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Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?



125 members have voted

  1. 1. Where would you like to see the next Fallout take place?

    • New England (Like FO3)
    • The Southwest (like New Vegas)
    • The Pacific Coast (Like FO1 and 2)
    • The Pacific Northwest
    • The Southeast
    • The Midwest
    • The West (ie: Rocky Mountain area)
    • Other
    • Another Country

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I must agree with previous ones, post apocaliptic London seems perfect to me :)


Which would be fine for non-Brits, y'aall could just turn out of Parliament Square and cross Tower Bridge the way you do in the movies. And gor blimey guvnor what a luverly lot of accents would come trippin darn the 'ol Kent Road.

Which rather begs the question, whom does one suppose would be covering for the late lamented Wilfred Hyde White, now dear Will has passed on. For no production is complete without a veritable raft of 'ouver thaa toorp' upper claaas aaarrcents.


Hellgate London! Never forgive, Never Forget!

If you chose greater Europe then everyone would think you were talking about someone else, pretty much the way they normally do. :wallbash:

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One thing I think that is missing from a lot of people's choices is one of (if not The) the most important factors to take into consideration for the next locale, and that is Iconographic Imagery, specifically in this case, architecture. And more importantly, buildings that everybody in the world can recognize at a glance. The DC Wasteland had that. Vegas with its lights does too.


Most of Europe does not. South America does not either, nor does China apart from the Great Wall. Rome would work, with the Coloseum and St. Peter's (something I think about very often, as I live here and routinely imagine Super Mutants charging out from the columns of St. Peter's square, which would easily work, too, model-wise as the Capitol building is based off St. Peter's, etc etc, but that's better for someone's mod, and the catacomb system under the city, etc. Paris has only the Eiffel tower, etc. Chicago doesn't have much world-class architecture, and neither does Miami or even New Orleans. That's DLC-level stuff.


Australia is cool, too, but let's face it. Most of it already counts as a Wasteland. :tongue:


Pretty landscapes aren't sufficient. There are pretty landscapes Everywhere in the world, and not much would be iconic after a nuclear war. That is why it has to be architecture, because it's architecture...specifically Fallen Architecture...that gives one's senses just what is Post-Apocalyptic.


No, they probably will remain in the US, and as I see it, they have two choices, following the above characteristics.


One is New York. Statue of Liberty reigning supreme over the Escape from New York-style landscape.


The other is Los Angeles, with the Hollywood sign looming tall over a chinese-ghoul (or chinese patriot) infested Chinese Theater, some great dungeoning to do in some parallel-universe's Star's homes, and of course we can't forget just what Fallout might be like using the great movie studios' lots as a backdrop...Universal Studios, some psuedo-Disney Land, etc, etc.


Personally, I think they should continue to go West. DC, Vegas, LA. It also brings the story "home". :thumbsup:

Edited by WizardOfAtlantis
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Maybe I dont get it but... @WizardofAtlantis, are you saying seriously that "Europe doesnt has world recognized at glance buildings or architecture"? And "Paris has ONLY the Eiffel Tower". Dont know if you are serious or just joking :huh: Edited by kukenike
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Then again, the games never said anything about vaults existing in other countries...


The US gov funded the vault tech project and knew what was going on, so I doubt vault tech vaults would be in other countries.


I would still like to have a game that takes place in a still standing city (the entire game, not like new vegas with one small city) and a small surrounding area.



Maybe there could be a bunker under a small city in California, but the city never gets hit. The people move out and live in there city. They begin to build around the area and make more structures, but they begin to fear the outside area of their city since they are not sure what happened during the war.


Anyone see what I am saying? A fallout game with a city that's not messed up (would need to look old due to people not taking care of it). And instead of having the game go around the concept of survival, have it go around the concept of rebuilding civilization. Should take place like 100 years after fallout 3, so the eastern enclave and the NCR would be two diff rent governments, but rivals and powerful.


Also when the next game comes out, I am almost sure it will follow the time line of the NCR capturing the dam.

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Australia, specifically around either the central area of Australia or the Sydney coastline


The central area could be unique because of all the tribes around there and because of Uluuru

The coast of Sydney would be interesting because its practically the biggest city in Australia, the most populated and has one of the biggest ports in the world, or you could go fo woomera in the desert since thats where most our testing of new projects such as project SPARTAN are taking place.

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Of course I am serious, and that is exactly what I'm saying. :turned: You can't make the game "in Europe". It has to be a specific city (and only one) with a small region around it. It also has to be a city that has MULTIPLE world-recognized and Easily-recognized-for-the-masses architectural features to manipulate into post-apocalyptia and still be recognizable at a glance.


Hardly anybody in the world is going to recognize the Pompidou or the Bastille or anything else in Paris aside from the Eiffel Tower. This is fairly obvious if you think about it. The same goes for London. Average audiences will (might) recognize (maybe) Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and little else, and that's not enough. Nobody anywhere is going to recognize Barcelona, Chicago, Milan, anywhere in Germany, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Eastern Europe, China, South America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or Japan UNLESS THEY ARE TOLD BEFOREHAND WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING AT, you have been there, or you live there. And that is simply insufficient.


Wilderness and Wasteland are eternal. Post-Apocalyptia is defined by the Fall of Civilization...and what we as gamers can see of it in-game.

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Not sure I can agree with you on that one. FO3 had a bunch of readily recognizable stuff, but not New Vegas. And even then, when I visited DC, I was more like "Hey, I saw that in FO3!" than the other way around. In all honesty, all it really has is the Hoover Dam....and something that is Vegas Strip-like. I'm sure London, Beijing, Paris, or Rome would be more recognizable for me.


I don't think the architecture needs to be immediately recognizable save for a few landmarks. The semi-famous stuff becomes something for the player to discover.




Well, I would just assume that other developed countries would have found there own way to shelter some of the population in some bunker or something of their own design.



In the end, though, all the elements are there for it to be held in almost any major city. Bombs fell everywhere, there is little to no backstory on what happened to the rest of the world, FEV research was leaked to the world = global supermutants. All I ask is that after the Mojave, that they choose a pace with a more varied geography.

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Washington, D. C. as the back drop for Fallout 3 had another quality I feel may have given it the #1 choice for the game in the past that could prove to be a crowd teaser again. I♠t was and still is the center for the gathering of all the people who make us love to hate politics. This thought only caused a margin of curiosity during my game play as I started to scour the D. C. area with the question on my mind ever so briefly, "Were they in session when the bombs fell?"


All the ideas and speculation all of you have shared could find another "lead in" to attract the attention for a next game making it a hint that some other forces of Good to love to hate and Evil to hate to love at work got removed. Or, possibly, a few rockets went astray and missed their intended targets because they had sat in their launch tubes rusting just a little too long.


I need a lounge chair on a beach right now with a revolving bar maid to keep the drinks with the little umbrellas coming until my bottle caps run out.

I hope my girl friend can make it. I hope she remembers where to meet? Oh, I hope I am not coming down with Al's disease, "What's her name again?" Too much radiation maybe? Time to take my RadAway and heal up for a week or two.


Be back soon.

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