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I DO NOT agree with fear-mongering in any way - that being said, burying one's head in the sand is not wise either.


A very important consideration / prediction ...


The Creation Kit may eventually become a tool to be licensed or otherwise charged for use.

This would make perfect business sense for Bethesda / Steam in order to 'move' modders to their site and remove free sites like the Nexus as competition.


Consider what would happen if they did this. Most modders would quit modding - this would reduce NEW content on free sites considerably. It would also encourage those modders remaining, to put their work behind the pay wall - to reimburse at least the cost of using the CK.


Personally - I've just copied all my 'free to use for now' CK files and backed them up. I sincerely recommend any other modders to do the same.


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In response to post #24597829. #24599279 is also a reply to the same post.

anarkywolf wrote:
BattlemasterRiin wrote: @Shadow

No, the greedy ones are those that EXPECT compensation. I for one, will never, EVER buy a mod off Steam. I will however, donate to authors I feel deserve it. Do you think those that refuse to donate are going to instead BUY the mod? hah! If anything, it's only hurting the Modders, those would would normally donate now will not, if the Mod is up for sale on the Workshop.

They are not viable. The number of people who actually donate anything to any mod is literally several decimal places beneath a fraction of a percent. Some people are trying to put up crappy or stolen mods for a fee out of greed, but that isn't the norm.
The truly greedy ones are people who blindly oppose this, who've never in their life donated a single penny to actually support a modder, all because they want to continue getting stuff for free at the expense of someone else's time and energy.
People do not donate, and that's why something like this is necessary to help support modding and let it grow.
Finances have been the main thing keeping me from being able to mod as much as I would like, and I'm not the only person who has been facing that kind of issue.
How many times have you seen someone release a quality outfit that was not made of recycled parts? Hardly ever, because once someone has enough skill to actually do something like that, they'd be better off creating it for someone else's game, or even their own game, and getting paid for it.
Even Faalskar was created simply because the author was confident that he could land a job off of it. No one could justify devoting that kind of time and energy without getting anything back from it.
A "hobby" is not something everyone has the luxury of spending much time on, especially in cases like this when you already clearly have the hobby of playing video games and this would directly eat into that. Edited by Shadow_Dragyn
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"... we've added a new permissions check box to file page settings (found under "Edit Attributes", towards the bottom). The setting reads "Users can not use my assets in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms". You can either tick it or untick it, and that information will be displayed under the Permissions and Credits link as per usual."


I cannot find this on my uploaded files. Or do I need to uncheck "I would like to specify my own permissions in the "Permission instructions" text box below and not use the drop-down menus" for this?

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I for one will be staying here on the Nexus, and keeping my work free. Since the Nexus's start, I've always enjoyed the quality of the community, moderators and Mod work posted here. I find it very valuable and educational to interact with the community, and not be in my studio doing Mod work only for myself.


Don't know about what you all think, but I've always found Steam to have a poor environment for development feedback. Far too many of the comments look like drunken text messages to me. Worst of all, I think the Steam workshop's habit of turning a blind eye to people who use art pirated directly from games very disturbing. Obviously, as a game artist, that bugs me to no end. I hope Steam will clean up its act now that money is exchanging hands.

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In response to post #24597589. #24597689, #24597789, #24597819, #24598324, #24598539 are all replies on the same post.

LtRhapthorne wrote:
Millenia wrote: Nexus will never have paywalled/paid for mods. All it has is a simple donation popup feature that mod authors can opt into.
OiramX5 wrote: Hey Millenia, nice to see you still with us :)

Do you plan to continue your mods in nexus?
Really like the guns you made it!
LtRhapthorne wrote: It's not that, it's the fact that this has killed the atmosphere of modding.

Maybe it's just change. But before the concept of being paid people made mods because of their vision of the game not the bottom line.

It's not the community I fell in love with 7 years ago, before I even had a nexus account.
hector530 wrote: i think people are overacting a bit. modding isnt dead, no one is making a living selling mods, this only on steamworkshop
AngryCupcake91 wrote: please just don't make this a thing for New Vegas, some of us can't afford video games in general much less paying for mods, Bethesda...why?

what? so you assume within the 1st few days that ALL mod authors are going to start charging for their mods??? people are getting WAY too dramatic about this. Like Dark0ne said "we've got to let the dust settle and see what comes of all of this. It's too early to tell."
Yet everyone's running around screaming "I QUIT!" or "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!" Get a grip, people....
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In response to post #24597539. #24597584, #24597894 are all replies on the same post.

vinak wrote:
PickleJar wrote: Yeah, but before, there was no legitimate, institutionalized way to sell mods. Now there is.
akkalat85 wrote: Money always changes people. Whereas before if a mod was stolen it was a slap in the face. Now it's about capitalizing on other's work.

It's happened before almost 20 years ago...the Doom/Hexen/Quake modding community dried up after a couple "publishers" released collections of .WAD's they had swiped. They got away with it because the mods were put out there for free. They also made "wallpaper" and "midi" collections using stuff swiped from other groups. It... ... ...was a really shitty time.
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In response to post #24597589. #24597689, #24597789, #24597819, #24598324, #24598539, #24598784 are all replies on the same post.

LtRhapthorne wrote:
Millenia wrote: Nexus will never have paywalled/paid for mods. All it has is a simple donation popup feature that mod authors can opt into.
OiramX5 wrote: Hey Millenia, nice to see you still with us :)

Do you plan to continue your mods in nexus?
Really like the guns you made it!
LtRhapthorne wrote: It's not that, it's the fact that this has killed the atmosphere of modding.

Maybe it's just change. But before the concept of being paid people made mods because of their vision of the game not the bottom line.

It's not the community I fell in love with 7 years ago, before I even had a nexus account.
hector530 wrote: i think people are overacting a bit. modding isnt dead, no one is making a living selling mods, this only on steamworkshop
AngryCupcake91 wrote: please just don't make this a thing for New Vegas, some of us can't afford video games in general much less paying for mods, Bethesda...why?
danielleonyett wrote: what? so you assume within the 1st few days that ALL mod authors are going to start charging for their mods??? people are getting WAY too dramatic about this. Like Dark0ne said "we've got to let the dust settle and see what comes of all of this. It's too early to tell."
Yet everyone's running around screaming "I QUIT!" or "IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!" Get a grip, people....

You're welcome to think that. But modding is dead to me now.
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