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Author blocking, user area tweaks and general updates


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In response to post #23050014. #23050444, #23050984 are all replies on the same post.

@ Eiries

Or maybe people like options? the option to get rid of those authors who mis-tag things, the EWI's of this world who spam the place up with 2K spoon textures or those who spam the imageshare with five or even ten images at a time, all of them crap.

If you don't like the thing then don't use it, there's no need to be unpleasant about those that do.
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In response to post #23050014. #23050444, #23050984, #23053524 are all replies on the same post.

o12no1, color me confused... If you don't like the feature, and then don't use it. This is remarkably similar concept as yours. No one forces you to use blocking feature.

Back to this topic: While I haven't make any comment, complaint, nor in any blog entry regarding functions and features, I find this recently-added author-blocking feature seriously useful. Certain types of mods (skinny armors, anime mods, and a few) have always bother me. I had been putting up with these kind of stuff until now. No longer and no more.

Thanks Dark0ne and staffs!

Dakkon Edited by Dakkonthedark
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In response to post #23050014. #23050444, #23050984, #23053524, #23054249 are all replies on the same post.


Some people want to be able to hide mods by authors who aren't actually mod authors at all, but merely those who translate mods to their own native language and share the result. While that's certainly an worthwhile pursuit that I would never dream of asking the Nexus to put a stop to on my account, I don't need to see supercento's string of uploads every time he gets a few days off and converts his favourite mods to Spanish. I don't speak Spanish, so I'm never going to need his uploads.

You appear to think of yourself as a well-mannered reasonable human being. So I would respectfully request that you please consider your words more carefully before you post them rather than going off on a tangent about people you don't even know.
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I have been around the Nexus for a while now, not as a modder but as a mod user, I haven't posted pretty much anything though because I am shy and usually I have nothing useful to say anyway, but I just have to come here now and thank you guys for this new features, in particular the Author blocking.

Some people that are against this useful new feature need to remember that it is not all about hating a mod author, there can be many reasons why one would want to block someone's work. It is frustrating sometimes searching for some mods and get flooded by several pages of mods and have to look in all of them to find what we are looking for (specially if we do not know the proper name of a mod or we are just looking to see if there is a mod that does something we want but that we don't know if it exists), so blocking a few authors that specialise in translations for example (as mentioned by a user here before) could make the search result get smaller, blocking a few that specialise in making weapons could further reduce the results. We have the tags to help with this by as mentioned before tags can be abused and changed at an author's whim so it might not help.

Also after we search for particular things we can just unblock the authors and be done with it.

This system is great because it is not forced on anyone, it is use it if you want and even if you do you can always undo it later.


This latest example that everyone seems to be talking lately, this Author Ewi is a great example of why this feature is so useful, if Ewi hadn't broke Nexus rules he would still be spamming the Nexus with tiny texture mods everyday and flood the hotfiles just because he can (it is abusive and annoying but it is not against Nexus rules), but with this feature, one that thinks that it is abusive and annoying can just block him, he can have fun posting his things and I can have fun looking at actual mods, win win situation.


Once again Thank you Nexus, this new features are very good and make the users have more control over how they can browse for mods. :thumbsup:

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In response to post #23062929.

I think it is meant to be used in conjunction with, and not instead of tag blocking. In general, you should use the tag blocking feature to filter unwanted content, and if you find authors who regularly disable or -- in your opinion, but not in a way that would breach our rules (for example, in debatable cases of lore-friendliness or unfriendliness) -- mistag their mods then you can block those authors. Also, you can temporarily block authors who flood the file hosting section or the image share with content your are not interested in (author blocking even affects top images, if you block an author, their images in the Top Images section will be replaced with other screenshots).
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I am happy with all of the updates for NMM. But since the updates, I can't login with my username in NMM and when i enter my username and password, it says "Sending Login Token..." and it doesn't log me in at all. It just says "Sending Login Token..." and nothing happens at all. Is anyone else having this problem at all? Thanks


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It would be nice to be able to block individual users from accessing your files without requiring that they post a comment. This restriction is easily circumvented by habitual content thieves and they often just delete your posts asking them to remove stolen content despite the original requirement of having a certain number of unique downloads before having that option. What's worse is that they can block you (the author of the stolen content) from ever seeing their mods if you do happen to post a comment, allowing them to get away with content theft that much more easily, since it's then up to other users to report their activities.


The current system requires that the individual post a comment on a mod you've authored in order to be able to block them. This only protects the thieves, as they quickly learn not to post comments on mod pages of those from whom they plan to steal.


While I welcome this new option of blocking users whose content we're not interested in seeing,I'd like to see a little more protection for mod authors themselves. The report system is fine, but Nexus staff are not available around the clock and it sometimes takes several days to a week or more for reports to get resolved.

Edited by Maeldun0
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What's worse is that they can block you (the author of the stolen content) from ever seeing their mods if you do happen to post a comment, allowing them to get away with content theft that much more easily, since it's then up to other users to report their activities.


Report the user to the staff, you can report their profile page, or contact us by private message if needs be - use the files url (or even just name it), the user and provide your evidence when reporting.


You don't have to leave it to others.

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In fact, in those sorts of cases one should use the Report button before making any other comments.

Then it won't matter what the author does, the Staff will already have the info.

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