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Bethesda's first-ever E3 conference!


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In response to post #22677544.

If it is announced at E3, it will most likely be released this year as well. Bethesda likes announcing very soon before release, and Todd has actually said that when they announce Fallout 4, it will be released very shortly after. :thumbsup:
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In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289 are all replies on the same post.


Todd Howard said that the time between the release date and announcement will be the shortest it's ever been. The shortest as of now is 11 months. He also said he doesn't want to dribble it out, and just say "Boom, here it is."

This game has been in pre-development since 2010, and went into full-development (besides the dlc creators and patchers) probably a few months before Skyrim came out.

There will probably be Dishonored 2, DOOM, Fallout 4, and Starfield. I think Starfield is Obsidian's "Backspace" under a different name.

It took 4 years in-between Morrowind and Oblivion, and with the extra staff, I think they can do the same here. The 4 years was because of a new console generation, just like here.

P.S. Your mods are great! Edited by Camonna Tong
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In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289, #22683744 are all replies on the same post.

@Camonna Tong-

Yeah I can see your point there. Since we know FO:4 is gonna be on the CK, the quick turn around could be because they dont need to do too much to it in terms of updates to the engine, like they did for Skyrim after oblivion and FO:3. The only reason Im hesitant to say a 2015 release is because Skyrims patch 1.9 came out in March of 2013, which was less than two years ago. Even if you consider that official patches were done by a skeleton crew and the rest of the team had moved on to Fallout 4, it still shows that official support of Skyrim continued until at least 2013. Even if Fallout 4 came out in first quarter 2016 that just doesnt feel like enough time. Unless Bethesda handed it off to Obsidian of course. Maybe they could make it shine in just 2 1/2 years, idk.

The biggest change that could be in the works that would set Fallout 4 apart in a big way would be x64 bit support. I know we whine about consoles being lowest common denominator but this generation does finally support x64 bit natively so that shows some promise. Skyrims x32 bit system is arguably its biggest limiter on what we modders can do for it.

And thank you!

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In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289, #22683744, #22696394 are all replies on the same post.

The problem here is that everyone assumes the entire Skyrim team was locked in to the project and only did that up until June of 2013 (Legendary Edition).

The reality is that at least part of the team that would be working FO4 jumped in December of 2010 when the official Skyrim announcement came. Then once 11/11/11 hit, only the DLC/Patch team remained behind. Everyone else was on FO4 then.

So it's more realistic to think it's been in solid development for 4-5 years and a release date in November of 2015 makes sense given Todd's desire to shorten the hype period prior to launch.

An announcement at E3 2015 and a release in November 2016 would be longer than the hype train for Skyrim was and there aren't as many diehard Fallout fans to keep interested for that long.

Any hope of a new engine will have to be pinned on TES VI, which could well be part of what they're going to announce. Assuming anyone would believe a word of it from Todd now. :P
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In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289, #22683744, #22696394, #22703729 are all replies on the same post.


What are the chances that Fallout 4 will be x64 bit? Is it unlikely for that to be the case since its gonna be on the CK and that was designed on a x32bit architecture? Or are the engines more flexible when dealing with that sort of change in the structure?

Will there be the hard 255 .esp limit that skyrim had? Or are there still hopes for a x64 bit PC version that can take advantage of higher specs?

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In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289, #22683744, #22696394, #22703729, #22706194 are all replies on the same post.


I know you're asking him, but the chances are really high. The Xbox One and PS4 can support up to 4.5 GB of RAM for games. The rest (3.5 GB) is tied to the OS. In order for Fallout 4 to fully utilize that RAM, it needs to be x64. Edited by Camonna Tong
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