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Skyrims kind of Fantasy bums me out


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A while ago a friend of mine started to play Skyrim, after he finished Witcher 2, and he tells me how much Skyrim sucks compared to that Game. So i started to play a bit Skyrim again, looked around for mods, after years, and i have to admit hes right. I can't enjoy this game anymore, because there are so many bummer. Skyrim has so many cool settings, and so many times i see something that just ruines it all for me. Swords who just couldn't hold together because of the law of physics, ordonary things that just look like realy bad craftsmanship, the weird pictureing of a medieval fantasy society.

And after more then 3 years, there ain' mods compareable to what was for Oblivion. Sure, great overhauls for graphics and so on, but nothing else. Was the game just to complicated by now to do that? When i was tinkering around with the GECK, i often thought that some of the new stuff makes it just unnecessaryly complicated. Active Inventory Lists for example.


Anyway, the mods i see are mostly of realy low quality and by many mods about new city parts or villages it comes to mind, that the people who created this never saw an actual human settlement or how people would settle in an area. Everything looks plastic and sterile. What i liked about Witcher 2 was that it actualy looked believeable. I could realy imagine that these dwarves and elfes and men would live at this place. In Skyrim its a hand full people doing meaningless tasks and who just have a thiny hand full children. Imagine the child mortality in a medieval world were dragons attack your village. And while that happens i, the dragonborn choosen one hero, basicly run around doing FED-ex jobs. And it gets repetitive so fast. I mean seriously, a society like in skyrim could care less about Dragons and Monsters when they would face these demographics, not having children because strong Women go adventureing instead.


I miss the adult setting Skyrim just scratches now and then. Like for example when this one chick in the thiefs guild tells the player about her sad story growing up on a poor pig farm. Hell, i wanted to see this pig farm. I want less... imperial steel swords who look like the ugliest thing they could come up with, and more darker, mean stuff like beheadings in the town square. Oblivion had good designs but was often so soft, skyrim has a darker setting up so often designs a child would come up with. And from now it looks like there never will be such a thing as WAC for Skyrim and so on.


Anyone else feeling similar about this?

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For me, at least, the Witcher games feel lifeless. 99% of 'NPCs' are just drones there to fill space. Dragon Age and GTA are other examples of this, and it's not something I've ever found immersive or interesting. They're all still good games, but something entirely different than Skyrim and TES. While I like them, they're in the same boat as Gears of War for me... Very much games to play, but not characters with which I tell a story.


As far as the Witcher goes, I actually find it quite immature and childishly 'mature'. Of that makes sense. The female characters all seem to just be tits on legs waiting to drop for any hanging meat, and it's attempts at being dark or edgy are just... Not well done. I haven't felt emotionally touched by anything I've seen in a Witcher game...


At the same time, Skyrim goes more a tell, not show approach which strikes me as more... Natural? Sapphire talks about her haunting past, the shopkeep in Whiterun talks about being harassed by that Bard, there are subtle hints of physical and sexual abuse in the Orphanage and the Boarding house in Rotten, the Dark Brotherhood outright mentions Babbette killing a pedophile. These are the types of things which are always going on in the background, that hounding SEE but you can catch rumours and whispers of.


Used sparingly, stuff like this can be really powerful, like in The Last Of Us, but games like the Witcher just try to throw as much visual 'maturity' at you it loses any meaning.


As for Mods...to be honest, I never really liked Oblivion, so I didn't do much Modding with it, but there are some excelent Skyrim mods, so I don't know where the concern is... Are you looking for a particular sort of mod?

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Then go and play witcher.


Skyrim looks like this as a drawback to it engine, in the sake if being moddble. They can't do much when it comes to many other things. Skyrim is still a good game, does it have the best story and it so human like ? Nope. far from it.


Personally, I like this side of TES. There is some darkness, but it hidden or hinted, TES has a more funny theme in it than other game imo.


Pick a spoon, can't move.

Punch someone and he will visit your wedding.

Jump skill is at 100, now you are Jesus.




The npcs in W2 are rather very bland. If I saw an npc is skyrim I will know the backstory, the quest and the name along with family. I can hardly get lost in the cities when in oblivion I would always get lost expect in anvil.

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For me, at least, the Witcher games feel lifeless. 99% of 'NPCs' are just drones there to fill space. Dragon Age and GTA are other examples of this, and it's not something I've ever found immersive or interesting. They're all still good games, but something entirely different than Skyrim and TES. While I like them, they're in the same boat as Gears of War for me... Very much games to play, but not characters with which I tell a story.


As far as the Witcher goes, I actually find it quite immature and childishly 'mature'. Of that makes sense. The female characters all seem to just be tits on legs waiting to drop for any hanging meat, and it's attempts at being dark or edgy are just... Not well done. I haven't felt emotionally touched by anything I've seen in a Witcher game...


At the same time, Skyrim goes more a tell, not show approach which strikes me as more... Natural? Sapphire talks about her haunting past, the shopkeep in Whiterun talks about being harassed by that Bard, there are subtle hints of physical and sexual abuse in the Orphanage and the Boarding house in Rotten, the Dark Brotherhood outright mentions Babbette killing a pedophile. These are the types of things which are always going on in the background, that hounding SEE but you can catch rumours and whispers of.


Used sparingly, stuff like this can be really powerful, like in The Last Of Us, but games like the Witcher just try to throw as much visual 'maturity' at you it loses any meaning.


As for Mods...to be honest, I never really liked Oblivion, so I didn't do much Modding with it, but there are some excelent Skyrim mods, so I don't know where the concern is... Are you looking for a particular sort of mod?

Great Lachdonin "Tits on legs" Now im stuck with that on my mind :confused:


But hes right that Oblivion has way better mods than Skyrim,No matter how you mod Skyrim it just feels "THE SAME" and dont get me wrong cause its still a great game indeed!!!


I would vote :


Skyrim = 3,0 sweetrolls

Oblivion = 3,5 sweetrolls

Morrowind = 4 sweetrolls

The witcher = 3 tits + 2 legs

The witcher 2 = 2 tits + 1 leg

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Personally, 3dnpc mod was the thing that, for me, changed Skyrim from mediocre to excellent. It has its darker storylines, although quite a lot of it is humorous as well, but in a way that blends with context. It also fixed the low amount of interesting questlines in the game (I don't mind some FedExing, but as long as it doesn't function as a substitute for more unique content).


Swords and other weapons that would be clearly unpractical in RL are a staple of these games (Skyrim Orcish sword is rather cooky). It doesn't break my immersion, though.

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Witcher is one of those games I put my 30 or 40 hours in beat it and will never pick it up again the lack of no character creation, lifeless npcs and no open world kills it for me. Tes lore is defiantly far more richer then the witcher series. But hey whatever floats your boat


Morrowind - 7 sweetrolls

Skyrim - 3 sweetrolls

Witcher - no sweetroll for you

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Anyway, the mods i see are mostly of realy low quality and by many mods about new city parts or villages it comes to mind, that the people who created this never saw an actual human settlement or how people would settle in an area.

I am looking forward to your high quality mods.

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Witcher 2 for me was one of those, "once and done" games; I played it once, and now I'm done with it. I actually got Skyrim first, I had to wait two years to upgrade my pc so I could play anything new and that was the one I wanted the most, so when I started on Witcher, I was vaguely disappointed on the lack of an "open world". I hate games that tie me into a set path; 'okay, kill these bad guys, then walk down this hallway and kill those bad guys...' Don't get me wrong I liked Witcher 2, it was entertaining as far as it went, but I have to disagree with the OP's assertion that it was any way superior to Skyrim.



Anyway, the mods i see are mostly of realy low quality and by many mods about new city parts or villages it comes to mind, that the people who created this never saw an actual human settlement or how people would settle in an area.

I am looking forward to your high quality mods.


I second that.

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Okay seams that someone doesn't get the point. "then go and play witcher" "Then go and play witcher" Man, seroulsy, touch yourself. Its just one freaking example i made relating to Witcher 2. Don't you get the point? Do i tell you to play Junkie Simulator when you asked for a rundown player home? I'am asking you for something? Ain't you able to have a conversation about the fundamental pictureing of these games, but non the less you wanna enlighten me with your statement?



Besides all that Open World and NPC stuff. Who needs to talk to every single peasant in the realm? They are lifeless anyway, because they all quite look the same. Even beggars have apps! There ain't fo fat, small, crippled people in this medieval society. At least with Skyrim they started to move in the right direction. Just a freaking Beard and Dirt in the face can make a character a whole lot different. They appear tells a story, and with skyrim this just doesn't mets the edge.



The female characters [in the Witcher] all seem to just be tits on legs waiting to drop for any hanging meat, and it's attempts at being dark or edgy are just... Not well done.

First i wanna clearify that i never played the Witcher 1 and just relate to the witcher 2 here. So in the secound one what you describe was limited to a curtain class in the games society. Not all of them appeared like that, just a curtain and relativly small class. And thats another strongpoint the Witcher 2 ingame world has compared to skyrim, the authentic society classes. In Oblivion and Skyrim this is more or less just the LC, MC, UC descriptions of furniture parts. The pictured societies in TES just don't feel real. If you would have a class of soceress that has wealth and doesn't go sick, ofcourse they would dress up like they are pictured in Witcher2, because this is just what females in the west do with the similar circumstances. If you don't have to bown down to plough a field or pick weeds like the peasants, why wouldn't you. And what point is this when you consider the fact, that the game with probably the most nude mods is skyrim? I mean compared to what is among the top 50 Skyrim mods, Witcher 2 is rather classy at that point.

But you have these towns and cities in TES where 8 to 12 people life and they split in these three classes in equal parts. And thats it. Doesn't feel real at all and as i said already, the demographics don't add up. I rather have a more lifelike city where i'am not able to have conversations with every single one of the people and do FED-ex Quests for them. Ofcourse they can be drones to life space, because this is literaly what a peasant should be! A drone!




I am looking forward to your high quality mods.

Ofcouse i'am not gona do that. Besides that the amount if work would be just insane, you know for people who have jobs and family and friendes, there also wouldn't be an audience. The People who play Skyrim are in average 12 to 18 years old and the request to found a virtual family must have been so big, that Bethesda sold a offical DLC where you can adopt children. Who wants to play Daycare Simulator? But i will see what comes around with a few of the Total Conversations that are in the Works.

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