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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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I would pay to subscribe to a mod site (and have this one in the past). I would support modders via Patreon or a similar service, but I can't really reconcile this app store approach to mods where Beth and Valve take a 75% cut. Give me a path to support the modders, not some corporate schmuck piggy backing on that modders work.


This is similar in my mind to the music industry. I will not buy an album, as most of that money goes to the record label. I will, however, subscribe to Pandora and go to concerts where the cut is more fair.


TL;DR - Give me Pandora/Patreon for mods and I'll pay. "ModStore?"... not so much.

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In response to post #24611779. #24612574, #24613159, #24613174, #24613179, #24613184, #24613229, #24613769 are all replies on the same post.

MartinPurvis wrote:
capt0skittles wrote: care to share the link to said petition?
phantompally76 wrote: There are 5 or 6 different ones.

ArturoPlayerOne wrote: Oops
freedom613 wrote: Edit: Never mind, someone beat me to the punch!
Arendella wrote: https://www.change.org/p/valve-remove-the-paid-content-of-the-steam-workshop

here ya go!

Edit: woops xD


Gonna leave this here though...

lol Arendella
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I think it's time for me to just step back, log off this site, log off Steam, and find some other activity to keep me occupied for a while. The more I read and learn about this, the angrier I get.


I'm not happy with Valve/Steam for conning these mod authors into selling their souls for a next-to-nothing profit margin.


I'm not happy with those mod authors for being so gullible and short-sighted and greedy. I totally expected one or two of them to be among the first to champion paid mods (they've been whining for years that they deserve to be compensated for altering files with the Creation Kit), but I didn't expect Chesko or Isoku to be so gullible.


I'm not happy with Chesko's "Falling-On-The-Sword-Of-Martyrdom" exit. He and all the other Bundle Package Authors have only themselves to blame for this. The community made it perfectly clear a month ago that they wouldn't support this. He knew exactly what he was getting into. And if he didn't, he should have paid more attention, and read the terms of the contract more closely (I dislike saying such things about Chesko....he's in fact one of my favorite mod authors. That's what sucks the most about all this).


I'm not happy with Dark0ne's lack of forthcoming details on nexusmods' agreement with Valve to receive a cut of select Workshop sales, nor with the pretense that he was "predicting" this fiasco rather than having been previously contacted directly by Valve with information about it to assure his cooperation. While he (and others) maintain this was all for the benefit of the nexus community, I just don't see it that way. I don't know who to trust anymore.


I'm not happy with the trust-fund kids who are purchasing the mods on Steam out of spite and/or principle, spoiled brats who haven't touched Skyrim in years, and who have no intention of ever even playing with the mods, but are simply sending a message to the rest of the community; "We have disposable income and can afford to pay as much as Valve wants us to, stop whining because you don't lol".


I'm not happy with the white knights on here who profess intentions to donate to mod authors and turn off adblock, but have no real intention of doing either. People like you are as much to blame for all of this as the trust fund babies and Valve. Put your money where your mouth is, so to speak.


I'm not happy with modders who think it's their divine right to be monetarily compensated for their mods, just because they spend a lot of time on them and put a lot of "hard work" into them. If you want to get paid for your hard work.........THEN GO TO WORK. Sitting in front of a computer playing around in the Creation Kit is not a job. There's not a single mod on the Nexus, on Steam, or anywhere else, that's worth any amount of money. Not even Falskaar. Not even Frostfall. Not even Immersive Armors. They're certainly great mods, and they've enriched the modding community and modders' enjoyment of the game, but unless I'm very much mistaken, no one ever told a single mod author (until now) that all their long hours and hard work changing values in data files for a video game would be rewarded with monetary compensation. That's just not how the modding community works...until now....


On the same plane, I'm not happy with self-entitled mod users who expect ANYTHING from mods that they've paid absolutely nothing for. Mod authors are not obligated to make changes once uploaded, they're not obligated to change the colors and/or textures of armor/weapons to your specifications, they're under no obligation to heed your advice on the implementation of their work, and they're under no obligation to provide a quality product, UNLESS you take it upon yourself to DONATE to them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting a mod author know you appreciate their work by donating something to them. But on the other hand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with letting a mod author know you appreciate their work by simply telling them you appreciate their work, either. You're also under no obligation to donate money to them just because you downloaded files they uploaded on their own volition.


I'm not happy with the anarchistic idiots who are making threats and being juvenile morons all across the internet about this. I'm not happy with the devil's advocates who don't care one way or another and are just being contrary for the sake of an argument, either.


I'm not happy with the (lack of) media coverage concerning this fiasco, and I'm not happy with the lack of communication from Valve and Bethesda on the matter.


TL;DR: I'm not happy.


At any rate, I can only say to mod authors what I've been saying for a long time. I appreciate everything you do. I enjoy modding, and I enjoy testing your mods. I'm glad nexusmods exists, and I'm glad I'm not FORCED to pay for mods here. I'm appreciative of your talents, and I've long-enjoyed helping you flesh out bugs, glitches, and problems to make those mods better. Some of the mods on here have provided me with literally thousands of hours of enjoyment, and for that I am eternally grateful.


That said, I have not, can not, will not, and will NEVER pay for a mod on this site, or on any other site. If there comes a time when you require me to pay for the privilege of trying out your in-development, untested, unstable mods that will never be complete and/or break/imbalance the game, then I will simply have to decline. Modding is a hobby. It's not a career...at least it shouldn't be. But if it becomes one, then I definitely won't support it.


Now, unless there's someone I have failed to upset with this rant, I will take my leave. Hopefully I'll be back when 1). I've calmed down, 2). I feel like playing Skyrim or testing mods again, 3). The entire modding community has come to its bleedin' senses.


Edited by phantompally76
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In response to post #24594599. #24595064, #24597874, #24598129, #24598509, #24600934, #24601064, #24604279, #24605234, #24605519, #24605574, #24605679, #24606499, #24607304, #24607644, #24609789, #24609999, #24611149, #24612504, #24613294, #24613594 are all replies on the same post.

Ehwhat2008 wrote:
SkeletonShen wrote: I agree.
Calu93 wrote: Me too
Quloide wrote: Aye
Alienfriend wrote: I agree too
onkenoke wrote: and my axe!

oh wait wrong speech sorry
Milleuros wrote: Agree.

Nexus is proving that they have the ethics of modding in their heart and that they have immense respect for the authors. They deserve that bit of money.
darksunshaman wrote: Also agree, just disabled adblocker on nexus
micnorian14 wrote: Been there, done that.
DohmeShot wrote: The solidarity is unreal. Disabled.

Except if an audio ad is coming up, I hate that intrusive garbage.
waffle652 wrote: I stopped and then a repeating audio ad kept deafening me and overshadowing my music while I was reading this article.

Now i'm using adblock again.

I don't care what somebody or something does, I don't tolerate audio ads. Especially ones that auto-play every 30 seconds and can't be turned off.
IMNdi wrote: I have also seen the light. This site has better presentation, a better installer for mods, way better mod management, and, unlike the tripe I expect the workshop to become, this has actual feedback going on.

Also, if I knew mods would be monetized, I would not have bough Skyrim. With no mods, the darned thing is not worth the money. And now that I bought it, rules change.

It's a good thing this site exists. And for a couple bucks or ads. Seriously. You don't want to know how much I spent on my phone -er- software. I wouldn't even blink at 3 dollars for an app, yet it took this long to support the nexus.

I'm weird.

Maybe you need an app?
digitaltrucker wrote: I contributed to the site a while ago, so no adds for me. When my finances improve just a tad more, I fully intend to pay a subscription for the foreseeable future. I highly doubt Black Tree Gaming is making a heap of money from this, and it's irrelevant anyway. Support the ones who support you.
Aquilathestne wrote: Adblock is off. Though i would like to say the repeating audio gets annoying. Though I will keep it off on principle.
thetag wrote: Disable ADBlock and Adobe Flash Player plugin = no more intrusive advertisements. ;)
pixelpups wrote: stopped using add block since i downloaded first mod...
Primalsplit wrote: Well, I already stopped adblock working on this site when nexus asked nicely for it much earlier. I think, I will just keep supporting them. It is the only site I have disabled adblock.
Draugas wrote: I stopped adblock yesterday, and after reading more posts today I went in on a Lifetime membership.
I've been using Nexus on and off for years, and enjoying game mods since Doom.

The way Valvthesda is doing this is horrible and only the tip of the iceberg. We need to keep Nexus and community modding alive.
ArturoPlayerOne wrote: Adblocker disabled!
Nexus people deserve the ads money for doing things right!
(BTW, thanks for not forcing monetization for Mods).
Serseri wrote: Agreed. I've disabled adblock for this site as well.

Adblock is now off for this site.
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In response to post #24594599. #24595064, #24597874, #24598129, #24598509, #24600934, #24601064, #24604279, #24605234, #24605519, #24605574, #24605679, #24606499, #24607304, #24607644, #24609789, #24609999, #24611149, #24612504, #24613294, #24613594, #24615784 are all replies on the same post.

Ehwhat2008 wrote:
SkeletonShen wrote: I agree.
Calu93 wrote: Me too
Quloide wrote: Aye
Alienfriend wrote: I agree too
onkenoke wrote: and my axe!

oh wait wrong speech sorry
Milleuros wrote: Agree.

Nexus is proving that they have the ethics of modding in their heart and that they have immense respect for the authors. They deserve that bit of money.
darksunshaman wrote: Also agree, just disabled adblocker on nexus
micnorian14 wrote: Been there, done that.
DohmeShot wrote: The solidarity is unreal. Disabled.

Except if an audio ad is coming up, I hate that intrusive garbage.
waffle652 wrote: I stopped and then a repeating audio ad kept deafening me and overshadowing my music while I was reading this article.

Now i'm using adblock again.

I don't care what somebody or something does, I don't tolerate audio ads. Especially ones that auto-play every 30 seconds and can't be turned off.
IMNdi wrote: I have also seen the light. This site has better presentation, a better installer for mods, way better mod management, and, unlike the tripe I expect the workshop to become, this has actual feedback going on.

Also, if I knew mods would be monetized, I would not have bough Skyrim. With no mods, the darned thing is not worth the money. And now that I bought it, rules change.

It's a good thing this site exists. And for a couple bucks or ads. Seriously. You don't want to know how much I spent on my phone -er- software. I wouldn't even blink at 3 dollars for an app, yet it took this long to support the nexus.

I'm weird.

Maybe you need an app?
digitaltrucker wrote: I contributed to the site a while ago, so no adds for me. When my finances improve just a tad more, I fully intend to pay a subscription for the foreseeable future. I highly doubt Black Tree Gaming is making a heap of money from this, and it's irrelevant anyway. Support the ones who support you.
Aquilathestne wrote: Adblock is off. Though i would like to say the repeating audio gets annoying. Though I will keep it off on principle.
thetag wrote: Disable ADBlock and Adobe Flash Player plugin = no more intrusive advertisements. ;)
pixelpups wrote: stopped using add block since i downloaded first mod...
Primalsplit wrote: Well, I already stopped adblock working on this site when nexus asked nicely for it much earlier. I think, I will just keep supporting them. It is the only site I have disabled adblock.
Draugas wrote: I stopped adblock yesterday, and after reading more posts today I went in on a Lifetime membership.
I've been using Nexus on and off for years, and enjoying game mods since Doom.

The way Valvthesda is doing this is horrible and only the tip of the iceberg. We need to keep Nexus and community modding alive.
ArturoPlayerOne wrote: Adblocker disabled!
Nexus people deserve the ads money for doing things right!
(BTW, thanks for not forcing monetization for Mods).
Serseri wrote: Agreed. I've disabled adblock for this site as well.
Ventry wrote: Adblock is now off for this site.

Disabled it long ago, NMods deserves the money they can get from the ads. Glad to see that with all this pay mod crap, some people are realizing how important this page is.

PS: I don't donate because I can't, shitty 3rd world economy. Otherwise a good bunch of modders could have money from me.
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In response to post #24566989. #24567159, #24567334, #24567369, #24568009, #24568119, #24568139, #24568164, #24568744, #24568794, #24569069, #24575579, #24582114, #24582484, #24582544, #24582579, #24582979, #24583134, #24584304 are all replies on the same post.

sojourner22 wrote:
Uranium - 235 wrote: Unfortunately people - even modders - are greedy and dumb. See also Wet and Cold being sold for FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS.

Hoping it will all work itself out with altruism isn't going to cut it. Furthermore, we're only talking about the current generation of modders. There are almost no people who were modding games for Morrowind who are still modding Skyrim. The torch gets passed and new modders take it up. Yeah, we might have some modders who believe in the old ways and will offer it for free, but with time, they will move on with their lives, and a new generation will take over, a generation that's been raised on microtransactions, DLC, greed, and selfishness.

And that's the end of free modding forever.
sojourner22 wrote: Wet and Cold is set default at $5, but if you select the drop down arrow it allows you to pay as little as $1 for it.... a lot of these mods are listed as pay what you want. It just requires a little bit of extra searching.

That said, the Midas Magic gold minimum price is $3 for like... 10 extra spells. No.
AmeerMahmood wrote: Very pessimistic outlook but a possibility.
Dark0ne wrote: The horrible thing about doing that is that 75% of that donation goes to Valve and Bethesda. Butter my arse, that's crazy. We'll be working to make donations more prominent here without trying to make it too in your face annoying for users still. That way, 100% of the donations will go to the user.
Reaper0021 wrote: Dark I hope you do something ASAP. If ever there was a time we needed your experience it's now. Do something to save this situation. OR make it better.
Thaiauxn wrote: This is why I love Dark0ne. Wading into the trenches of a hot topic, replying to users, taking time away from life, implementing smart solutions.

*wipes away tear* Makes me so proud...
Brumbek wrote: @Dark0ne: thanks again for being awesome and making this site. I don't thank you enough. My current internal debate is...SMIM will always be free on Skyrim Nexus. But if Steam lets me charge a small fee, should I not let Steam users pay me? Steam users seem to love giving money for cosmetics...and SMIM is like the best cosmetic upgrade to Skyrim IMO, hehehe...anyway, I will never, EVER remove my mods from your site. Ever.
Dark0ne wrote: I've had lots of mod authors contact me on Skype about it, they seem to feel like they need to apologise to me or that they owe me an explanation. You don't! The modding industry (excluding the aforementioned F2P Steam games, where it's already happened) is about to go from a $0 a year industry to a multi-million dollar industry in the space of a year. Obviously it makes sense that the mod authors are compensated for their work accordingly, if they so wish.

The only thing that annoys me in all this is that there's no way for a competitor to come in and undercut that batcrap crazy 25/75 revenue share. And that's not me lamenting the fact that I can't do it, oh god no, that's far too much drama and stress for me to bother with, but the fact no one else can come along and do better due to Valve's lock-down, that's the thing that really annoys me in all of this. Used to be that people used the best platform for the job. And if you wanted to be that platform you had to analyse all the other platforms and try and come up with something better, something people really wanted to use. That's out the window, now.

25/75...my god.
mcguffin wrote: 75% cut is really high.
I understand if Bethesda want a share, because, you know, most mods are using their assets in first place, but Valve... this feel wrong.
Even Apple doesnt take that much in Itunes.
SvarogNL wrote: Its the 75% that smells, Brum.

I have no doubt people want to pay for SMIM, just not thru Steam Workshop because of the 75%.
belenbelen wrote: Dark0ne, please make the Donate button bigger and more easier to see. most of folk here dont even kbow such an option exist
Brumbek wrote: @Dark0ne: great point about the anti-competitive nature of SW. You are so right that we are forced into an unfortunate system.

@SvarogNL: hmm, I wasn't sure if 25/75 was absolute fact or still being adjusted. You are right that my plan to charge a SMALL fee for SMIM is kind of ruined by me only getting 1/4 of it. It does feel like they are making money off my effort! Well, that is exactly what is happening...
Varegi wrote: Holy dung, I just had a terrifying thought. I don't remember if Dark had this on his earlier post or anyone else has had this thought before, but...

In the long run, could Valve monopolize modding in the sense, that they would block installing mods from sources other than the workshop. Like blocking Nexus Mod Manager somehow for the average user. More advanced users would still most likely find ways...

Of course doing this to older games seems like a ridiculously stupid idea, since implementing this kind of a block would need patches, but the games that come later? I think in some games the only way to install mods is through workshop?

I don't know how well I conveyed my thoughts on this matter, but just think about it.. Could something like that happen, following this bloody mess?
akkalat85 wrote: Just going to leave this here to remind everyone https://imgur.com/wW5j5yu

That's just filthy.
EnaiSiaion wrote: $3 for Midas Gold? Good to see Apoc was dislodged from the #1 magic mod spot because the f*#@ING Workshop doesn't have a way to add update instructions other than slash and burn the entire mod page and start over.
marthgun wrote: are we heading to a place where steam / beth even allow a paid mod to be put up on the nexus?

what about copy cats? or perceived copy cats?

My biggest concern outside of muh 25% is copywrite. I can see it devestate the nexus with DMCA.
Geollyn wrote: thats a great solution, "donation version" "free version" every modder who does this or leaves their mod up for free on nexus has a brain
mkess wrote: Of course, donations would make the authors indipendant from steam.

They are filthy, greedy bastards.

@Varegi: the danger of one company disabling installing mods from other sites is a risk we run. Valve has such a dominant position, we are at their mercy. So far they have been good to us, if disorganized.

Anyway, for now I am waiting to see the fallout of all this. I do believe SMIM is one of the few mods worth paying for…but SW is already overrun with rubbish. I’d rather have a voting system where the best mods could get the *privilege* of being purchased for real money. SMIM, having a 98% positive rating and 300,000 subscribers would be an obvious choice. A Mod Greenlight system so to speak.

Thanks to those who have supported us modders and donated. I wasn’t expecting or desiring more donations, but I suppose I’ll take them, ha!
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In response to post #24594599. #24595064, #24597874, #24598129, #24598509, #24600934, #24601064, #24604279, #24605234, #24605519, #24605574, #24605679, #24606499, #24607304, #24607644, #24609789, #24609999, #24611149, #24612504, #24613294, #24613594, #24615784, #24615999 are all replies on the same post.

Ehwhat2008 wrote:
SkeletonShen wrote: I agree.
Calu93 wrote: Me too
Quloide wrote: Aye
Alienfriend wrote: I agree too
onkenoke wrote: and my axe!

oh wait wrong speech sorry
Milleuros wrote: Agree.

Nexus is proving that they have the ethics of modding in their heart and that they have immense respect for the authors. They deserve that bit of money.
darksunshaman wrote: Also agree, just disabled adblocker on nexus
micnorian14 wrote: Been there, done that.
DohmeShot wrote: The solidarity is unreal. Disabled.

Except if an audio ad is coming up, I hate that intrusive garbage.
waffle652 wrote: I stopped and then a repeating audio ad kept deafening me and overshadowing my music while I was reading this article.

Now i'm using adblock again.

I don't care what somebody or something does, I don't tolerate audio ads. Especially ones that auto-play every 30 seconds and can't be turned off.
IMNdi wrote: I have also seen the light. This site has better presentation, a better installer for mods, way better mod management, and, unlike the tripe I expect the workshop to become, this has actual feedback going on.

Also, if I knew mods would be monetized, I would not have bough Skyrim. With no mods, the darned thing is not worth the money. And now that I bought it, rules change.

It's a good thing this site exists. And for a couple bucks or ads. Seriously. You don't want to know how much I spent on my phone -er- software. I wouldn't even blink at 3 dollars for an app, yet it took this long to support the nexus.

I'm weird.

Maybe you need an app?
digitaltrucker wrote: I contributed to the site a while ago, so no adds for me. When my finances improve just a tad more, I fully intend to pay a subscription for the foreseeable future. I highly doubt Black Tree Gaming is making a heap of money from this, and it's irrelevant anyway. Support the ones who support you.
Aquilathestne wrote: Adblock is off. Though i would like to say the repeating audio gets annoying. Though I will keep it off on principle.
thetag wrote: Disable ADBlock and Adobe Flash Player plugin = no more intrusive advertisements. ;)
pixelpups wrote: stopped using add block since i downloaded first mod...
Primalsplit wrote: Well, I already stopped adblock working on this site when nexus asked nicely for it much earlier. I think, I will just keep supporting them. It is the only site I have disabled adblock.
Draugas wrote: I stopped adblock yesterday, and after reading more posts today I went in on a Lifetime membership.
I've been using Nexus on and off for years, and enjoying game mods since Doom.

The way Valvthesda is doing this is horrible and only the tip of the iceberg. We need to keep Nexus and community modding alive.
ArturoPlayerOne wrote: Adblocker disabled!
Nexus people deserve the ads money for doing things right!
(BTW, thanks for not forcing monetization for Mods).
Serseri wrote: Agreed. I've disabled adblock for this site as well.
Ventry wrote: Adblock is now off for this site.
seba1337 wrote: Disabled it long ago, NMods deserves the money they can get from the ads. Glad to see that with all this pay mod crap, some people are realizing how important this page is.

PS: I don't donate because I can't, shitty 3rd world economy. Otherwise a good bunch of modders could have money from me.

I never even stopped to think about disabling adblock for sites I like. Crap lol. I've been on Nexus on and off and now I feel like crap for not turning off adblock from my first time on here. Added them to exception list just now, for standing behind the PC community and not supporting Valves scams. Thanks Nexus!
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