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Petition Valve Over 63,000 signatures


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Petitions can work, especially if they receive a lot of signatures. Media outlets will pick up their message and report on them, thus spreading negative publicity which then pressures Valve and Bethesda. It all depends on how much they care about their customers and public image, though.

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I'm sure steam and beth know of all this, but we need to have more numbers and not use steam workshop.

I'm hope some a really nasty guy in Beth with power force it. How I wish that to be true, I hate to think of beth to fall into the level of EA this fast, I trust them so much. For now we have to get to 100.000 or more.

Many are trashing the wrokshop already.

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In bigger companies (and i'm sure valve and bethesda belonging to them) someone tries to make a asumption how much money they loose in a specific situation.

Watching the petition under those eyes it's not very well written for the community, cause it basically nowhere mention the failures of the companies, so it doesn't realy hurt the companies.

It would be a totally different beast if 100.000 people sign a petition with a content like ... bethesda games are at best medicore without the work continous work of the moder, but would this many people sign such a petition ?

So this soft version maybe gets more attention but their repution is still not realy at risk. Puplic attention from websites / magazins / bloggers and so on with real critic would make it a much higher risk for valve and bethesda and therefor more likely that they change something.

I realy hope that after the first batch of articles more follow and this new articles will be more critical.

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Sorry if this is in the wrong place, but please give it a look and sign it if you're agreeable:




63,880 supporters 11,120 needed to reach 75,000


Petitions DO NOT WORK. If you want a loud voice in this then have it by not buying aanything from steam.


i think you're wrong.


look what's happened for the Sims4 ? petitions and gamers have changed a bit EA strategy.


And what do you do for people who bought their games on Steam ?

Steam is not really bad, their last decisions are.

Edited by Carabine
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Petitions DO NOT WORK. If you want a loud voice in this then have it by not buying aanything from steam.

Outcries make a difference


Keep the noise up. Not just here, but in other places. If a media site latches on, then there's the possibility of something happening. If Valve get enough bad press overall it should be good


Remember SimCity? That went "wonderfully" for EA and they eventually were forced to make the online mode that was allegedly impossible on their system, along with basically completely remaking Sims 4 lest they had another disaster.

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Petitions DO NOT WORK. If you want a loud voice in this then have it by not buying aanything from steam.

Outcries make a difference


Keep the noise up. Not just here, but in other places. If a media site latches on, then there's the possibility of something happening. If Valve get enough bad press overall it should be good


Remember SimCity? That went "wonderfully" for EA and they eventually were forced to make the online mode that was allegedly impossible on their system, along with basically completely remaking Sims 4 lest they had another disaster.


At the same time, do you remember this?:


That armour mod that Valve is featuring just raked in $2k in revenue. I am starting to feel some of the signers of the petition are turncoats just like those in the photo.

Edited by freedom613
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It's at 89k signatures right now it's definitely going to hit 100k+ and even more in the next couple of days. it'S defenitely going to reach someone ears, it's already been reported on some major news outlet like forbes, kotaku and by popular youtube celebrities. It's only a mater of time, will steam revert their decision who knows ?


Right now the facts are the community don't like the idea of paid mods and it shows a lot on the workshops and in the community forums boards.

Edited by reviel
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