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Arcangel - The Beginning


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Tiemmo watches uneasily. So far no one has looked at him twice. But the two who had been outside the tent look as though they are expecting more unwelcome company . He steps back into shadow where he can see yet not be seen. No longer affected by the firelight he can view more of the surrounding area. He holds the bow ready.


What in the name of Xevia is going on?

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Helstar, Melisande, & Tiemmo


As Helstar prepares to fire the spell, the man who had attacked Melisande falls to his knees, then collapses face first onto the ground. The other man seems to be shaking off whatever cobwebs he had been hit with, and advances a step, once again closing on Helstar.


Linden and Alenee


Linden, finding nothing around to lean on, sits down. Upon close examination, she discovers that the arrow is not barbed, and removes it. In a few seconds, the flow of blood has stopped, and the healing spell has gone off successfully. While feeling better, she knows that she is not yet herself.


The thrust of Alenee's pike catches whatever had been "holding" the shovel. There is again the "Ummph" sound, once again followed by a wail from somewhere far off, echoing eerily through the tombs.

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Melisande and Helstar


The spell once again goes off, this time a little differently. The blue glow does not seem as prominent, and it does not stop the man from coming in with his sword. Melisande lunges at the man, missing badly but deflecting the shortsword just enough so that it misses Helstar, catching only clothing as it passes his left arm. Melisande collapses after the attack.

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Melisande, Helstar, and Tiemmo


Melisande starts to turn, weakly moving her sword forward. As Helstar finishes the spell, she collapses down again. The man with the shortsword seems unaffected and swings at Helstar, catching him in the left thigh, opening a deep cut. Helstar goes down in pain, his leg not able to withstand his weight. The man continues forward, sword high, looking to finish off Helstar.

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