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Last time I played Guild Wars the combat was like WoW or EQ....press 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and wait a couple of seconds while a spell or ability is spooled up. Alternately just left/right-click an enemy and your character auto-attacks with whatever weapon he has. That's not real-time combat!
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You didnt play pvp, pvp still has the number keys but you use them instead of clicking because attacking with your weapon is useless unless you play warrior or something melee like that but when you play warrior you use power attacks most of the time.

I play elementalist which means my staff is a finisher attack when theyre on 50hp but my spells are primary and have to be timed perfectly so that I can keep casting at the correct pace while still having enough extra mana to cast a counter spell when I need it.

Most people can't get into GW because the start is extremley boring but I can't even try to get into vindictus because its not working. :(

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Sounds like it's Guild Wars with a bit of real-time combat. Dull instanced landscapes with a big lobby town that some how makes it an MMO.

I wouldn't say that they're dull instanced landscapes, many of the maps have hidden pots, traps and other little bits that keep them interesting for the first dozen or so playthroughs. There is a bit of a lack in variety in these areas though. But, I think that is mostly because the game is still new-ish instead of being some sort of profound limitation in the game client. As said, the game can be kinda fun, just so long as you aren't looking for any real depth.

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You didnt play pvp, pvp still has the number keys but you use them instead of clicking because attacking with your weapon is useless unless you play warrior or something melee like that but when you play warrior you use power attacks most of the time.

I play elementalist which means my staff is a finisher attack when theyre on 50hp but my spells are primary and have to be timed perfectly so that I can keep casting at the correct pace while still having enough extra mana to cast a counter spell when I need it.

Most people can't get into GW because the start is extremley boring but I can't even try to get into vindictus because its not working.


Still not real-time combat! It's turn-based combat made to look real-time. My definition of real-time combat would be an FPS like CSS, CoD, Dark Messiah of M&M, etc. where it's about your skill at aiming, moving and timing rather than about who has come up with the best and fastest "build order" for spooling spells and abilities.

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Has there ever been an FPS MMO?


Planetside is considered to be the only real MMOFPS ever created to actually "make" it. They're the only real type of MMO I'm interested in now as they actually required a modicum of player skill to be good at; rather than the ability to waste countless hours grinding and learning the fastest way to get your 5 best spells off that essentially involves pressing five hotkeys and then waiting for 30 seconds while your actions unfold in-front of you, devoid of any real skill.

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Well I gave Vindictus a try and quickly realized it had a few neat things but it wasn't going to be able to hold my interest over the long term.Actually realized it may be able to hold my interest for a week ,long term didn't even enter into the equation.Too bad ,destructible enviroment ,valve engine I had hopes.Oh well guess I'll have to wait for GW2.
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Eh, if that's what you mean by real-time, then I dunno. I guess not. Though, I dunno if there's a PVP aspect in the game or not. It really does get redundant quickly, and is more or less the old "make it look pretty" tactic, with the less-than-negligible aspect of the Source engine. When I first started the thread, I was taken in by the very high quality graphics, and fairly in-depth environment, but I quickly grew tired of it. I'd still say it's worth a shot though. Coincidentally, I first saw the ads here on the Nexus.
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