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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24589329. #24589589, #24589619, #24589869, #24589984, #24590034, #24590139, #24590269, #24591409, #24591504, #24591544, #24591669, #24591839, #24591859, #24591919, #24592019 are all replies on the same post.

Maverick11 wrote:
DiaSin wrote: The modders get a maximum of 25% of the profit. How is this them getting what they deserve?
Arendella wrote: Everyone has even said they should of done this years ago.
Back in 2012-2013 when the modding scene was booming and Skyrim's modding community was huge.

A lot of them left nexus, and they could of easily made more money and if they polished it better instead of this really dumbass way of 75% of your proceeds which is Absolutely nothing I might add for the modder themselves, it probably wouldn't of been as a big deal.
Daiyus wrote: I don't think anyone is condemning mod authors for wanting a bit of commercial recompense. Anyone who's made a mod knows how labour intensive it can be.

I think the big complaint is how Valve/Bethesda are handling that business model; they're stripping 75% of that profit away for something that they were happy being distributed for nothing?

That and it completely changes the way the community works. I don't think anyone would complain about having a more prevalent donations system with recommended donations. That at least would be keeping with the ethos of the community.

I personally don't have a problem with paying authors for good work, but let me try it first, don't put it behind a paywall.
salvador33 wrote: If it was about some other method of supporting the modders, everything would be fine. They SHOULD get some money via an alternate system. But how is it not GREED when modders get only 25%?

1)How many mods are based on other people's work and assets? I am sure nobody will be greedy and they will share the profits equally.

2)Why do people complain about DLC? It TAKES TIME for the company to create that product. I think we have all seen where that thinking has led.

3) What happens when Bethesda decides that they will allow mods for their games to only be hosted on Steam? If everyone follows suit, say goodbye to the Nexus. But I am sure that monopolistic practices never hurt any consumers before.

4)If you're being paid, it's not a mod but a DLC. Your work better be stellar since you're now selling me a product and if it breaks I am expecting you to fix it or else. See how this changes the relationships in the community?

I am not against modders being paid for their work, I am against the method implemented.
Maverick11 wrote: 25% is very fair. The platform for modders to begin work is available and ready. That platform cost Bethesda and steam a great deal of money to prepare. It is very easy to for a modder to begin work and entirely hassle free when preparing their next project. 25% is better then nothing which has been the case since the dawn of modding.
pr0 wrote: In all fairness a mod author would make more money making mods on Twitch or YouTube than they'll ever make from the SWS program....because even Youtube and Twitch have better profit splitting policies than this.

I get a 60/40 split from YouTube...and I'm literally nobody, I'm sure far more popular people get 90% or even 100% of what they generate in ad revenue. I have friends that make more in one night on Twitch, just playing games, than a mod author is likely to make from the SWS program in the span of a year.

I'm not sure where Bethesda thinks 25/75 is even a fair split, and I'm not sure why a mod author would think it was either.

There are far more effective ways to monetize content than this.
uszpdoz wrote: this is a good thing guys...now modder will take full attention for their mod....so we wont see any paid mod get abandoned right?
belenbelen wrote: dude. please. stfu. the guyaboveme. please.
Celltrex wrote: Is that sarcasm? Have you ever heard about Early Access games? Most of them cost money, and they are left unfinished and abandoned, and customers have their money taken. Anyone who condones payed mods and other Early Access cancer is a thug.
Maverick11 wrote: ^ And anyone who doesn't support modders making money is selfish. Arguably the real thug.
TheLine wrote: 25% is NOT fair at all. I don't understand what sort of mental gymnastics you have to tell yourself to think that Valve deserves 75% of a mod that costs 0.25 and the creator wont see a profit until after its made over $400. How much of a shill do you have to be? Not to mention that modding is a hobby not a career. I would gladly donate (read: DONATE) money to a modder that i felt truly deserved it but anyone who thinks they deserve even a cent for a sword retexture is greedy and doesn't understand what modding is truly about. Which is the community.
numeriku wrote: 25% is very fair.



Not sure if serious.

P.S: They only get that 25% if they make $400 from selling their mod(s). So if you only made $399.99, then you get nothing, while Valve and Bethesda claim all of it.

:3 Still fair?
Arendella wrote: Mowing my Neighbors backyard makes more money than this crap
Noortje wrote: If it was 90% then MAYBE I would consider purchasing on steam. 25%? Are you f*#@ing kidding me? Mod authors deserve 100% not f*#@ing 25%.

The most downloaded mod has 7.2 million unique downloads. The author would only receive 72000 dollars before taxes if EVERYONE who ever downloaded that mod bought it on steam. Long story short: The income mod authors will get from this is ridiculously low. If someone sells 7.2 million copies of something they don't deserve some asshole company stealing 75% of what they should have made.
Winjin wrote: When I see not-supporting guys saying that 25% is fair I start to think that it's either Bethesda or Valve sales reps. You know, guys who desperately try to pluck the shitstorm by trolling the community into thinking that it's TOTALLY FAIR.

Gaben is not love anymore. Gaben is not life.

Winjin that's a bit weird to say, Maverick has made two outstanding mods. Not everyone has to give back to the community by supporting.
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In response to post #24586229. #24590869, #24591439, #24591514, #24591934 are all replies on the same post.

Crowzer wrote:
sovs wrote: Not for long though.

Modders have already begun locking up their content to put it on steam.
Celltrex wrote: Don't forget Loverslab. Those mods will never get approved on Steam, LOL
WOL_OIF wrote: lol you forgot lovers lab
ValtielCurse wrote: What mods for example? Apart from Isokus and Cheskos?


Here Edited by ThisIsVegas
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In response to post #24590334. #24591639 is also a reply to the same post.

Arendella wrote:
belenbelen wrote: Chesko and isoku. People dont have any clue about economics. you dont have to be a f*#@ing proffessor. its econ 101, capitalism and monopolistic market behaviour. Again, Cheske and isoku, you are a shame for this community. who wouldnt want a chance working with vakve and beth ? Lol man you both are just kids. h think you are now working with beth ? hahahah let me laugh my arse of while you try to create a real mod which doesnt include a stolencontent.

Did the mod use FNIS? If it did, that is the reason why. The creator of FNIS doesn't allow people to use it for commercial mods, aka mods that cost money to download and use.
Not trying to be rude but yeah if it requires FNIS or another program type mod that doesn't allow commercial use then it can't be uploaded.
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In response to post #24589329. #24589589, #24589619, #24589869, #24589984, #24590034, #24590139, #24590269, #24591409, #24591504, #24591544, #24591669, #24591839, #24591859, #24591919, #24592019, #24592054 are all replies on the same post.

Maverick11 wrote:
DiaSin wrote: The modders get a maximum of 25% of the profit. How is this them getting what they deserve?
Arendella wrote: Everyone has even said they should of done this years ago.
Back in 2012-2013 when the modding scene was booming and Skyrim's modding community was huge.

A lot of them left nexus, and they could of easily made more money and if they polished it better instead of this really dumbass way of 75% of your proceeds which is Absolutely nothing I might add for the modder themselves, it probably wouldn't of been as a big deal.
Daiyus wrote: I don't think anyone is condemning mod authors for wanting a bit of commercial recompense. Anyone who's made a mod knows how labour intensive it can be.

I think the big complaint is how Valve/Bethesda are handling that business model; they're stripping 75% of that profit away for something that they were happy being distributed for nothing?

That and it completely changes the way the community works. I don't think anyone would complain about having a more prevalent donations system with recommended donations. That at least would be keeping with the ethos of the community.

I personally don't have a problem with paying authors for good work, but let me try it first, don't put it behind a paywall.
salvador33 wrote: If it was about some other method of supporting the modders, everything would be fine. They SHOULD get some money via an alternate system. But how is it not GREED when modders get only 25%?

1)How many mods are based on other people's work and assets? I am sure nobody will be greedy and they will share the profits equally.

2)Why do people complain about DLC? It TAKES TIME for the company to create that product. I think we have all seen where that thinking has led.

3) What happens when Bethesda decides that they will allow mods for their games to only be hosted on Steam? If everyone follows suit, say goodbye to the Nexus. But I am sure that monopolistic practices never hurt any consumers before.

4)If you're being paid, it's not a mod but a DLC. Your work better be stellar since you're now selling me a product and if it breaks I am expecting you to fix it or else. See how this changes the relationships in the community?

I am not against modders being paid for their work, I am against the method implemented.
Maverick11 wrote: 25% is very fair. The platform for modders to begin work is available and ready. That platform cost Bethesda and steam a great deal of money to prepare. It is very easy to for a modder to begin work and entirely hassle free when preparing their next project. 25% is better then nothing which has been the case since the dawn of modding.
pr0 wrote: In all fairness a mod author would make more money making mods on Twitch or YouTube than they'll ever make from the SWS program....because even Youtube and Twitch have better profit splitting policies than this.

I get a 60/40 split from YouTube...and I'm literally nobody, I'm sure far more popular people get 90% or even 100% of what they generate in ad revenue. I have friends that make more in one night on Twitch, just playing games, than a mod author is likely to make from the SWS program in the span of a year.

I'm not sure where Bethesda thinks 25/75 is even a fair split, and I'm not sure why a mod author would think it was either.

There are far more effective ways to monetize content than this.
uszpdoz wrote: this is a good thing guys...now modder will take full attention for their mod....so we wont see any paid mod get abandoned right?
belenbelen wrote: dude. please. stfu. the guyaboveme. please.
Celltrex wrote: Is that sarcasm? Have you ever heard about Early Access games? Most of them cost money, and they are left unfinished and abandoned, and customers have their money taken. Anyone who condones payed mods and other Early Access cancer is a thug.
Maverick11 wrote: ^ And anyone who doesn't support modders making money is selfish. Arguably the real thug.
TheLine wrote: 25% is NOT fair at all. I don't understand what sort of mental gymnastics you have to tell yourself to think that Valve deserves 75% of a mod that costs 0.25 and the creator wont see a profit until after its made over $400. How much of a shill do you have to be? Not to mention that modding is a hobby not a career. I would gladly donate (read: DONATE) money to a modder that i felt truly deserved it but anyone who thinks they deserve even a cent for a sword retexture is greedy and doesn't understand what modding is truly about. Which is the community.
numeriku wrote: 25% is very fair.



Not sure if serious.

P.S: They only get that 25% if they make $400 from selling their mod(s). So if you only made $399.99, then you get nothing, while Valve and Bethesda claim all of it.

:3 Still fair?
Arendella wrote: Mowing my Neighbors backyard makes more money than this crap
Noortje wrote: If it was 90% then MAYBE I would consider purchasing on steam. 25%? Are you f*#@ing kidding me? Mod authors deserve 100% not f*#@ing 25%.

The most downloaded mod has 7.2 million unique downloads. The author would only receive 72000 dollars before taxes if EVERYONE who ever downloaded that mod bought it on steam. Long story short: The income mod authors will get from this is ridiculously low. If someone sells 7.2 million copies of something they don't deserve some asshole company stealing 75% of what they should have made.
Winjin wrote: When I see not-supporting guys saying that 25% is fair I start to think that it's either Bethesda or Valve sales reps. You know, guys who desperately try to pluck the shitstorm by trolling the community into thinking that it's TOTALLY FAIR.

Gaben is not love anymore. Gaben is not life.
Noortje wrote: Winjin that's a bit weird to say, Maverick has made two outstanding mods. Not everyone has to give back to the community by supporting.


This coming from a guy who has never made a single mod. I have never received a single donation for anything I provided from this site nor do I expect a single dime. To say donations is even a viable solution to make money is nonsense. Whats even more nonsense is saying that modders should accept this as a hobby and nothing more. Some of us actually do this in hopes that one day we can make a career out of it.

To me, making money doing what I love is better then making nothing at all. Perhaps the 25% is arguably low but as person who simply downloads mods as opposed to actually making them... that doesn't concern you at all. Not in the slightest.

The platform to host these mods cost money. The platform to create these mods cost money.
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In response to post #24586229. #24590869, #24591439, #24591514, #24591934, #24592064 are all replies on the same post.

Crowzer wrote:
sovs wrote: Not for long though.

Modders have already begun locking up their content to put it on steam.
Celltrex wrote: Don't forget Loverslab. Those mods will never get approved on Steam, LOL
WOL_OIF wrote: lol you forgot lovers lab
ValtielCurse wrote: What mods for example? Apart from Isokus and Cheskos?
ThisIsVegas wrote: @ValtielCurse


I checked out the Blind Raven Armor. ITS NOT EVEN COMPLETED

You are paying money for a Mod thats not even completed and I bet your ass is in Vanilla Body only. Think hes gonna make one for each body type? Think again.

Paying Early Access for a Mod this is complete idiocy at its finest.
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Here is the thing the paid workshop is gonna die modders will revolt and if steam doesnt budge then it will die sooner. If steam does budge it is in increments and that will not be fast enough so people will rage against it and steam will say "piss off". But in addition to that it will eventually take away from early access games and others sales on steam because the revenue is going elsewhere so people will take their games to another online store. On top of that where there is a will to not pay there is torrenting. Which i totally do not condone *wink wink*




Edit: I do however tip my hat to the modders that wont take a red cent. They are those who are the unsung heroes because they extend the game life of some games we love by a lot and continue to provide intuitive ways to continue the games in ways the developers were too lazy too because they didnt have "enough time" or wanted to move onto the next project. Hell lets have a Modders Day for them.

Edited by seraph22195
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If you plan to spend hours (and even months) on a mod where you get 25% off of it, you're not greedy, you're just plain stupid.


Oh, and you have to reach 400$, otherwise you get nothing.

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