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Doesn't use Gamebryo


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Not only does the GameBryo engine wants to retire.. the whole company behind GameBryo has retired^^


I also think it was a very good move. I'm really eager to see what Bethesda has made for us! :D

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In 2006 we were all amazed with Oblivion Graphics and Physics (Havoc). Even today (with all the cosmetic mods) Oblivion looks just terrific to me. As you all I am too for a new Engine but I am pretty sure this new Game Engine will be a kind of Advanced Gamebryo. We'll see...


By the way from the trailer we don't need much more than a Gamebryo like Engine....ahahahahahahahahaha :laugh:

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yes, it's quite likely we've got to learn everything anew. Scripts/quests/dialogue/AI...it's probably totally redone. Maybe even the building/ dragging and dropping things...

for what we know they might've taken the collisionbox approach where every script became an object *nightmares*. They went close to it in fallout, I hope they didn't stretch it further as it's horrible annoying to edit.



Personally I wouldn't mind a radical change. The benefits will hopefully be in a larger amounts than the things we'll miss. Next to that...the challenge aspect of a new editor is very appealing :). and will definitely encourage me to mod a lot again.

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Heck, I would take anything if it meant more power over the game itself. Could you imagine if we could change the things we griped about in Oblivion?


I still bet they won't have managed to make ladders, even with a whole new engine. Ladders are Bethesda's Achilles' Tendon.

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Heck, I would take anything if it meant more power over the game itself. Could you imagine if we could change the things we griped about in Oblivion?


I still bet they won't have managed to make ladders, even with a whole new engine. Ladders are Bethesda's Achilles' Tendon.


And collisionless rain that pours through the ceiling as if there was nothing there xD

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I'm thinking "yay, new engine" but I'm slightly worried, theres no doubt that Gamebryo needs a pipe, a pair of slippers and a rocking chair by the fire, but Bethesda aren't what I'd call renowned at getting the best out of a game engine.


TES 5 may be problematic in the beginning and definately not one to buy on release day.

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I'm thinking "yay, new engine" but I'm slightly worried, theres no doubt that Gamebryo needs a pipe, a pair of slippers and a rocking chair by the fire, but Bethesda aren't what I'd call renowned at getting the best out of a game engine.


TES 5 may be problematic in the beginning and definately not one to buy on release day.


Well I guess I will be one of those that does purchase it on release day ;)


I'm going to bet it will be a STEAM only release as well.


As for the engine news, nice to hear, but like everything else, if they are going to create a World Builder/SDK then I'm sure there is going to be a nice learning curve that comes along for the ride...

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  • 8 months later...
Hate to dig out an old thread but its better than starting a new one for something that's been on my mind .. Everyone made such a huge deal about this being a new engine but I noticed early on that whenever someone made a joke about the old bryo in the skyrim todd howard interviews he always cringed a little and avoided saying anything .. and now its pretty obvious to me that this is Bryo but a far more advanced version of it .. I'm very happy with what Ive seen and wouldn't want a full reboot .. but since its all so clear now has anyone changed there minds on this whole "Bryo Bad!" mindset?
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