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Amnesia night tonight


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Just a reminder for anyone who hasn't noticed the latest site blog that I will be hosting an Amnesia: The Dark Descent demo night tonight. Midnight GMT, 7pm EST time.


The premise is simple; people interested can download the demo, download Mumble; the free to download/use VoIP software and log on to my Mumble server and we’ll all play through the demo at our own pace individually. Everyone sets their Mumble to "all talk" so that we can hear everything going on; every person that jumps, every person that welps, and every person that screams "WHAT THE BLOODY DICKENS WAS THAT?!?" (that would be me).


For more information check out the latest blog post.

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Sounds like it will be great fun, but sadly I very much doubt that I will be still up at midnight (yes, early night for me! lol).


Will you be doing this again sometime? I would really love to join you if you do :D


Hope you all have a good one anyways, hehe :P

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Is it just coincidence that the game's on sale now? Didn't it come out a while back, or did they just recently release the demo?


I'mma go test out the Mumble to make sure it works. Caution: I come up with some pretty creative swears when I'm freaked out, like that one spot in Half Life 2 where it drops 10 dead poison headcrabs on you.

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I am not going to be able to make this. *sad face*


My husband's work Christmas Party is tonight. I have to go and pretend to be a grown up. I have to dress up and everything!! WAH!!


I sure hope you have fun. Dark0ne...if you get any more ideas like this..like playing the full game or some other game...and getting on Mumble..I would absolutely love it!


*hands out extra tighty whities*


Don't miss meh too much. :thumbsup:

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