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Where would you like to see the next Fallout set?



125 members have voted

  1. 1. Where would you like to see the next Fallout take place?

    • New England (Like FO3)
    • The Southwest (like New Vegas)
    • The Pacific Coast (Like FO1 and 2)
    • The Pacific Northwest
    • The Southeast
    • The Midwest
    • The West (ie: Rocky Mountain area)
    • Other
    • Another Country

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I chose New England with The Institute in mind. For those of you who don't remember in FO3 a certain android came from there and since then I've hoped for some sort of expansion on this. I'm tired of the same factions and groups in all the games. No more brotherhood, NCR, enclave or other major factions. I think Fallout needs a shakeup and this extremely advanced institute would make an excellent Plot center. Hell, maybe the PC could even be an android, Trying to find its creator or something.


As for other countries, I agree with UnidentifiedFlyingTard. If the game moves to another country then we lose that sense of mystery of the rest of the world, which is arguably one of the most important aspects of the Fallout atmosphere. Maybe Canada would work in one of the major cities but only because its so closely related to the U.S. in the Fallout universe.

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People also need to realize the bombs that fell were smaller nukes then we have today...


I mean didn't house say it would have taken 100 something to take out Vegas and surrounding areas?


I doubt that China would have wasted bombs on small time areas like where I live, radioactive dust would most likely travel due to winds, but it should be fine overtime.


I just hope they don't put it in another desert, that messed it up so bad... I mean it doesn't even look like nukes fell! Everything looks like it just got taken due through the erosion of sand and wind...


Is anything really taken down? I am not sure if a entire building is fallen... Everything in the game seems to me like animals and humans doing crap and sand erosion.



Correct me if im wrong folks, but IIRC in the story the bombs did not hit the Mojave. House had taken precautions and prepared a defence against the bombing prior to the end of the war, and was able to personaly direct it to knock down some aircraft/missiles/bombs (some 63 or so wasnt it?). As such the decay to NV is purely from the fallout and the collapse of society.


There were a lot more missiles, and since the platinum chip didn't come in time he was only able to shoot down the ones near the city, so nukes did hit the areas around the city, not the city itself.

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This is great!<br>We're getting more and more focus on the game and as we do, less and less places are being mentioned. So, now I have to think...  <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:">  Why Wyoming? <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ermm.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":ermm:"> <br><br> <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":smile:"> I heated up all the memories that I could about the United States and the travels my parents took us on.  All of us bounding around in the back seat after they finally convinced us to get in the car. <br><br>Why?  What have we done to deserve to be taken away from our comfy play ground?<br><br>Then it hit me!  The national Monument of the Four Big Heads in South Dakota with the home of Sturgis. Turned into bikers Hell of the state filled with forests of pine tree with areas so thick you see nothing but them for miles along the roads.<br><br>The trees would could be so morphed from radiation that touching them could kill, while the deer and antelope would have fangs with antlers so strong they could slice and dice as they carve us up if we ain't fast enough with a mini-gun, Pard ner'.          <br><br>Victor and his pals could be roaming free to make the bot town dances sing to the old sounds of camp down races as they try to mow us down.<br><br>Trumpeting Elk with eight foot long racks could pin us to the rock walls and wave us around like an old rag doll.<br><br>Shelter would be the only place we could stay and rest...if we could reach one before one of half dozen Yao Guia could run us down if we ran slow and were low on grenades and fire bombs.<br><br>Wolverine known to attack Grizzly bears would hunker down on the ground like mushroom caps and if we got near without seeing them they could bite off a leg a licketty snap.<br><br>Not to forget the Rattlesnake's which with a new radiated skin could shake their tail and instead of rattle throw fire balls that could burn us to a crisp.<br><br>Various types of cats, Lynx, Puma all there to hop upon our backs.<br><br>The four presidents heads in the tunnels beneath would have us lined up in, awaiting word that the BoS of Washington were getting nearer and may help save our skin.<br><br>Still, each day or so a plane would fly by dropping supplies and ammunition, which meant we had to go out to find a drop site and occasionally run into an old ranch, a house, or a suburb which might be clear enough to scavenge before dark.<br><br>For then the glowing ones of the Sioux city tribe start would come and start hunting us with their ancient arts at their disposal.  <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":devil:"> <br><br>South Dakota and Wyoming would be a desperate trap with only two hopes.   Wait for the BoS or run for and climb the Devils Tower.  Encounters of the Third Kind may save us!<br> Edited by Pagafyr
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yeah I'd like the next one to be set in the Northeast, the Fallout 3 Area


Could be set around the Commonwealth and the main focus is the institute, since thats where a lot of Post-War Tech is being made, although if it was set here it would lose some of the post apocalyptic flavour and put too much sci fi in


or maybe a game set when the midwestern brotherhood makes contact with either the original Brotherhood or the Capital Wasteland Brotherhood

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Somewhere in this discussion is one of Bethesdas personal employees' or maybe one of their head CEO's picking the pieces of our posts apart for the heart of our hopes.


Excerpt from a previous notes to myself.

I don't understand this thought that occurred to me so here; you figure it out, "There are enough talented people here who have been building mods, scripting, Navmesh, Body art makers, clothing designers, buildings exterior and interior, weapons, monster designers, etc. and so I on. I believe with their combine efforts, those members could make a game that would put Bethesdas Team to shame. I feel their version would not have all the little things for us poor souls who only manage to play the game to cry about."


Back to my fresher thoughts:


I like to walk over a spot that is not knee high to my character instead of running into an invisible wall. And hey! Yeah! I have found ways to inch my way around the mountains. Even in New Vegas which was no where as easy as it was in Morrowind.


It got trickier in Fallout 3, but that's how determined I am to make the game feel real enough for me. Whoever built the mountain ranges in Morrowind deserves a big cheer because, I for one, enjoyed hiking up them and down them to waste my time as I pleased, instead of having to shuffle backwards to avoid an attack in a cramped space between two invisible walls in a hall. Yeah! I found Cliff Racers were annoying as all get up, BUT I STAYED THE COURSE! WHY?! Because I Liked it That Way.


If for any reason my Ego was correct in thinking that the reason for these type games are becoming more difficult to find, "Just Because ' I ' like and play them, then its all my fault for showing up and having fun acting like a child, not acting childish, acting like a child and having a great time.


As my own body got older, and I felt livelier by the way, I began to wonder why I did not have any children of my own to share your talented mods with, "From The Nexus here!"


None of my old friends who had children had any interest in these and those games that their own children played. If my old man body could possibly be why the PC world is making it more difficult for PC gamers to get the quality of games that MORROWIND etc are, then I will leave for good and let you have your childhood ways so they go back to the fun extreme roaming area PC type style that was in MORROWIND, OBLIVION, and FALLOUT 3. If that is what it will take to get the PCer Games back in focus, I'm jumping ship here and now so all of you will have the same joys I felt playing the games built that way.


O one day I will die an old man while playing a game all by my lonesome. I kind of find that hard to believe while I think about it because why would anyone want to die when they are having so much FUN!

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Somewhere in this discussion is one of Bethesdas personal employees' or maybe one of their head CEO's picking the pieces of our posts apart for the heart of our hopes.


Excerpt from a previous notes to myself.

I don't understand this thought that occurred to me so here; you figure it out, "There are enough talented people here who have been building mods, scripting, Navmesh, Body art makers, clothing designers, buildings exterior and interior, weapons, monster designers, etc. and so I on. I believe with their combine efforts, those members could make a game that would put Bethesdas Team to shame. I feel their version would not have all the little things for us poor souls who only manage to play the game to cry about."


Back to my fresher thoughts:


I like to walk over a spot that is not knee high to my character instead of running into an invisible wall. And hey! Yeah! I have found ways to inch my way around the mountains. Even in New Vegas which was no where as easy as it was in Morrowind.


It got trickier in Fallout 3, but that's how determined I am to make the game feel real enough for me. Whoever built the mountain ranges in Morrowind deserves a big cheer because, I for one, enjoyed hiking up them and down them to waste my time as I pleased, instead of having to shuffle backwards to avoid an attack in a cramped space between two invisible walls in a hall. Yeah! I found Cliff Racers were annoying as all get up, BUT I STAYED THE COURSE! WHY?! Because I Liked it That Way.


If for any reason my Ego was correct in thinking that the reason for these type games are becoming more difficult to find, "Just Because ' I ' like and play them, then its all my fault for showing up and having fun acting like a child, not acting childish, acting like a child and having a great time.


As my own body got older, and I felt livelier by the way, I began to wonder why I did not have any children of my own to share your talented mods with, "From The Nexus here!"


None of my old friends who had children had any interest in these and those games that their own children played. If my old man body could possibly be why the PC world is making it more difficult for PC gamers to get the quality of games that MORROWIND etc are, then I will leave for good and let you have your childhood ways so they go back to the fun extreme roaming area PC type style that was in MORROWIND, OBLIVION, and FALLOUT 3. If that is what it will take to get the PCer Games back in focus, I'm jumping ship here and now so all of you will have the same joys I felt playing the games built that way.


O one day I will die an old man while playing a game all by my lonesome. I kind of find that hard to believe while I think about it because why would anyone want to die when they are having so much FUN!


While I get what your saying here, im frankly lost as to "who" is saying it lol. Or what exactly it refers to in regards to the location of the next FO game.


Now considering FO games have been progressing in time and not going backwards to fill in gaps, I think one located around the central US where the effect of the protagonist(sp) of the previous games could collide would make a rich (and overly nastolgic) gaming experience.

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While I get what your saying here, im frankly lost as to "who" is saying it lol.




I wonder why it was so important to you to copy the exercise I gave my computer to rally a bunch of creative artist's to get together. The words mean, "to learn to trust each other and work willing together," to whip up a game so extraordinary it would dwarf the mentors from Bethesda?


I gave my computer a challenge and it figured out a way that appears human to you. Obviously, not entirely human though.


Who? My highly sophisticated electromagnetic emotive force biologically engineered computer! A computer creating a fictional character with which it is using that to learn to communicate with other human beings. Give it a mathematical equation and it works extraordinary well while being more human gives it problem's that are filled with many more variants and is still iffy as to whether communicating this way is a good method for anything more then transferring important business documents.


There are probably better electronic brain's at M. I. T. which can do even more mathematical tricks like IBMs Blue chess player.


And look who my randomizing Integrated Human Thought Processing program got to respond?


I am sincerely positive it wont be in another city with skyscrapers. That is why they chose Las Vegas, NV for the backdrop. How do I know? It is a mathematical probability and a computer is better at determining a random chance as it is more like a slot machine and only can be effected to get a wrong answer by a electromagnetic force interrupting its tumblers. Power surge, electrical power cut off, or a really strong magnet.


The odds that Bethesda or any other company will make another Fallout are 1,090,001,010,000.919,818,000 to 1. Care to bet against a computer?


So, for me this was as likely as any place to form a fictional relationship and build a fictional partnership, and have a fictional companion which could if ever have a fictional family which would not even know they existed because the technology to allow each character to have a conscious and be involved in such an enterprise is still a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, time coming.


So! Is your reason, for quoting all that my exercise provided, to agree, that such a get together for the many artist's at TESNEXUS is a good one? :woot: Or did find you could only use your brain to inspire a negative motive? :ermm:

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New York City needs to be done at some point. I enjoyed exploring (getting lost) in D.C. Throw in a sizeable amount of wasteland and you almost get two games in one.



As large as NY is,I think an awesome idea would be to try to make an entire state,ie from Staten Island,Plum Island and all the way up to the Adirondacks would be amazing but I can only imagine how huge and taxing that would be.

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