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Does anyone still play Skyrim?


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Haven't been aroung for a few months, and I am very sad to see that I appear to have walked into the aftermath of a really ugly firestorm... plus (and not just because of that), it seems that a lot of prominent modders have left the community, the whole of which seems to have dwindled.


I hope I'm not the only one still playing this game. :sad:

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Well, I'm still playing but having some troubles with SKSE. Seems some mods require a version that I haven't found on the oficial site.

The only mods I know of that would require the SKSE that hasn't been released yet are the mods like SkyUI 5.0 which also haven't been officially released.

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Modding continues to breathe new life into Skyrim. Currently running a 233 mod setup on a character who is level 34 and I've explored probably 5% of the total content.

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I still play, though like most people who have been part of the modding community for a good number of years I have not escaped the sting recent events have left.

Honestly I love Skyrim too much both fantastically modded and just plain old vanilla to let recent events push me away from it.


Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I don't care about what happened, because I do and it really broke my heart to see so many people turn on each other almost at the drop of a hat. Mistakes were made and emotions ran wild on all sides involved leading to more mistakes, but thats part of being human, the best thing we can do is learn from them and take steps to try not repeat history or at least ensure the damage is not nearly as bad the next time.


Will the community ever be the same? No, some of the damage done will be remain as shameful scars of a dark point in our history. However this doesn't mean things will go down hill from here. Sure it might not be the same but that doesn't mean that things won't get better, this tragedy might open the way for a new golden age for this modding community for all any of us know.

I for one have hopes for a brighter future and believe it is within grasp if we want it. We're at a crossroad right now with paths leading to various possible futures some good some bad. The choices we as a community make in the months and even years to come will decide the direction we go for better or worse.

It won't be easy creating a postive future as even a road towards a better tomorrow is not with out its bumps especially with some past bitterness still hanging around in the air. Still it is a journey we can all can make if we really want too.


So I say keep playing if you want and keep modding if you want, the real world is too serious often brutally so and life too short to deny oneself what decent pleasure they can find.

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