda they were genuinely interested in what people thought and they used that feedback to make changes to the upcoming patch, it was a refreshing change.
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Anyone else notice any of their post in the Bethesda Softworks forums mysteriously vanishing? I made a post in this thread.


I said,"Never again buy and Obsidian game before there are numerous patches and fixes available for it."


A bit of a jab yes, but not too bad. I didn't think so anyway. I come back to the thread a little while later and my post is gone. I've gotten no forum warnings or any kind of explanation. It just went "poof". So I posted it again and sure enough. Poofed a second time.


I'd say there is some sanitizing going on over there. Anyone else seeing this or do I just need to get my tinfoil hat reinforced?


I love how you siad "sensative time for Bethesda" wow I laughed for a while after reading that. I feel the same way :)

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Poor Bethesda, pretty silly of them taking up Fallout with Obsidian. Despite their history with the game, they've not brought out one game since which hasn't been bug ridden, missing content etc. ( I know lots of game companies release "unfinished" work these days, but Obsidian are known for their bugs and cutting content from their games.) I don't use the Bethesda forums for the reasons above. Censorship is bad :(


Despite my reservations I bought FO:NV and am enjoying it, but the bugs etc. are annoying and my comments on them would no doubt be removed from the Bethsoft forums. (Regardless of whether they were constructive or not.)

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I like how everyone is quick to forget how buggy Fallout 3 was when it first launched.


You also need to understand that a developer has little control over when the game launches - this is often set by the Publisher (which is Bethesda).


Some people would say "well, they should have just kept it in development for a few more months until it's fixed!!1!" - and sure, they could have done that, but think of it this way; you either get the game now and play if you can, or you wait until the time that a polished game would have been released, and that's most likely equally proportional to the amount of time they need to patch the game.


In effect, you whine for nothing. You got the game months ahead of what it probably would have been and you really only have the "illusion" of a buggy game being released. Either play it now and deal with it, or play it later when it's patched to "proper release date specs".


But then again, some people just aren't satisfied... Praise when it goes your way, and then complain when it doesn't.


I'd also like to add that my game has been really smooth - only one crash out of 25+ hours of play. A few bugs here and there, but I'll deal with it.

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Poor Bethesda, pretty silly of them taking up Fallout with Obsidian. Despite their history with the game, they've not brought out one game since which hasn't been bug ridden, missing content etc. ( I know lots of game companies release "unfinished" work these days, but Obsidian are known for their bugs and cutting content from their games.) I don't use the Bethesda forums for the reasons above. Censorship is bad :(


Despite my reservations I bought FO:NV and am enjoying it, but the bugs etc. are annoying and my comments on them would no doubt be removed from the Bethsoft forums. (Regardless of whether they were constructive or not.)


I think Obsidian have done a decent job, the game is more stable than FO3 was after all the patches. Both Bethesda and Obsidian have pretty poor reputations when it comes to quality control, I was surprised it worked at all to be honest.

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yea but the bethesda fanboys jump all over the obsidian fanboys and then a fanboy slap fight insues.


i mean i would think beth would be happy to have people trolling this game and their selective memories about how god awful fallout 3 was with the bugs and crashing. after all beth wants to make more fallout games and they want their games to be the best, hell i got to think that the relationship between obsidian and beth is not the best buddies type, especially since beth sued obsidian trying to rip the mmo out of their hands. and all the rangling over the classic fallout packs and beths concern that people might be confused about fallout 1 and 2 being a bethesda game. or buy them instead of fo3 etc.


no i think you put these two companies into a steel cage and locked it it would get messy in a hurry.


far as your flaming if you flame it right i got no issues, buy no bethesda game until it has sever patches and a community created mega patch that fixes all the bugs that bethesda will never ever get around to bother to fix. it is not just obsidian that makes buggy games.

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I REALLY hate the moderators on the forums over there.


Warned for having an image in my signature. Uhh, okay. Apparently some people's connections can't handle an extra 250kb per pageload.

Warned for having oversized text in my signature. I'm sure that this had nothing to do with the fact that the text was negative towards bethesda.

Warned for "arguing" about which platform is best. This was easily the stupidest. One guy said 360 is better than PC because you can play on your couch. I told him you could with a PC on TV via HDMI then he raged. Somehow I was the instigator.

Banned for bypassing the forum censor. Apparently, using the word "s***" in a post DEFENDING obsidian is a no-no. -_-

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