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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524, #24566569, #24566579, #24566644, #24566769, #24566779, #24566819, #24566909, #24566934, #24567024, #24567079, #24567154, #24567239, #24567264, #24567269, #24567344, #24567354, #24567469, #24567539, #24567564, #24567664, #24568174, #24568504, #24568524, #24569644, #24570059, #24570684, #24570944, #24571509, #24571604, #24572384, #24582389, #24582414, #24582584, #24582599, #24582694, #24582734, #24582839, #24582924, #24582949, #24583354, #24583399, #24583779, #24583954, #24616474, #24616934, #24617369, #24617549, #24618529, #24619024, #24619344, #24623484 are all replies on the same post.

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Don't forget; once your mod goes behind that paywall you've lost any control or privilege over it. Forever. Meaning that if you should decide to change your mind and make it free again (or even offer a free version), Steam and/or Bethsoft will have the incentive...and the right...to issue a DMCA takedown notice against you FOR YOUR OWN WORK.

Chesko basically had Arissa taken away from him in exactly that manner.

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In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524, #24566569, #24566579, #24566644, #24566769, #24566779, #24566819, #24566909, #24566934, #24567024, #24567079, #24567154, #24567239, #24567264, #24567269, #24567344, #24567354, #24567469, #24567539, #24567564, #24567664, #24568174, #24568504, #24568524, #24569644, #24570059, #24570684, #24570944, #24571509, #24571604, #24572384, #24582389, #24582414, #24582584, #24582599, #24582694, #24582734, #24582839, #24582924, #24582949, #24583354, #24583399, #24583779, #24583954, #24616474, #24616934, #24617369, #24617549, #24618529, #24619024, #24619344, #24623484, #24626434 are all replies on the same post.

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i would much rather pay a small fee to Nexus when donating rather than having to use the steam workshop, i do believe that modders should be paid more than they do now. Most will never be willing to open their pockets unless the development of the mods they use is brought to a hault.

it could be subscription based like premium, where you pay monthly to download mods and the money is split between modders and Nexus.

Modders would be paid more or less depending on their contribution and the user would have to pay maybe 10-15 dollars a month in order to download mods.

Everything can be abused but it is much better than the alternative.
Edited by sovs
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In response to post #24608634. #24609314, #24612079, #24612614, #24613089, #24618249, #24624044, #24624654 are all replies on the same post.

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"Though I think it is fair to say if each province of Beyond Skyrim were released for 10-20 bucks they would work a lot faster and we would see a product of like quality sooner, because money is important and devoting time, your most precious resource, with only intangible reward is disheartening."

While I have a lot of problems with most of what you posted, this one stuck out to me the most.

Do you know what other company creates content with the promise of compensation?

Bethesda does and it dictates a lot of what they have done in the past, including what has happened very recently.

So many companies will rush out products, well before they are completely bug tested in the hopes of capitalizing on the hype frenzies they spend so much money on in order to create the maximum amount of revenue. This is what they care about, not about the state of the game, but about how much cash they feel they can get upon release.

I also find it concerning that you feel intangible rewards like respect, adoration, desire to improve, are all 'disheartening' when it comes to reasons for mod makers to continue modding.

I cannot help but feel you put an overemphasis on the importance of the dollar.

The dollar is important, yet it does not promote creativity like having a genuine passion for something.

You claim there is no schism. Care to explain what will happen when mod makers have to choose between charging for their mods on the Steam workshop or letting them be free on the Nexus? I suppose a mod maker could post their mod on both, yet that would be self defeating.

You are correct in that our freedom to download created content from modders has been a given for a very long time and is now being threatened. I do not feel that you are correctly representing the community when you claim that we feel that modders are entitled to NOTHING for their contributions to the modding community.

"We" (and I assume this includes you if you have EVER downloaded any mods for free) download mods from makers to improve our experience and in return we pay for that with admiration for the mod makers.

I have a list of mod makers who have made my favorite mods and I adore them all. (Was really saddened when I heard what happened to Chesko, an author to one of my fav mods ever)

You displaying us as ungrateful, free-loaders is pretty offensive, especially since YOU are among our community.

We are not stating that modders do not have a right to monetize their mods. They have every right.

We are just expressing our right to criticize this idea and how it could have terrible ramifications for the future of the modding community for Skyrim.

You then go on to compare the monetization of Skyrim to DOTA 2 and state that," What works for one will DEFINITELY work for the other."

Then you try to achieve some neutral landing pad by stating that it is the right of the modder to choose what they want to do, which ironically we also agree with.

We are trying to preserve our mod using freedom that we have had since Morrowind and beyond. We do not want everything for nothing. We appreciate and love our mod makers. We just don't want to have to give up appreciating their work because Valve and Beth want to cash in on their labors.

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In response to post #24627494. #24627709, #24627789 are all replies on the same post.

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It *might* be a little unusually stressed at the moment.
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Steam has betrayed us. Greed ...so...much... greed. Its seeping from the heart of the system and into the limbs of the community. No-one can blame modders, the appeal of money for their hard work is understandable they do amazing work for everyone. Now though they will do it more for the dollar signs in their eyes. Paying for a mod mitigates its greatness and we are all poorer for it ...except Gabe the false god and Bethesda of course.
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Anyone who has ever downloaded mods for The Sims 1, 2, 3 or 4 has probably downloaded from The Sims Resource. This site pays top modders to continue making great mods - then allows anyone to download those mods for free. You don't even need an account with The Sims Resource to download them. They pay these mod developers using money they gain from hosting banner ads and such on their site.


If Steam/Bethesda wanted to encourage mod developers with money they would do it in a similar way. This is just a cynical profit grab.

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