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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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It seems to me that the best defense against this would be for users to quickly and broadly donate to their most appreciated nexus modders here. Even 50 cents or a dollar from multiple people might make a difference. Especially in the case of "must-have" mods, whose authors appear to be actively courted by steam.


I read a lot of posts here saying "no way I'm going to pay" but what if your choice is really "pay something somewhere or don't get use use the best mods?" Wouldn't you rather pay a little,here on the nexus, knowing it will all go to the mod author and also support this site and the principle of voluntary contributions?


Anyway, I'm off to put my money where my mouth is.

Also, for people looking for any ulterior motive from me--yes, I do have a little mod and no, I do not accept donations or ever plan to.

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Like 80%+ of the community, I'm not exactly happy about this.

I do agree that many modders deserve not just praise, but pay, for the amazing job they've done. I could go on and on listing the examples.

But there are also many other mods that honestly don't really deserve money. Unfinished mods+ Buggy ones+ Ones that have a long list of incompatibilities with other mods...etc. I will never pay for such mods. (Not that I'm belittling their work).

And the best part here, is the glorious 25% cut. The modders, who have CREATED the mods, and spent god knows how much time and effort on them, only receive 25%. While Vavle/Bethesda/Whatever get 75%! For doing what you ask? Why, for suggesting this marvelous idea of course!

I wouldn't blame any Modder for selling his/her/its work. But I honestly think that no self-respecting Modder would accept such a disgraceful/ridiculous pay, especially given the fact that other entities, who had nothing to do with the making of the mod, are getting 3/4 of the money.

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In response to post #24561869. #24562264, #24562649, #24591259 are all replies on the same post.

PyroDonkey wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: Donation options are already available to mod authors on the site. Now that Bethesda has signalled their openness to paid modding and mod authors making money from their work we'll be implementing a few new things to make the donation options a bit more prominent.
PyroDonkey wrote: That's good. I haven't noticed the donation button until you mentioned it. I think a donation option is much better than the 25% creators will get from the Valve option.
shinkicker404 wrote: Problem with that Dark0ne is that Bethesda is happy as long as they're getting a cut. So you could very well find them throwing a C&D or whatever at the site if the system here is getting a little too popular (unless they're getting a cut as well.)

Improved donations would be the Nexus' best response now. There are lots of models to get ideas from like Patreon. Maybe they could add some sort of system where users can select modders they want to regularly support, and those amounts are just added to the Nexus premium member fees. Or have a general "support the community" donation pool option where Nexus distributes what funds come in to the current top modders. Just thinking out load on these.

Paypal is great for donations, but once transactions change to payment for products, then Paypal also has its own steep fees to deal with. In situations like this clarity and over-communication are the key. Openness on the process and percentage cuts helps keep community goodwill.
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In response to post #24592409. #24592544 is also a reply to the same post.

LorSakyamuni wrote:
theblueshark wrote: we already paid for their half baked game and DLC's, now they want more money from people that made it look and feel better? if you ask me they should be paying the modders for keeping their games interesting.

Absolutely agree with you. I really hope the modders make the SMART decisions.
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Aaaaand THIS is why we pirate things. I can already see all the cracked pirated mods. Hell, Ill back up my heavily modded skyrim then I can just clone it to other drives.


This is how this is all going to play out. Modders will move mods to Workshop. They will get little sales, and then we will just keep using Nexus.


In my opinion modders are not entitled to compesation for their "work". This is a hobby and YOU (the modder) made whatever you did because you wanted to, for your own pleasure, and decided to share it, and we are grateful for it. The community understands this relationship. That is why there is a general respect and admiration for the modders who share their content.

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