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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Had an idea, partially thanks to Pepperkitty...


If they could include template NPCs in the construction set, such as a companion, a vendor, an enemy, which were scripted for function but left blank of content, that would be amazing. That way players could easily start creating their own NPCs in game from the get to without having the difficult learning curve of figuring out how a companion or vendor works from the ground up.

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one quick note for you to remember:


ok when i played oblivion i noticed that the orbs that you get for defeating an oblivion gate let you do things with your armor like make you invisible just tell them to keep a way for you to do that?


can you become a full wizard with abilities solely on magic?


and if you are a fan of the conan movies or try and find this 80's classic that i hope gets a remake The sword and the sorcerer that tri blade he had in that movie.






also if anyone you defeat you can take there armor because i remember i could not take the deadric armor when i was a low leveled character!

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It seems like much of the stuff people continue to ask for has already been confirmed by Bethesda. Perhaps I will see a few final suggestions that I haven't seen yet before I venture out on my trip, which will probably be next month.

Don't forget to tell them about skis, they have mountains and snow. Pleassse , I wanna get my ski on w/ all their new snow! Also rob travellers then ski off into the sunset. :pirate: SNOWPIRATES! :pirate:


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...Will there be beards? *shot*


On a more serious note, I'm curious as to how the Dovahkiin "Dragon Call" system works. Would it be possible to ask how exactly this will work/be implemented? In any case, best of luck.

Edited by wyvernix
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Hi guys, and Hi Stealth,


This thread is a nice idea, hopefully will get the attention of Bethesda before putting the finishing touches on Skyrim--and if not, many of these ideas can carry over to ES 6 (six) as this is as much a wishlist for that game as anything else at this point


Just spent 2 hours going through 27 pages of posts, read em all; these are topics I'm very intrigued with; I wanted to compile the best ideas I've seen so far as well as several of my own (sorry, I neglected to write down credits to those ideas I borrowed here; I'll label my own as 'original' and you can search for the rest if you care to)


My Wishlist for Skyrim or ES 6

--A post-leveling advancement system, similar to many online RPGs where a player can continue growing in power and ability after the numerical number has been maxed--this is different from perks (original)

--Skipping the tutorial portion of the game is an excellent idea, especially for us ES vets--this would, of course, have to be separate from any character creation

--NPC Factions that hunt YOU--this forces the player to keep an eye out at all times instead of always being the lone aggressor--some quests could be added involving Defense or Defending a fort or locale from invading/marauding enemies (original)

--Sorry, no nudity unless you want this game rated AO and selling 39 copies--this is mod territory, period

--KEEP the Compass/Landmark system from Oblivion, or improve it (if that's even possible, it was so nice)--this was the one thing Morrowind lacked above all else

--Aiming System/IFF (Identification Friend/Foe) would be handy but hard to justify without delving into the scifi/high-tech realm

--MORE Ring/Jewelry slots--I mean, cmon, who hasn't played Oblvion and wanted to equip about 7 different, awesome, rings at once--last I counted humanoids have 10 fingers--I would settle for 4 Ring slots--2 is unacceptable any longer

--Children would be nice but questionable to implement, at best--who wants to create a game where children can be slaughtered? PR nightmare (as I type this, I have just read Game Informer's update on many new features, including children. . .hoo boy, good luck Bethesda)

--Medium Armor is good. . .what happened to that anyway?

--A Counterattack ability--duh, maybe give it a 10% chance of hitting, could scale up as player became better with weapons (original)

--Spyglass--not sure if Tamriel's hit the "Renaissance" yet but a simple spyglass (ancient binoculars to you kids) for long-distance surveillance of camps, towns, and trails could offer a much deeper, richer scouting experience (original)

--Color-coded Landmark labeling system grading various dungeons, forts, caves, crypts as Easy, Medium, and Hard (Green/Yellow/Red would be simplest)--this implies the existence of said Easy, Medium, and Hard dungeons, obviously based on the player's level, equipment, and skill levels (original)

--Palpable Racial Tensions and even Discrimination in towns and on the trail--ie. when an Argonian sells to a Dark Elf, he gets a nasty remark and higher prices

--MAKE SKYRIM COLLAPSIBLE via WINDOWS SHORTCUTS in FULLSCREEN (Ctrl + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + Delete, etc)--you have no idea how frustrating it is to have to totally exit out of Oblivion in order to research a quest in my web browser--this is PRIORITY 1 PLEASE--yes, running in a window does work with Task Manager but purists like myself prefer fullscreen mode (original)

--a 2nd or even 3rd hotbar for Spells, Different Weapons, Potions, and Usable Items via the Shift + Number keys (original)

--a Bash attack with shields--result would stun an enemy for a couple seconds, and vice versa to the player when bashed

--Rest Wherever, aka Morrowind--if creatures awake you when sleeping, so be it, fight them off, then get more Zzzzzz--

--Chargeup spells are an excellent idea--slightly longer cast time, increased power or duration

--Different body types at character creation--if someone wants a fat model, let em be fat! Who said a fat Orc isn't strong or intimidating?

--Pure Magic users should be able to equip 2 spells at once, one in each hand--Everyone else gets 1, period--it is ABOUT TIME pure casters get to have some sort of advantage that sets them apart from everyone else, giving the player who chooses a pure caster a much different game experience than a typical hack'n'slasher


That about does it for now, thank you for reading and thank you for posting--let's help Bethesda make better games (that we will give them money for!) :wink:

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1. Good luck with kemo and therapy.

2. What a kick-ass wish!!!!

3. God bless.



Pretty mush your list covers everything that i would want. Except mayby some more armor slots: capes, armor slots, and etc. Oh and mayby a more defined class. Such as only warriors can use heavy armor (or a special kind of heavy armor), only mages can use certain spells, and only rouges get armor penetration/better sneak. Also more situations that can be achieved through stealth like trapdoors to more buildings and etc. Well good luck with everything and try to get a playthrough of the demo!!!!!!

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1. Good luck with kemo and therapy.

2. What a kick-ass wish!!!!

3. God bless.



Pretty mush your list covers everything that i would want. Except mayby some more armor slots: capes, armor slots, and etc. Oh and mayby a more defined class. Such as only warriors can use heavy armor (or a special kind of heavy armor), only mages can use certain spells, and only rouges get armor penetration/better sneak. Also more situations that can be achieved through stealth like trapdoors to more buildings and etc. Well good luck with everything and try to get a playthrough of the demo!!!!!!

I second these, but also, if you can get really close up to someone, maybe throat slitting or just a good deadly stab in the gut.

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and if you are a fan of the conan movies or try and find this 80's classic that i hope gets a remake The sword and the sorcerer that tri blade he had in that movie.


Sword and the Sorcerer (YouTube)

You can bet I will be releasing the Tri-Blade sword for Skyrim. Depends on the game engine if it will be able to "launch" any of the blades...however, I doubt it.


Here is a model I made long ago (no textures)




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