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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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First of all, thanks for your job, thanks for Nexus to you and thanks to all Nexus team.


I am (and some people agree with me too) always will be on your side. It is your decision. You're respecting decisions of other people, why they should not respecting your decision?


Thanks again!

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In response to post #24641229. #24641539, #24641734, #24642254 are all replies on the same post.

Vulkin96 wrote:
MangoMonkey wrote: That power largely resides with the consumer, and the modder. If you don't buy the mods - and I doubt many will - then the business model doesn't work and it doesn't stick.

There's also the counter-argument that paid modding might actually increase the availability of free mods. If a prospective mod author wishes to persuade people to buy his content, that means the content has to be of a certain quality. Learning how to make mods of that quality mandates experience and learning, both of which can be gained most readily with active and supported communites like the Nexus. If anything, if modding begins to require a certain amount of "professionalism", it might actually spur the community on to increase the quality of the free mods to help get them to that level.

I'm not saying it will for certain, but it's something to think about.
WightMage wrote: Surprisingly, over the past 48 hours, more modders have come out clarifying they will remain free rather than switch to a payment system.

At the same time, modders are reporting receiving more donations than before.
Vulkin96 wrote: There will always be people who will buy mods, DotA items were bought, Cs-go items were bought and so on, why wouldnt people pay for mods.
Yes those mods will require to be of a certain quality and that may lead to new authors learning and getting known by creating free mods, but in the end that will just be a starting point, when the author reaches certain point of skill he will place his now known and better work on sale.
Here on nexus there are many really great mods, that required much time and lots of skill and experience to be made, and they were free (and lots of them will be, so i thank the authors for that) but now with paid modding option people will rather invest their skill and time somewhere where they can profit.

For example if i am a starting modder, throughout my learning path i can create mods and put them here for free, people could like my mods, use them free of charge and then at point where i think that my skill is good enough that i can profit from it i would go and create paid mods, or versions of my old mods that now cost money, making that a loss for the people that dont want to pay for mods, as they didnt have to till now, because my mods would have to be free as there was no option for me to charge them.

Yes i have seen that, and i can only say thanks and give respect for those authors. Donation increase is logical, there is no better way to support and encourage authors to remain free, i would 100% rather give my money to support people for their great work here then to pay for a mod.

Im just saying in general that in time that can change, and could lead to the things i have said.
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I think the most effective place to target our outrage is not against the modern authors who if they were able to make enough money to do it full time but against the fact that when you buy a mod most of the money goes to valve and Bethesda not the creator. Everybody should be posting about the 25 – 75 split and not the overall concept.


There are many great modern authors that if they could make enough money to do it full time we probably end up with so many great mods. Because of all sorts of legal questions I wish there was an easier answer like a place where good model authors could actually sell their creations without being ripped off.


Don't target the people that want to just make a little money off of their hard work but target the people that are exploiting their hard work.

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Great post!


This would be easily stopped if everyone just wouldn't pay for anything, unfortunately Steam is full of people like the ones that buy Evolve and all the day one DLC for that to ever work.

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I disagree with your point on taking Valve's money. What's happening is that you or this website is profitting of of a system that 90% of the community disagrees with. In a way you're spitting in the face of every mod author on this website who's against paying for mods. The money you get doesn't come from Valve or Bethesda, it comes from Users who were made to believe they have to pay for a mod. People who might not even realize all the issues regarding this system which have been already been mentioned by so many. You're now part of the system taking money from people who should not have to pay for this content. A system that leaves mod authors with 25% of what should be theirs.
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