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How old are you?


How old are you?  

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  1. 1. How old are you now?

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I'm 65 years odd and proud of it! I mean it took me 65 years to get here!!! I'm not looking to go back and be young again. Certainly not 18 .. since .... when I was 18, you were expected to grow up and become an adult. Now I read, that that expectation is now 26??? WTF????????

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Back when the solar system was coalescing out of it's natal gas cloud ... when I was but a young lad.


I've gone through a bunch of variations on that theme with the grandkids over the years.

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At the age I am now I feel like I'm three days older than Dirt!

Then you're from 1992. That's when the Alice In Chains album was released.


Actually you missed by about 50 years....


I assure you the album is from 1992.

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Old enough to have played Daggerfall and Wasteland 1 on a PC running windows 98 , wife , house and two kids later and still a gamer , now if I could just stop my kid from pwning me like a noob on Battlefront 2


I understand. I know that father and son tend to compete for Mothers attention so we win favor with her so she might give us a special treat at the dining times at the table. When we two get older we discover fathers favors a different kind of treat, :kiss: Kisses​ :wub: something father gets we don't at meal time.

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